Farhad Shahverdi
Contact Address
- Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering
K. N. Toosi University of Technology
P.O Box: 19395-1999
Tehran, Iran
- Tell: (+98 21) 8406 3214
Fax: (+98 21) 8867 4748
- E-mail address: shahverdi@K
( Notice that to avoid spam mails, kntu.ac.ir is replaced with K )
- Web site address: http://sahand.kntu.ac.ir/~shahverdi/
teaching & research field
- Applicable design
specific topic of interest
- Machine tool design
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Pardis St. , Molla-Sadra Avenue, Vanak. Sq. , Tehran, Iran
Tell: (+98 21) 8867 4841-8 Fax: (+98 21) 8867 4748
P.O Box: 19395-1999 Postal Code: 19991 43344
Website: www.kntu.ac.ir
Email: mechanic@K
( Notice that to avoid spam mails, "kntu.ac.ir" is
replaced with K )