The purpose of this project is to design and implement a closed-loop remote monitoring and management system to help patients with Parkinson's disease. In the proposed structure, feedback indicating features relevant to the severity of the patient's motor symptoms is sent to a cloud-based server that includes decision-making algorithms. Control commands to adjust drug delivery rates would then be sent to an infusion pump connected to the patient's body.
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology to generate a real-world environment, augmented by computer-generated information such as text or graphics data. AR can be a built-in feature in a smart glass while users never lose the touch with the reality and real-time information is put into eyesight. Integrating AR with Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology seems to have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and we have thought of helping Alzheimer's disease patients through such technologies.
Cognitive flexibility refers to the ability to shift between different mental tasks, and strategies or alternatively respond to the changes and unexpected events in our environment. Previous studies have shown that there are relationships between executive functions and movement patterns, such as asymmetry and balance during walking and reaction speed. In this project, we try to find the relationship between movement parameters and cognitive flexibility among healthy participants.
Blockchain technology is highly resistant to cyber attacks due to its decentralized structure. This project is mainly focused on blockchain-based remote monitoring that allows for the secure collection and sharing of medical data from remote locations. This can be useful in situations where patients are unable to visit healthcare facilities in person. Once developed, the system ensures that patient data is kept private, while still allowing healthcare professionals to access the information they need to make informed decisions.
An infusion pump is a device to deliver controlled amounts of medication into a patient’s body. A smart infusion pump includes features such as occlusion detection, dose error reduction, and remote programming. In this project, we have initially planned to design an accurate syringe pump equipped with force sensors. This project is managed through the Medical Devices Research Cluster, located at the Createch.
Visually impaired people mainly rely on their sense of touch and hearing, which reduces their interaction with the environment. In this project, we have design, prototype, and test low-cost smart wearables including gloves and shoes to improve both the interaction and navigation of the visually impaired in a structured environment. Our devices are mainly equipped with RFID to explore the surrounding objects and provide audio feedback.