Hossein Hamzehpour
Assistant Professor of Physics, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Research Interests
Teaching Experiences
Theses Supervised
- Postdoc,
Theoretical (Computational) Condensed Matter Physics: 2007-2008,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
- Ph.D.,
Theoretical (Computational) Condensed Matter Physics: 2001-2006,
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran.
- M.Sc., Experimental Condensed Matter Physics: 1999-2001, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- B.Sc., Physics: 1995-99, Tarbiat Moaalem University, Tehran, Iran.
- H. Hamzehpour, F. Haghsheno Kasani, M. Sahimi, and R. Sepehrinia, "Wave propagation in disordered fractured porous media",
Phys. Rev. E 89, 023301 (2014).
- H. Hamzehpour, A. Atakhani, A. Kumar Gupta, and M. Sahimi, "Electro-osmotic flow in disordered porous and fractured media",
Phys. Rev. E 89, 033007 (2014).
- M.
Bahmani, A. Hasanbeigi, and H. Hamzehpour ," Influence of finite radial
geometry on the growth rate of ion-channel free electron laser",
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 20, 113114 (2013).
- A. Yazdi, H. Hamzehpour and M. Sahimi, "Permeability, porosity and percolation properties of two-dimensional disordered
fracture networks," Phys. Rev. E 84, 046317 (2011).
- M. Sahimi and H. Hamzehpour, "Efficient computational strategies for solving global optimization problems," Computing in
Science & Engineering, (2010).
- H. Hamzehpour, V.V. Mourzenko, J.-F. Thovert and P.M. Adler, "Percolation and permeability of networks of heterogeneous
fractures," Phys. Rev. E 79, 036302 (2009).
- H. Hamzehpour, M. R. Rasaei and M. Sahimi, "Development of optimal models of porous media by combining static
and dynamic data: The permeability and porosity distributions," Phys. Rev. E 75, 056311 (2007).
- H. Hamzehpour and M. Sahimi, "Development of optimal models of large-scale porous media by combining static and dynamic
data: The porosity distribution," Phys. Rev. E 74, 026308 (2006).
- H. Hamzehpour and M. Sahimi,"Generation of long-range correlations in large systems as an optimization problem,"
Phys. Rev. E 73, 056121 (2006).
- E. Pazhoohesh, H. Hamzehpour and M. Sahimi, "Numerical simulation of ac conduction in three dimensional heterogeneous
materials," Phys. Rev. B 73, 174206 (2006).
- H. Hamzehpour, "Simulation of transport phenomena in fractured porous media", Proceedings of the Computational Physics
Conference, Tehran, Iran (2014). (Invited Talk)
- E.
Sharafedini, H. Hamzehpour, and S. F. Masoudi, "Ac conductivity of
surfaces grown by ballistic deposition of rod like particles",
Proceeding of the Statistical Physics, Soft matter and complex systems
Conference, Tehran, Iran (2013).
- M. Khazaee, and H. Hamzehpour, "Numerical solution of single phase fluid flow in heterogeneous fractured porous media ",
Proceedings of the 2nd IPM Conference on Soft Matter, Biological and Statistical Physics, Tehran, Iran (2013).
- E. Sharafedini, S. F. Masoudi, and H. Hamzehpour, "Study of roughness and porosity of surfaces grown by ballistic deposition
of particles with different lengths", Proceeding of the Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2013).
- E. Mahgerefteh, A. Naji, and H. Hamzehpour, "Electrostatic interaction of disorder charged media in two dimensions",
Proceeding of the Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2013).
- F. Haghshenoo, H. Hamzehpour, R. Sepehrinia "Acoustic wave amplitude decay in disorder fractured media,''
Proceeding of the Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2012).
- A. Atakhani, H. Hamzehpour "Electroosmotic phenomena in two dimensional fractured media,'' Proceeding of the
Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2012).
- F. Akbarashrafi, H. Hamzehpour, M. R. Rasaei "Simulation of two-phase flow in fractured porous media,'' Proceeding
of the Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2012).
- M. Khoshhali, H. Hamzehpour "Simulation of acoustic wave propagation in anisotropic two dimensional disordered
fracture media," Proceeding of the Condense Mater Physics Conference, Zanjan, Iran (2011).
- A. Yazdi and H. Hamzehpour, "Effective permeability of two dimensional fracture media with log-normal distribution
of fractures length," Proceeding of the Condense Mater Physics Confeence, Zanjan, Iran (2011).
- M. Khoshhali, H. Hamzehpour and S.M.V. Alaei, "Shape of wave front in two dimensional disordered fracture media,"
condense mater conference, Shiraz, (2010).
- A. Yazdi and H. Hamzehpour, "Simulation of fluid flow in two dimensional disordered fractured media," Annual physics
conference of Iran, Hamedan, (2010).
- H. Hamzehpour and P.M. Adler, "Flow and Percolation in anisotropic fractured media," condense mater conference,
Zanjan, 2010.
- M.
A. Vesaghi, A. A. Shafikhani, H. Hamzehpour, M. Heidari Saani,
"Oscillation modes of carbon thin films in IR region (2800 - 3000
cm�ˆ’1)," Proceeding of the Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Zanjan
University, Zanjan, 24 - 27 August (2002).
- Diffusion and heat transfer in heterogeneous media.
- Optimization problems (using simulated annealing and other methods).
- Simulation of wave propagation and fluid flow in heterogeneous media.
- Physics of thin films.
- Transport in heterogeneous materials.
- Statistical Mechanics, Graduate Course
- Computational Physics, Graduate Course
- Statistical Physics, Undergraduate Course
- Applications of computer in Physics, Undergraduate Course
- Electromagnetism I and II, Undergraduate Courses
- Analytical Mechanics I and II, Undergraduate Courses
- General Physics I, Undergraduate Course
- (I) M.Sc. Thesis
- (13) Sara Jafari Pazoki (in progress)
- (12) Mozhgan Asgari (in progress)
- (11) Amir Baniasadi (Graduated - February 2014)
- (10) Elham Sharafedini (Graduated - February 2014)
- (9) Maliheh Khazaee (Graduated - February 2014)
- (8) Marzieh Marzoughi (Graduated - February 2013)
- (7) Mohammad Bahmani (Graduated - February 2013)
- (6) Elnaz Mahgerefteh (Graduated - February 2013)
- (5) Fatemeh Haghshenoo (Graduated - February 2012)
- (4) Fatemeh Akbarashrai (Graduated - February 2012)
- (3) Asal Atakhani (Graduated - February 2012)
- (2) Mehdi Khoshhali (Graduated - September 2011)
- (1) Anoosheh Yazdi (Graduated - February 2011)
- (II) B.Sc. Thesis
- Niuosha Ahmadikhoo (Graduated - September 2012)
- Majid Saberi (Graduated - September 2012)
- Mehdi Ramezani (Graduated - September 2011)