K. N. Toosi 

University of Technology

  Metal Forming Metal Forming Metal Forming Metal Forming Metal Forming Metal Forming




Course Outline and Schedule:

Sessions Topic
1  Introductory Session
2,3  Introduction to metal forming processes, Forging, Rolling, Drawing, Extrusion, Spinning, ...
4-6  Concept of Stress and Strain, Principal Stress and Strain, ...
7,8 Tensile Test, Hook's Law, Yield Stress, Work Hardening
9,10  Plastic Deformation, Yield Criteria, Equivalent Stress and Strain
11,12  Ideal Work Method
13  Friction Laws, Redundant Deformation
14  Mid-Term Exam
15,16  Slab Method
17,18  Forging
19,20  Rolling
21,22  Bar, Pipe and Wire Drawing
23,24  Extrusion
25,26  Deep Drawing
27-29  Spinning and other Sheet Metal Forming Processes
30-32  Advanced Metal Forming Processes





This site was last updated 08/16/04