Kamal Aghigh
Date Awarded
Educational Institution
Field of Study
Panjab Univ. (Chandigarh), India
Tabriz Univ. (Tabriz, Iran)
Tabriz Univ. (Tabriz, Iran)
Pure Mathematics
Pure Mathematics
Valuation Theory
Pure Mathematics
16.37 out of 20
3.4 out of 4
Field: Mathematics (Algebra, Number Theory )
Research Interest: Valuation Theory, Field Theory and Polynomials, Elearning & Mlearning, Educational Assessment
- Participated at the Annual Iranian Mathematics Competition held in 1984, Ranking 5th
- B.SC.: Second Position in University,
- M.SC.: Second Position in University,
- Awarded a scholarship for Ph.D. by Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Iran.
Positions held:
Nature of Work
2002 to date
Dept. of Mathematics, K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Associate Professor
Teaching & Research
Dept. of Mathematics,
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Research Fellow
Dept. of Mathematics, K. N. Toosi University
Teaching & Research
Work Experiences:
Teaching Experience: 29 Years (Approx.).
Thought Courses:
1. Approximation theory
2. Advance Engineering Mathematics
3. Advance Algebra
4. Algebraic Number Theory
5. Valuation Theory
Under graduate:
1. Calculus
2. Set Theory, Logic
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics
4. Differential equation
5. Partial Differential Equation
6. Number Theory
7. Discrete mathematics
8. Complex function
9. Algebra
10. Linear Algebra
11. Statistic
Administrative Affairs:
1. Head of Department of Pure Mathematics, K. N. Toosi University of Technology(2013-2015).
1. Head of virtual learning, K. N. Toosi University of Technology(2005-2011).
2. General Director of Open Instructions, K. N. Toosi University of Technology(2004-2011).
3. Director of Culture and Student of Science Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology(1996- 1997)
Cooperation with Other Universities / Organizations:
1. National Organization for Educational Assessment of Iran. (As a Researcher) (2003-2005)
1. Iranian Mathematical Society
2. Iranian Information and Communication Technology Society
2. Iranian's scientific standard association
- Kamal Aghigh, , Some of the properties of irreducible polynomials by using liftings, International Conference on Algebra and Logic: Theory and Applications, Russia, July 24-30 (2016).
- Kamal Aghigh, Azadeh Nikseresht, A note on defectless extensions of valued fields, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Turkey, July 9 -11(2014)
- Kamal Aghigh, Azadeh Nikseresht, A new proof of theorem on Characterizing complete distinguished chains, 44th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Iran, August 27-30 (2013)
- Kamal Aghigh, Azadeh Nikseresht, A result on defectless extensions of valued fields, 44th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Iran, August 27-30 (2013)
- Kamal Aghigh, Maryam Shahvand, Some properties of an irreducible polynomial with coefficients in a valued field (K; v) via distinguished pairs, 23th Iranian Algebra Seminar,Iran, November 21-22, (2013).
- Kamal Aghigh, Azadeh Nikseresht, A characterization of distinguished pairs, 9th Seminar on Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, Iran, November 7-8 (2012)
- Kamal Aghigh, M. Bodaghi, Learning Methods and Concepts Used in Mobile Learning and how to improve them using New Approaches, 6th International Conference on e-Learning, Canada, (2011)
- Kamal Aghigh, On Some Problems in Valuation Theory. Discrete mathematics, algebra and their applications, Minsk, Belarus (2009).
- Kamal Aghigh, On Invariants of Irreducible Polynomials over a Henselian Valued Field, 7th International Algebraic Conference, Ukraine, (2009).
- Kamal Aghigh, Valuation Theory and Some of It's applications, Recent Trends in Algebra & Algebraic Number Theory, India, (2009)
- E. Zaraii, Kamal Aghigh, K. Rastegar, Assessment of Elearning, 3th Conference of E-learning, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran (December 25-26, 2008).
- Kamal Aghigh, Narjes Seyedi, a note on complete distinguished chains, 39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kerman University, Iran (August 24-27, 2008).
- Kamal Aghigh, Nilash, Shamsaddini, A Characterization of a defectless Extention Fields, International Conference on Ring and Module Theory Hacettepe University, Turkey (August 18-22, 2008).
- Kamal Aghigh, Narjes Seyedi, Invariants and distigushed pairs, 19th Algebra Seminar Semnan University, Iran (March 12-13, 2008).
- Kamal Aghigh, Abbas razavi, mathematics Education based on constructivism approach, 36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd University, Iran ( sept. 10-13,2005).
- Kamal Aghigh, Abbas razavi, Applying Multimedia for Mathematics Education, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Ahvaz University, Iran (January 26-29, 2005).
- Kamal Aghigh, S.M.Hashemiparast, System Quality Control Using Item Response Theory, 4th Weas Simulation,Modelling and Optimization Conference, Turkey, (September 13-16, 2004).
- Kamal Aghigh, A study of tame fields, The Indian Science Congress Association, India (2001)
- Kamal Aghigh, On invariants associated with irreducible polynomials over Q, International Conference, in Number theory and Discrete mathematic, India (2000)
- Kamal Aghigh, On Invariants of Elements over a Henselian Field, International Conference in Valuation Theory, Canada, (1999)
- Kamal Aghigh, Super Manifolds, Iranian mathematic Conference (Iran), (1987)
- Kamal Aghigh, A Survey article on representation theory and its applications to banach algebras, Functional Analysis and operator Theory, Sharif Univ. , Iran, (1985)
Publications and Preprints:
- Kamal Aghigh, Anuj Bishnoi, Sanjeev Kumar and Sudesh Kaur Khanduja, A study of irreducible polynomials over henselian valued fields via distinguished pairs, Valuation Theory in Interaction (European Mathematical Society)(2014) 1-10.
- Kamal Aghigh and Azadeh Nikseresht, Characterizing distinguished pairs by using lifting of irreducible polynomials, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol. 58, (2015) 225-232.
- Kamal Aghigh and Azadeh Nikseresht, Constructing complete distinguished chains with given invariants, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, J. Algebra Appl. 14, 1550026 (2015).
- Kamal Aghigh and Azadeh Nikseresht, On extensions of semilocal prufer domains, Communications in Algebra vol. 42(10) (2014), 4235-4240.
- Kamal Aghigh, et al, Assessment and evaluation of E-learning, Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol. 1, No.1, (2010) 93-117.
- Kamal Aghigh, On Distinguished Pairs with respect to a Henselian Valued Field, Hadronic Journal (Algebras, Groups and Geometries) Vol. 32,(2009).
- Kamal Aghigh, Fitting Test for Logistic Function in Defining the Ability Level and Ranking in Exams, Journal of Technology of Education, Vol. 3, No. 3, (2009) 205-214.
- Kamal Aghigh, et all, A note on finite quadrature rules with a kind of Freud Weight function, Mathematical problems in Engineering, 2009.
- Kamal Aghigh, On irreducible polynomials over a defectless henselian valued field, Journal of Metematical Sciences, Vol.19, No.2 (2008) 225-229.
- Kamal Aghigh, et all: A survey on third and fourth kind of Chebyshev polynomials and their applications. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199 (1), 2-12 (2008)
- Kamal Aghigh, et all, On numerical integration methods with the generalized Stieltjes weight function. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(2), 1184-1190 (2006)
- Kamal Aghigh, et all: A symmetric sequence of orthogonal polynomials associated with the Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1): 194-199 (2006)
- Kamal Aghigh and Sudesh K. Khanduja, On Chains Associated with elements Algebraic over a Henserian Valued Field , Algebra Colloquium (2005) 607-616.
- Kamal Aghigh and Sudesh K. Khanduja, A Note on Tame Fields, Field Institute Communications (2003) 33, 1-6.
- Kamal Aghigh and Sudesh K. Khanduja, On the main invariant of elements algebric over a henselian valued field, Proc. Edinburg Math. Soc. (2002) 45, 219-227.
Books and Technical Reports:
1. Dictionary of Assessment, Measurement and Educational Evaluation. Tehran: National Organization for Educational Assessment of Iran (2005)
2. Calculus 1(2007)
3. Advance Engineering Mathematics (2008)
3. Calculus (2012)
Technical Reports:
1. Item Response Theory (IRT), presented to National Organization for Educational Assessment of Iran.
2. Analysis of English Test by IRT Method, presented to National Organization for Educational Assessment of Iran.
3. Ability of Estimation of Examinees by IRT Method, presented to National Organization for Educational Assessment of Iran.
My students:
Ph.D. Students:
, Azadeh Nikseresht (2010-2014)
, Ph.D. Thesis: On some problems over Prufer domains
Msc. Students:
Some photos in conferences and symposium:

Prof. Ron Brown and Prof. S. K. Khanduja, Recent Trends in Algebra & Algebraic Number Theory, India, 2009.

Prof. Bal. K. Passi., Recent Trends in Algebra & Algebraic Number Theory, India, 2009.

4th conference of Elearning, Tehran, Iran 2009

7th International Algebraic conference in Ukraine, 2009.

Sixth convocation of Open University of Malaysia-2008

Sixth convocation of Open University of Malaysia-2008

Conference of Ring and Module Theory in Hacettepe University- Ankara-Turkey -2008

Conference of Ring and Module Theory in Hacettepe University- Ankara-Turkey -2008

Tehran, Iran, 2005

Prof. Franz Kuhlmann, Tehran- Iran- 2004

Prof. Salma Kuhlmann, Tehran- Iran- 2004