• Industrial engineering
    Industrial engineering is about how to do things better and more efficiently.

I received my BS degree from Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, and MS and PhD degrees from Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, all in Industrial Engineering. I am currently Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering at K. N. Toosi University of Technology, and I am reviewer of several international journals. My research interests include sustainability, supply chain design, robust optimization, Energy systems modelling, and Disaster management.

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Disaster Management

Design of the relief supply chain in disaster

Solution Approaches

Development of Exact solution approaches


Planning for different health requirements


Robust Optimization,Stochastic Programming

Modeling of energy systems

Supply Chain Design for Renewable Energy

Applied OR

Seeking for new and useful topics ...

My Awards And Honors

- Best teaching professor among the faculty members,Department of Industrial Engineering, KNTU(2019)

- First ranked student among the Industrial Engineering Ph.D. students,Department of Industrial Engineering,IUST(2014)

- Second ranked student among the Industrial Engineering M.Sc. graduates,Department of Industrial Engineering,IUST(2009)

- First ranked student among the Industrial Engineering B.Sc. graduates, Department of Industrial Engineering,BASU(2007)

- Academic excellence student among the Industrial Engineering B.Sc. students,BASU(2005)


The title of a number of theses that I was the Supervisor:

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The title of a number of theses that I was the Supervisor:

  • Using robust optimization approach in multi-period portfolio selection, Saghar Homaeifar
  • Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right
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Journal Papers

1-R. Ramezanian, M. Saidi-Mehrabad, D. Rahmani, Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Missing Operations: Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search, International Journal of Applied Operational Research, 2011, 1(2): 21-30.

2-R. Ramezanian, D. Rahmani, F. Barzinpour, An aggregate production planning model for two phase production systems: solving with genetic algorithm and tabu search, Expert Systems with Applications, 2012, 39(1): 1256–1263.

3- D. Rahmani, R. Ramezanian, P. Fattahi, M. Heydari, A robust optimization model for multi-product two-stage capacitated production planning under uncertainty, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(20–21): 8957–8971.

4- D. Rahmani, , M. Heydari, A. Makui, M. Zandieh, A new approach to reduce the effects of stochastic disruptions in flexible flow shop problem with stability and nervousness, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 2014.

5- D. Rahmani, R. Ramezanian, M. Saidi-Mehrabad, Multi-objective flow shop scheduling problem with stochastic parameters: fuzzy goal programming approach, International Journal of Operational Research, 2014, 21(3), 322 - 340.

6- D. Rahmani, , M. Heydari, Robust and stable flow shop scheduling with unexpected arrival of new jobs and uncertain processing times, Journal of Manufacturing System, 2014, 33, 1, 84–92.

7- D. Rahmani, A. Yousefli, R. Ramezanian, A new robust fuzzy approach for aggregate production planning, Scientia Iranica, 2015, 21(6): 2307-2314.

8-Rahmani, D., & Ramezanian, R. (2016). A stable reactive approach in dynamic flexible flow shop scheduling with unexpected disruptions: A case study. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 98, 360-372.

9-Entezaminia, A., Heidari, M., & Rahmani, D. (2016). Robust aggregate production planning in a green supply chain under uncertainty considering reverse logistics: a case study. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-22.

10-Entezaminia, A., Heydari, M., & Rahmani, D. (2016). A multi-objective model for multi-product multi-site aggregate production planning in a green supply chain: Considering collection and recycling centers. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 40, 63-75.

11-Rahmani, D. (2017). A new proactive-reactive approach to hedge against uncertain processing times and unexpected machine failures in the two-machine flow shop scheduling problems. Scientia Iranica, 24(3), 1571-1584.

12-Ramezanian, R., & Rahmani, D. (2017). MILP formulation and genetic algorithm for flow shop scheduling problem with missing operations. International Journal of Operational Research, 30(3), 321-339.

13-Shadman, A., Bozorgi-Amiri, A., & Rahmani, D. (2017). A mathematical model for vehicle routing and scheduling problem with cross-docking by considering risk. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 28(2), 189-199.

14-Valinejad, F., & Rahmani, D. (2018). Sustainability risk management in the supply chain of telecommunication companies: A case study. Journal of cleaner production, 203, 53-67.

15-Rahmani, D., Zandi, A., Peyghaleh, E., & Siamakmanesh, N. (2018). A robust model for a humanitarian relief network with backup covering under disruptions: a real world application. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 28, 56-68.‏

16-Rahmani, D., Hajipour, M., & Safaie, N. (2018). A Heuristic Light Robust Approach to Increase the Quality of Robust Solutions. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(1), 0-0.‏

17-Rahmani, D. (2018). Designing a robust and dynamic network for the emergency blood supply chain with the risk of disruptions. Annals of Operations Research, 1-29.‏

18-Abdollahi Moghadam, M., Ebrahimi, S.B., Rahmani, D. (2019). A two-stage robust model for portfolio selection by using goal programming. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 12(1), 1-17.

19-Ebrahimi, M., & Rahmani, D. (2019). A five-dimensional approach to sustainability for prioritizing energy production systems using a revised GRA method: A case study. Renewable energy, 135, 345-354.

20-Rahmani, D., Zandi, A., Behdad, S., & Entezaminia, A. (2019). A light robust model for aggregate production planning with consideration of environmental impacts of machines. Operational Research, 1-25.

21-Abtahi, Z., Sahraeian, R., & Rahmani, D. (2019). Predictive heuristics to generate robust and stable schedules in single machine systems under disruptions. Scientia Iranica.

Conference Papers

1-F. Barzinpour, D. Rahmani, R. Ramezanian, A Robust Model for Aggregate Production Planning: Solving with Particle Swarm Optimization, 3rd International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, 2010.

2-R. Ramezanian, M. Saidi-Mehrabad, D. Rahmani, Mixed-Integer Non-linear Programming Model for Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Unrelated machines and Release Time, 3rd International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, 2010.

3-M. Saidi-Mehrabad, R. Ramezanian, D. Rahmani, Non-permutation flow shop scheduling problem with uncertain parameters, 7th International of Industrial Engineering Conference, 2010.

4-M. Saidi-Mehrabad, D. Rahmani, R. Ramezanian, A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Integrated Scheduling and Maintenance Problem, 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, 2011.

5-M. Shariatmadari, D. Rahmani, Application of Evidential Resoning in project selection, International Project Management Conference, 2009.

6- D. Rahmani, M. Heydari, An proactive Approach to reduce the stochastic breakdowns in flow shop scheduling problems with stability and robustness, 8th International of Industrial Engineering Conference, 2012.

7-SH. Zokai, D. Rahmani, M. Heydari, A Robust Optimization Model to Minimize Makespan for Parallel Batch Processing Machines with Non-identical Job Sizes, 3rd International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, 2012.

8-J. Ansarifar, D. Rahmani, R. Bijari, E. Keyvanshokooh, An Efficient planning model for cancer chemotherapy based on acuity level, 11th International of Industrial Engineering Conference, 2015.

9-D. Rahmani, L. Nazari, M. Rahmani, A Robust Aggregate Production Planning model for risk-averse managers under uncertainty, 12th International of Industrial Engineering Conference, 2016.

10-A. Sharifi1, A. Aghaei, D. Rahmani, Simulation of Perishable Products Inventory Control Model with theConsideration of the Sale Price Discount With System Dynamics, 4th International Conference on Industrial and System Engineering, 2018.


- Associate Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 2019-Present.

- Dean of of Socio-Economic Systems Engineering Group, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 2018-Present.

- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 2014- 2019.

- Member of Iranian Society of Industrial Engineering, 2014-2016.

- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Project Management, 2016-Present.

- Reviewer of International Journals, (such as CAIE, COR, JCLEPRO, IJPR,...)


- Facility Planning

- Queuing Theory

- Operation Research 2

- Advanced Linear Programming

- Decision Theory

- Decision Making for Managers


No.7.Pardis Ave.Molasadra .Vanak Sq.Tehran.Iran