Curiculum Vita

Full name : Fereshteh Malek


5/4/1958 Date of birth :

Place of birth : Tehran ,Iran

Marital situation : married with two children

Position : assistant professor of mathematics


Education :

Ph.D.   1993   pure mathematics ,differential geometry ,Tehran University ,Tehran ,Iran.

M.Sc     1986  mathematics , combinatorics

B.Sc       1984  computer science and mathematics


Teaching Activities :

Undergraduate courses:

 Calculus  ,analysis ,linear algebra ,differential geometry ,non Euclidian  geometry ,Projective geometry ,topology.


Graduate courses:

Smooth manifolds , Riemannian manifolds, complex manifolds, Finsler geometry



1- On  homogenous  Poisson structures  ,  Bulletin of Austral. Math .Soc.(1996).                      

2-On  weakly symmetric Riemannian manifolds , Differential Geometry Dynamical Systems


3-Some results for anti-anvariant  submanifold in generalized Sasakian space form, Acta Un-

iversitatis Apulensis ,No.26,2011.

 4- Warpped product submanifold in generalized  Sasakian space form, Acta Mathematica Academia  Pedacogica ,2012.

5-Slant submanifold of almost contact metric 3-structure manifold, Mediterranean Journal of

Mathematics  ,2012.

6- Lower bound for the Ricci curvature of anti-anvariant submanifolds , Advances in Geometry,2013.

 7- Semi-slant  and  bi-slant submanifols  of almost  contact  metric 3-structure  manifolds ,

 Turkish Journal of Mathematics,2013.

 8- An interesting  proof of the nonexistence continuous bijection between …,  Involve ,2014.