Nom : Jafarian

Prenom : Majid


Ne Le : 24 , 02 , 1959   a Tehran Iran

Situation de famille : Marie

B.A.C.  : Math. 1977  a Tehran  Iran

Licence : Chimie- Physique 1986 a Univ. de Grenoble France

maitrise : Chimie- Physique 1987 a Univ. de Grenoble France         

 D.E.A. : Electrochimie 1988 aI.N.P.  de Grenoble France             

Doctorat : Electrochimie 1990 aI.N.P.  de Grenoble France

Position : Assistant  Professor of  Electrochimie 1990

               Associate Professor of Electrochimie   2001

               Professor of  Electrochimie 2006 .




Book :

 1.H.Heli,M.Jafarian,M.G.Mahjani,F.Gobal,”ElectrocatalyticOxidationofMethanolinAlkalineSolution”In:NewResearchonElectrochemistry,E.P.Vargus(Ed),NovaScience Publishers Inc., ISBN 1-60021-304-9, Ch. 5, pp. 153-176, 2007 

2. I.Danee, M. Jafarian   ,F.Gobal ,A.Maleki and M.G.Mahjani ’’Electrocrystallization Of Al, Pb,Mn,Al-Pb,and Al-Mn from molten salt(AlCl3-NaCl-KCl) ’’In : Applied Electrochemistry , Vijay G. Singh(Ed), ,NovaScience Publishers Inc., ISBN  978-1-60876-208-8 , Ch 2 , pp 121-165,   2010


3. I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani “Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol and Glucose on NiCu alloy Electrode”

In: Copper Alloys:Preparation, properties and Applications, Michael Naboka and Jennifer Giordano (Ed), NovaScience Publishers Inc., ISBN 978-1-61209-504-2






1: Etude voltamperometrique du chlorure de Cadmium dansl’eutectique LiCl-KCl fondu

     M.Jafarian et J.Bouteillon

     Electrochimica Acta, vol. 35, no 7, pp1201-1208 (1990)


2: Stability and Electrochemical properties of mono and trivalant indium species in fused  LiCl-KCl  eutectic

J.Bouteillon , M.Jafarian , M.Mohamedie and J.C.Poignet

Materrial Science forum vol. 73-75 pp328-332(1991)


3: Electrochemical Study of the porperties of indium in the fused LiCl-KCl eutectic     

J.Bouteillon , M.Jafarian , J.C.Poignet and A.Reydet

J.Electrochem  Soc. Vol. 139 , No. 1 , pp 1-5 (1992)


    4: Recent  Eletrochemical Studies in fused halide mixtures in molten chloride media

    M.Jafarian , A.Khalidi , E.Lima , A.Marguier , M.Mohamedi , M.Taoumi and J.Bouteillon

    Current Topics in Electrochemistry , 2 , pp195-205 (1993)


    5: Eletrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the poly-o-aminophenol film

  M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

   Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.36A , March  pp177-183 (1997)


6: Eletrochemical study of the slowly adsorbed H+/H species on Platinum electrode

M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani  and F.Gobal

Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.36A , Octobre pp877-881 (1998)


    7: A study of the fractal dimensions of the electrodepsited poly -ortho - aminophenol films in presence of different anions

     F.Gobal , K.Malek ,  M.G.Mahjani , M.Jafarian , V.Safarnavadeh

     Synthetic Metals 108 pp 15-19(2000)


8: Hydrogen adsorption and absorption on the platinum electrode

 M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , M.Hoseni and F.Gobal

 Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.40A , November pp1149-1155 (2001)


9: Investigatin of the pyridium ion transfer across the water/nitrobenzene interface by Mean of cyclic voltammetry and ac-impedance techniques

H.Hlie,M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian, F.Gobal, M.F.Mousavie and M.Shamsipur

Electrochimica Acta , 47 , pp 2209-2214 (2002)


10: A study of the under potentiel deposited hydrogen on the nickel electrode in alkaline media M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , M.Hoseni and F.Gobal

Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.41A , May pp 1208-1211 (2002)


11: Electrocatalytic oxidation of methane at nickel hydroxide modified nickel electrode in alkaline solution                                                

M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani , H.Hlie, F.Gobal, M.Heydarpoor

Electrochemistry Communictions 5  pp.184-188 (2003)


12 : A study of the electrochemical absorption and diffusion of hydrogen into mercury in acidic solution

     M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , O.Azizi  and F.Gobal

       Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.42A , February pp 295-299 (2003)


    13 : Adsorption and absorption of hydrogen species on silver electrode in alkaline solution

    M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , O.Azizi  and F.Gobal

    Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.42A , March pp 516-519 (2003)


    14 : A study of the electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol on a cobalt hydroxide modified glassy carbon electrode

    M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, H.Hlie, F.Gobal, H.Khajehsharifi and M.H.Hamedi

    Electrochimica Acta , vol. 48 , pp3423-3429 (2003)


    15 :  Electro-oxidation of  methanol on copper in alkaline solution

     H.Hlie, M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani, F.Gobal

     Electrochimica Acta , vol. 49 , pp 4999-5006 (2004)


    16 :The effect of cathodic pretreatment of hydrogen evolution reaction and electrocatalytic behavior of copper electrode in acidic media

     M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , O.Azizi 

     Kharazmi journal of chemistry vol.1 , pp1-16 (2005)


 17:study of electrocatalytic properties of platinum-loaded poly-ortho-minophenol film towards methanol oxidation and hydrogen evolution

N.Bahrami Panah ,M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and F.Gobal

Indian. Journal of Chemistry  Vol.44A , October pp 2015-2023 (2005)


18 : effect of potential on the early stage of nucleation and growth during aluminum electrocrystallization from molten salt(AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

   M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal and I.Danaai

        Electroanalytical Chemistry Vol. 588, Issue 2, 15 March, PP 190-196 (2006 )


19    : Electro-catalytic of methanol on a Ni-Cu alloy in alkaline medium

      M.Jafarian  , R.B.Moghaddam, M.G.Mahjani and  F.Gobal

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 pp 913-918 spring(2006)


     20: Electrodeposition of aluminum from molten AlCl3-NaCl-KCl mixture

     M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani ,  F.Gobal and I.Danaai

     Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 36 pp 1169-1173 spring(2006)


21: electrochemical noise analysis for estimation of corrosion rate of carbon steel in crude oil

M.G.Mahjani , J.Neshaty , H.P.Masiha  and M.Jafarian  

      Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 54 pp27-33 (2007)


22 : Hydrogen electrosorption on TiHg alloy in acidic solution

       M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani , O.Azizi  and F.Gobal

       Journal of Alloys and compounds  432 pp74-80 (2007)


23 : Impedance spectroscopy study of aluminum electrocrystallization from  basic molten salt(AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

M.Jafarian  ,  F.Gobal ,I.Danaai  and M.G.Mahjani  

      Electrochimica Acta , vol. 52 , pp 5437-5443 (2007)


      24: The investigation of kinetics and mechanism of hydrogen evolution reaction on Tin

     O.Azizi  , M.Jafarian  , F.Gobal , H.Hlie and M.G.Mahjani

     International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  32 pp1755-1761(2007)


 25: Kinetics and electrocatalytic behavior of nanocrystalline CoNiFe alloy in hydrogen evolution reaction

M.Jafarian  , O.Azizi  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  32 pp1686-1693(2007)


26:  Electrochemical studies of the pitting corrosion of tin in citric acid solution containing Cl

M.Jafrian  ,  F.Gobal ,I.Danaai , R.Biabani and M.G.Mahjani  

      Electrochimica Acta , vol. 53 , pp 4528-4536 (2008)


       27:   Study of corrosion of carbon steel API 5L(X60) in NaHCO3/NaCl solutions by  electrochemical noise and impedance measurements

      J.Neshaty , H.P.Masiha  , M.G.Mahjani  and M.Jafarian  

     The British Corrosion Jornal vol 42 n.4 pp 371-376 (2007) 


28    : Evaluation of corrosion  behaviour of organic coatings with electrochemical noise and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

         M.G.Mahjani , J.Neshaty , H.P.Masiha ,A.Ghanbarzadeh and M.Jafarian  

         Surface engineering  vol 22 no 4 pp 229-234


29    : An investigation of theeffects of inorganic inhibitors on the corrosion rate of aluminum alloy using electrochemical noise measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

       M.G.Mahjani , M.Sabzali, M.Jafarian  and J.Neshaty  

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 54 pp 208- 216 (2007)


30    : Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on Ni and NiCu alloy modified glassy carbon electrode

       I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  33 pp4367-4376(2008)


31: Impedance spectroscopy analysis of glucose electro-oxidation on Ni modified glassy carbon electrode

I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

Electrochimica Acta , vol. 53 , pp 6602-6609 (2008)


32:Kinetic Interpretation of a negative time constant impedance of glucose electrooxidation

I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

       J.Phys.Chem B  112, pp 15933-15940 (2008)


33 :Electrochemical impedance studies of methanol oxidation on Gc/Ni and Gc/NiCu electrod

I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  33 pp 859 - 869(2009)


  34: Electrocatalytic oxidation of  glucose on Ni and NiCu alloy modified glassy carbon electrode

  M.Jafarian  , F.Forouzandeh , I.Danee  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

  J.Solid State Electrochem 13 pp 1171-1179 (2009)


  35: Correlation between irregular surface geometry and certain electrochemical quantities in poly-ortho-aminophenol

 Niloufar Bahrami Panah, M.G.Mahjani , M.Jafarian  

 Progress in Organic coatings 64 pp33-38 (2009)


  36: Prediction of lead corrosion behavior using feed-forward artificial neural network

  A.Jaberi,S.Jalili, M.G.Mahjani , and M.Jafarian

  J.iran .chem. soc. 5 pp (2008)


  37:Electrocrystallization of Pb and Pb assisted Alon aluminum electrode from Molten salt(AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

 M.Jafarian  ,  I.Danee ,A.Maleki ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

 Journal of Alloys and compounds  478 pp83-88 (2009)


  38:Electrodeposition of Al, Mn, and Al-Mn alloy Alon aluminum electrode from Molten salt(AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

 M.Jafarian  ,  I.Danee ,A.Maleki ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

      Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 39 pp 1297-1303(2009)


 39 : Electrooxidation of methanol on  NiMn alloy modified  graphite electrode

   I.Danee , M.Jafarian  , A.Mirzapoor  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

   Electrochimica Acta , vol. 55 , pp 2093-2100 (2010)


  40 :Investigation of hydrogen adsorption on platinum-decorated single-walled Carbon nanotube using molecular dynamics simulations

S.Jalili, A.Jaberi, M.G.Mahjani , and M.Jafarian

     International Journal of nanoscience  vol.8 no.4 pp 425-432 (2009)


       41 : Electrochemical study on the semiconductor properties and fractal dimension of  poly ortho aminophenol modified graphite electrode in contact with different electrolyte

      M.G. Mahjani, A. Ehsani, M. Jafarian

      Synthetic Metals, Volume 160, Pp 1252-1258(2010)


       42: A study of the electrocatalytic oxidation of cyclohexanol on copper electrode
  M. Hasanzadeh,G. Karim-Nezhad, M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian, N. Shadjou, B.      Khalilzadeh L.A. Saghatforoush

     Catalysis Communications, Volume 10 Pp 295-299(2008)


       43: Multistep Reduction of Oxygen on Polycrystalline Silver in Alkaline  solution
  M. Jafarian, F. Gobal, M.G. Mahjani, M. Hoseini aliabadi

       Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Volume 31, Pp- 541-546(2010)


      44: Multiple attractors in koper-gaspard model of electrochemical periodic and chaotic oscillations

     A.Massoudi, M.G. Mahjani,  M. Jafarian

      Electroanalytical Chemistry  Vol. 647,  PP 74-86 (2010 )


       45: Electrochemical Oxidation of Saccharose on Copper (Hydr)oxide-Modified                         electrode in Alkaline Media

  Majid Jafarian, MehdiRashvandavi, Iman Danaee, Fereydoon Gobal, M.G. Mahjani

      Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Volume 31, Pp- 1351-1357(2010)


     46: Galvanic leaching of chalcopyrite in atmospheric pressure and sulfate media : Kinetic   and surface studies

  S.M.J.Koleini, M.Jafarian, M.Abdollahy,V. Aghazadeh,

  Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (13), pp. 5997-6002(2010)


     47: Electro-oxidation of alcohols on nickel dispersed in poly-o-aminophenol  modified   graphite electrode

    M. Jafarian, M. Babaee, F. Gobal, M.G. Mahjani

    Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 652(1-2) pp 8-12(2011)


     48: EIS study of nano crystalline Ni-cerium oxide coating electrodeposition mechanism  

      H. Hasannejad, T. Shahrabi, M. Jafarian, A. Sabour Rouhaghdam

      Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509,pp 1924-1930(2011)


     49: Influence of ionic surfactant on physio-electrochemical properties and fractal dimension of poly ortho aminophenol film
Ali Ehsani, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani, Majid Jafarian, Ali Naeemy

     Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 69,  Pages 510-516(2010)



     50: AC impedance and cyclic voltammetry studies on PbS semiconducting film prepared   by electrodepositio

   A.Aghassi, M. Jafarian, I. Danaee, F. Gobal, M.G. Mahjani

   Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 661 , Pages 265-269(2011)


     51: A comparison of carbon coated and uncoated 316L stainless steel for using as bipolar plates in PEMFCs

      M.M. Larijani, M. Yari, A. Afshar, M. Jafarian, M. Eshghabadi

      Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Pages 7400-7404(2011)


     52: An electrochemical study of the synthesis and properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/poly ortho aminophenol composites

 A.Ehsani, M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian

 Synthetic Metals, Volume 161,, Pages 1760-1765 (2011)


     53: A study of the galvanic corrosion of titanium/L 316 stainless steel in artificial seawater using electrochemical noise (EN) measurements and electrochemical impedance   spectroscopy (EIS)

     Reza Moshrefi, Mohammad Ghassem Mahjani, Ali Ehsani, Majid Jafarian

     Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 58 , pp.250 – 257(2011)


     54:  Electrocatalytic Oxidation of 1-Propanol and 2-Propanol on Electro-active Films

       derived from NiII-(N,N′-bis(2-Hydroxy,3-Methoxy Benzaldehyde)-1,2-Propandiimine)          modified Glassy Carbon Electrode

  Majid Jafarian; Mehdi Rashvand avei; Fereydoon Gobal, Saeed Rayati, M. G. Mahjani    

   Electrocatal 2: pp 163–171(2011)


  55: Comparative study of the catalytic activity of a series of b-brominated Mn–porphyrins in the oxidation of olefins and organic sulfides: Better catalytic performance of the partially Brominated ones   

 Saeed Rayati, Saeed Zakavi, Elaheh Bohloulbandi, Majid Jafarian, Mehdi. Rashvandavi   

 Polyhedron 34 102–107 (2012)


  56: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on intercalation and anomalous diffusion of AlCl−4 ions into graphite in basic molten salt

 A. Ehsani, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani, Majid. Jafarian

 Turk J Chem 35, 1 – 9. (2011)


   57: A comparative investigation of the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on poly    NiTCPP and poly-TCPP/Ni modified glassy carbon electrodes   

 M. Jafarian, M.A. Haghighatbin, F. Gobal, M.G. Mahjani, S. Rayati

 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 663 14–23 (2011)


   58: DFT and Experimental Study of the Host−Guest Interactions Effect on the Structure,properties, and Electro-Catalytic Activities of N2O2−Ni (II) Schiff-Base Complexes incorporated into Zeolite      

Majid Jafarian; Mehdi Rashvandavei; M. Khakali; Fereydoon Gobal; Saeed Rayati &Mohammad G. Mahjani

J.Phys.Chem   C, 116, p 18518−18532 (2012)


  59: Investigation of anomalous diffusion and multifractal dimensions in polypyrrole film  Sharifi-Viand, M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 671, p 51–57(2012)


   60: Electrosynthesis of polypyrrole composite film and electrocatalytic oxidation ofethanol

   A. Ehsani, M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian, A. Naeemy

   Electrochimica Acta, vol. 71, pp 128– 133(2012)


   61: Electrosynthesis of poly ortho aminophenol films and nanoparticles: a comparative study 

      A. Ehsani, M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian

       Synthetic Metals, Volume 162, pp 199– 204 (2012)


  62: Electrochemical Impedance of Ethanol Oxidation in Alkaline Media

      I.Danee, M.Jafarian, F.Gobal, M. Sharafi and M.G.Mahjani

       CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 28(1), pp 19—25(2012)


   63: A Kinetic Investigation of Ethanol Oxidation on a Nickel Oxyhydroxide electrode

      I. Danaee, M. Jafarian, M. Sharafib, F. Gobal

      Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology Vol. 3, No. 1, pp, 50-56 (2012)


    64: A comparative study of the electrooxidation of C1 to C3 aliphatic alcohols on Ni modified graphite electrode

   M.Jafarian, A.Mirzapoor, I.Danaee, S. A. A.Shahnazi, F.Gobal

   SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry Vol.55 No.9:  pp 1819–1824 (2012)



56: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on intercalation and anomalous diffusion of AlCl−4 ions into graphite in basic molten salt 

A. Ehsani, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani, Majid. Jafarian 

Turk J Chem 35, 1 – 9. (2011)



   66: Molecular dynamics simulations of hydrogen adsorption/desorption by Palladium decorated single-walled carbon nanotube bundle

Seifollah Jalili, Arezou Jaberi, M. G. Mahjani and Majid Jafarian

Molecular Physics Vol 110 No 6   pp 361-368 (2012)


   67: Zeolite encapsulated Ni (II)-Schiff-base complex: A novel size-selective electro-catalyst for the determination of the purity of stevioside

    Mehdi Rashvand avei, Majid Jafarian, Sedigheh Etezadi, Fereydoon Gobal,M.Khakali, Saeed          Rayati, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani

     Talanta, Volume 108, pp 19-29 (2013)


   68: Study of the alloying additives and alkaline zincate solution effects on the commercial aluminum as galvanic anode for use in alkaline batteries

   M. Rashvand avei, M. Jafarian, H. Moghanni Bavil Olyaei, F. Gobal, S.M. Hosseini,

   M.G. Mahjani

   Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 143, pp 133-142 (2013)


   69: Detecting Pitting Corrosion and its Severity Using Wavelet Entropy in electrochemical noise Measurement

R. Moshrefi, M.G. Mahjania,*, M. Jafariana and J. Neshatib

    Phys. Chem. Res., Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 116-122, (2014)


   70: Application of wavelet entropy in analysis of electrochemical noise for corrosion type identification

   Reza Moshrefi, Mohamad Ghassem Mahjani, Majid Jafarian

   Electrochemistry Communications 48 pp 49-51 (2014)


  71: Influence of electrosynthesis conditions and Al2O3 nanoparticles on corrosion protection effect of polypyrrole films

 Ali Ehsani, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani, Maryam Nasseri and Majid Jafarian

 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials vo. 61(3) pp 146152 (2014)


 72: Investigation of Pb/PbS a positive Schottky junction formed on conductive glass in contact with alkaline solution

A. Heidaripour, M. Jafarian, F. Gobal, M. G. Mahjani, and S. Miandari



73: Determination of fractal rough surface of polypyrrole film: AFM andelectrochemical analysis

    Ahmad Sharifi-viand, Mohammad Ghasem Mahjani, Majid Jafarian

    Synthetic Metals 191 pp 104–112 (2014)


74: Kinetic Investigations of the Hydrogen evolution reaction on Hg electrode Impedance Spectroscopy studies

    M Jafarian, M Behazin, I Danaee, F Gobal

    Research Journal of Chemical Sciences vol.3 (10) pp 56-63 (2013)



75: Physioelectrochemical Investigation of Electrocatalytic Activity of Modified Carbon Paste Electrode in Alcohol Oxidation as Anode in Fuel Cell

J .Shabani-Shayeh, A. Ehsani, M Jafarian

    Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society 17 (3), pp 179-186 (2014)


76: Partial and Full β-Chlorination of meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin: Effects on the        Catalytic Activity of the Manganese Complexes for Oxidation of Organic Compounds with Periodate

  S Rayati, E Bohloulbandi, S Zakavi, M Jafarian, M Rashvand avei

  Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal 45 pp 997-1003 (2015)


77: Diffusion through the self-affine surface of polypyrrole film

A Sharifi-Viand, MG Mahjani, R Moshrefi, M Jafarian

Vacuum 114 pp 17-20 (2015)


78: Photo-electrochemical Studies by AC Impedance Spectroscopy on Electrodeposited n-Type Pbs

S Miandari, M Jafarian, MG Mahjani, A. Heidaripour

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 88 (1), pp 209-216 (2015)


79: Electrochemical investigation of ITO–metal correlation accordance to metal thickness

Heidaripour, M. G. Mahjani, Majid Jafarian, F. Gobal · S. Miandari

 J IRAN CHEM SOC 12: pp 1447–1455 (2015)


80: Electrochemical Determination of CdS Band Edgeseters and Semiconducting Param

S Miandari, M Jafarian, MG Mahjani, F. Gobal, A Heidaripour

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 88 (6), pp 814-820 (2015)


81: Synthesis and elucidation of electrochemical characteristics of nanorods, microsized and nanosized CuO as cathode materials for Zn/CuO alkaline battery

Yousef Zeraatkish1 & Majid Jafarian1 & Fereydoon Gobal2 & M. G. Mahjani

     J Solid State Electrochem 19 pp 2155-2165 (2015)


    82: Synergistic effect of cobalt and copper on a nickelbased modified graphite electrode during methanol electrooxidation in NaOH solution

    Tayebe Rostami, Majid Jafarian, Somaieh Miandari, Mohammad G. Mahjani, Fereydoon     Gobal

Chinese Journal of Catalysis 36 pp1867–1874(2015)


83: A low cost and highly active non-noble alloy electrocatalyst for Hydrazine oxidation based on nickel ternary alloy at the surface of graphite electrode     

    M. Jafarian, T. Rostami, M.G.Mahjani, F. Gobal

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 763 pp 134140 (2016)


84: Fabrication and Electrochemical Behavior of Monoclinic CuO and CuO/Graphite composite Nanoparticles as Cathode in an Alkaline Zn-CuO Battery

    Y. Zeraatkish, M. Jafarian*, M. G. Mahjani

Journal Nano Structures 5 pp251-256 (2015)


85: Application of pluronic P123 in suspension form as a corrosion inhibitor for Zinc in alkaline battery electrolyte

    Y. Zeraatkish, M. Jafarian, M. G. Mahjani

    Anal. Bioanal. Electrochem, vol 7, no 6 pp719-727(2015)


Conference (full paper)


1: Influence of sulphate, choloride & fluride ions on corrosion ressistance of

       stainless steel in phosphoric acid by the technique of sweep voltammery and

     impedance spectroscopy

     M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, J.Neshaty 

            5th National Iranian Corrosion Congress Tehran Iran pp120-131, 2-4Sep (1997)


2: Study of pure aluminum corrosion in NaCl and NaCl+acid solution

  M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani and M.Ahmadi

       6th National Iranian Corrosion Congress Tehran Iran pp149-166, 19-21Jun (1999)


3: Study Corrosion of pure Aluminum in Phosphoric acid

  M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani  and H.Karimi

      7th National Iranian Corrosion Congress  Ahwaz Iran pp142-153, 23-25April (2001)


4: Corrosion of Aluminum Alloy; AL, Cu, Fe, in salt media V Alkali by the method     

       of AC-Impedance and Polarization curves

  M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and E.Ziaie

      7th National Iranian Corrosion Congress  Ahwaz Iran pp154-183, 23-25April(2001)


5: Study of hydrogen evolution reaction on silver electrode by using cyclic           

       voltammery and ac- impedance

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, O.Azizi and F.Gobal

       First National Iranian Full Cell Congress Tehran 3-4 October. (2001)


6:  Study of hydrogen adsorption and absorption on platinum electrode

       M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani, M.Hoseni and F.Gobal

      First National Iranian Full Cell Congress Tehran 3-4 October. (2001)


7: Study of SOC in the battery acid Zn/MnO2 by using ac- impedance

      M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, B.Mostofie and H.Helli

      The first national  battery conference Tehran Iran 6-7 Nov. 2001


8 : A review of artificial neural networks in corrosion prediction

 A.Jaberi, S.Jalili, M.Jafarian and M.G.Mahjani 

     8th National Iranian Corrosion Congress Tehran Iran pp369-378, 26-28May (2003)


9 : Studing the role of 4-phenyl thiosemicarbazide as corrosion inhibitor stainless steel 316L in 0.5M sulfuric acid and 10% (v/v) methanol solution by AC-

     impedance and polarization curves     

     M.Jafarian and M.Soleimani

     8th National Iranian Corrosion Congress Tehran Iran pp369-378, 26-28May (2003)


10: The electrochemical polymerization of methylene blue and a study of its fractal


     A.Asgarshahbazi, H.Heli , M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

     7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


11: The determination of  kinetics parameters of the hydrogen evolution on tin by

      Ac. Impedance      

    O.Azizi  ,M.Jafrian  and M.G.Mahjani

     7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


12   : Effects of electrochemical adsorption ,absorption and diffusion of hydrogen

      Into mercury electrode in acidic solution

     S.Shahabipoor, M.Jafarian and M.G.Mahjani

     7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


13: Electrochemical insertion of sodium

      Z.Mokhayer ,M.Jafarian  and M.G.Mahjani

      7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


14: Electrodeposition of alminium from molten salt (AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

       M.Jafarian  and M.G.Mahjani and I.Danaee

      7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


15:  Study of Electro-catalytic properties of platinum-laoded poly-ortho-

Aminophenol film towards methanol and hydrogen evolution

N.Bahrami panah M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and F.Gobal

7th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Isfahan U. Iran 8-10 March (2005)


16: The paradigm of complex systems

       M.G.Mahjani, A.Massoudi and M.Jafarian

    8th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Ferdowsi U.Iran 21-24Nov (2005)


17  :investigation of Her of Lead electrode in sulfuric acid solution

  M.Jafarian, A.Zargar  and M.G.Mahjani

8th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Ferdowsi U.Iran 21-24Nov (2005)


18:   a study of the electrochemical absorption and desorption of hydrogen on

        the Pt, Ni, Ag and Hg electrode

        M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, F.Gobal, M.Hoseini and O.Azizi

        8th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Ferdowsi U.Iran 21-24Nov (2005)


19:  Electrochemical dynamical attractor

            A.Massoudi, M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and F.Shoghi

         8th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Ferdowsi U.Iran 21-24Nov (2005)


20:   Electrodeposition of aluminum from molten salt (AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, F.Gobal and I.Danaee

   8th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Ferdowsi U.Iran 21-24Nov (2005)


21: The investigation of the kinetics and mechanism of hydrogen evolution reaction

      on Hg and Hg Cu alloy

      M.Jafarian, S.Noori  , M.G.Mahjani

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

       21-24july (2008)               


22: Molecular dynamics simulations of hydrogen adsorption on platinum   

      converage single-walled carbon nanotube

      A.Jaberi,S.Jalili, M.G.Mahjani , and M.Jafarian 

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

       21-24july (2008)


23: Polyaniline nanofibers prepared with ammonium persulfate as oxidant

       M.G.Mahjani, M.Behboodi, and M.Jafarian

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

      21-24july (2008)


24: Investigation of oxygen reduction on arotating Ag/GC disk electrode in an acidic solution

     E.Kazeman, and M.Jafarian

    11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

    21-24july (2008)


25: Electrochemical oxidation of saccharose at copper electrodein alkaline media

      M.Jafarian, M.Rashvand avie, M.G.Mahjani, and I.Danaee

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

     21-24july (2008)


26: Electrocatalyic oxidation of ethanol on Ni electrode

      M.Jafarian, M.Sharafi , I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

      21-24july (2008)


27: Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on Ni modified glassy carbon electrode

      M.Jafarian ,F.Forouzandeh, I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

      11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

      21-24july (2008)


   28: Photoelectrochemical activities of lead sulfide semiconductor prepared by cyclic    voltammetry

     M.Jafarian, F.Razzaghi and M.G.Mahjani

     11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

     21-24july (2008)


29: Electrochemical synthesis of polpyrrole nanowires on graphit electrodes and  characterized by CHA, SEM

      M.G.Mahjani, E.Kalvand and M.Jafarian

     11th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Mohaghegh Ardabili .Iran

     21-24july (2008)


30: The hydrogen effect on the oxygen reduction reaction on the Ag deposited on

      graphite in aqueous and non aqueous bath

      M. Hosseini Aliabadi, M.Jafarian, M. G. Mahjani, F.Gobal

      2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)



31: Electrochemical oxidation of saccharose at copper electrode in alkaline media

      M. Jafarian, M. Rashvand avie, M.G. Mahjani, I. Danaee

      2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


32: A study of the electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol on a manganese dioxide modified glassy carbon electrode

    M. Jafarian, M.G. Mahjani,S. Abdi

    2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


33: Comparative study of oxidation of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2- propanol on Ni electrode

     M. Jafarian, A. Mirzapour, F.razzaghi I. Danaee, M. G. Mahjani

     2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


 34:  Nickel as a catalyst for the electro-oxidation of 2-propanol in alkaline medium

        M. Jafarian, Z. Fattahi, M. G. Mahjani

        2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


35 : The investigation of kinetic mechanism of hydrogen evolution reaction on Hg and   HgCu alloy

      M. Jafarian, S.Noori, M. G. Mahjani

     2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


36: Electrooxidation of ethanol on a nickel oxyhydroxide-modified electrode

I.Danaee, M. Jafarian, M. Sharafi, F. Gobal, M. G. Majan

      2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


37: Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on Ni and NiCu alloy modified glassy carbon  electrode

     M. Jafarian, F. Forouzandeh, I. Danaee, F. Gobal, M. G. Mahjani

     2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


38: Electro-oxidation of saccharose on nickel in alkaline solution

      M. Jafarian, A. Naeemy, I. Danaee, M.G. Mahjani, M. khakbaz

      2nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 15 October. (2008)


39 :Influence of irregular surface and dopant ions on electrocatalytic activity of

      Conducting polymer modified graphite electrode

      M.G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian, A.Ehsani A. Naeemy

    3nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 28-29 October. (2009)


40:Eelectrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol on polypyrrole modified graphite electrode

     M.G. Mahjani , M. Jafarian, A.Ehsani A. Naeemy

    3nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 28-29 October. (2009)


41:Investigation of optimum transition time of highly dispersion of Nickel matrix of o-aminophenol on modified graphite electrode;electro-oxidation of methanol

     M. Jafarian, M.Babaee, A. Naeemy, M.G. Mahjani, F.Gobal

      3nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran 28-29 Octob. (2009)


42: oxidation of methanol at nickel chloride modified carbon paste electrode (NCMCPE) in alkaline medium

    J.Shabani shayeh, M.Jafarian, F.Razzaghi, M.G.Mahjani and M.Rashvand ave

      13th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Shiraz .Iran 12-15april (2010)


43: Electrochemical impedance study on anomalous diffusion in poly pyrrole film

       A.Sharifi, M.G.Mahjani, A.Ehsani and M.Jafarian

      13th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Shiraz .Iran 12-15april (2010)



44: Electrochemical study on supercapacitor of poly ortho aminophenol conducting  polymer

     M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and A.Ehsani

     13th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Shiraz .Iran 12-15april (2010)


 45: Improvement of the electrosynthesis and properties of poly (o-aminophenol) using a    SDSmicellar aqueous medium

     M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani, A,Naeemy and A.Ehsani

     13th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Shiraz .Iran 12-15april (2010)


46: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on intercalation and anomalous

      Diffusion of aluminum ion into graphite in basic molten salt (AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

      M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and A.Ehsani

     13th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Shiraz .Iran 12-15april (2010)


47: Effect of different condition on anomalous dffusin in polypyrrole film

      M.G.Mahjani, A.Sharifi, A.Ehsani and M.Jafarian

      14th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Tehran .Kish 25-28 Feb (2011)


48: Electrochemical fabrication and application of poly ortho aminophenol /TiO2 nanocomposite films

    A.Ehsani, M.G.Mahjani, and M.Jafarian.

    14th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Tehran .Kish 25-28 Feb (2011)


49: Corrosion protection effect of poly ortho aminophenol  nanocomposite

      A.Ehsani, M.G.Mahjani, and M.Jafarian

     14th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Tehran .Kish 25-28 Feb (2011)


50: Conductive Polymeric meso- tetra (p-carboxyphenyl)Porphyrin Film

      electrode for Trace Determination of Nickel

      M. Jafarian*, M.A. Haghighatbin

      15th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Tehran .Tehran 3-6 Sep (2012)


51: Electrochemical Noise Analysis of Pitting Corrosion of Aluminum 7075

     R. Moshrefi, M. G. Mahjani*, M. Jafarian, A. Sharify

     15th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Uni. Tehran .Tehran 3-6 Sep (2012)


52: Electrochemical studies of some inorganic compounds on corrosion inhibition of    

     aluminum 5083 in alkaline medium

     M. Jafarian, M. G. Mahjani, M. Jamshidi and S. Miandari

    14th National Iranian Corrosion Congress  Tehran Iran 14-15May (2013)



1: Etude electrochimiques des solutions de ZnCl2 dans l’eutectique LiCl-KCl fondu       

    M.Jafarian et J.Bouteillon

    Journee d’etude des sels fondu , Leuven Belgique (1989)


2   : Reaction d’oxydoreduction de l’Indium en milieu LiCl-KCL fond

     M.Jafarian et J.Bouteillon

     Journee Europeennes des sels fondu , Marseille France (1990)


3: Electrochemical Study of the reduction of the mono and trivalant indium species

    in the fused LiCl-KCl eutectic

    M.Jafarian et J.Bouteillon

    First Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Babolssar Iran (1993)


4  : Eletrochemical study of the adsorbed H+/H species on Polymer

M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and F.Gobal

First Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun(1995)


5   : The investigation of polyorthoaminophenol film by the technique  impedance    spectroscopy

     M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

     First Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun(1995)


6 : 4-An Investigation of the electrochemistry , activity of polyorthoaminophenol    

    doped with   polymolybdat salt

     M.G.Mahjani , M.Jafarian

    35th IUPAC Congress , Istanbul , Turky , 14-19 August (1995)      


7  : study of the slowly adsorbed H+/H species on Platinum electrode

      M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani            

     35th IUPAC Congres , Istanbul , Turky , 14-19 August (1995)


8   : Electrochemical investigation of Pb2+ in molten salt.

      M.Jafrian  ,F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

    Second Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Esfahan Iran 29-31 August (1995)


9  :The preparation and investigation of orthoaminophenol-aniline by the technique of sweep voltammery and impedance spectroscopy

     M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

   Second Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Esfahan Iran 29-31 August (1995)


10: Electrochemical investigation of Zn2+ in molten salt.

      M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani and F.Gobal

      11th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congers Tehran Iran 3-5

       September  (1996)


11  : The role of proton in the electro activity of the polyorthoaminophenol film

       M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

      11th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congress Tehran Iran 3-5    

       September  (1996)


12  : Effect hydrogen evolution on metala surfaces

       M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani and F.Gobal

      3rd Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Mashhad Iran 12-14 nov (1996)


13  : Anion effect on the electroactivity of the polyorthoaminophenol  film  

       M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

       3rd Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Mashhad Iran 12-14 nov (1996)


14: Electrochemical investigation of Sn in molten salt.

        M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani , Z.Nasseri  and F.Gobal

        Second Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tabriz Iran 17-18 Jun (1997)


15  : Electrochemical study of reduction of platinum in fused amonium acetate-Licl

      M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani , N.Mohamadipour  and F.Gobal

      Second Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tabriz Iran 17-18 Jun (1997) 


16  :  Investigation and reduction of Al ion in organic media

       M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and F.Mohammad

      Second Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tabriz Iran 17-18 Jun(1997)


17  :  Influence of sulphate , choloride & fluride ions on corrosion ressistance of

        stainless steel in phosphoric acid                                                 

        M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani , J.Neshaty  and F.Gobal

        Second Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tabriz Iran 17-18 Jun (1997)


18  :  Electrochemical study of Sn in fused Urea-NaCl

           M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani , Z.Nasseri  and F.Gobal

        48th Meeting international society of electrochemistry ,Paris France 1-5sep(1997)


19  :  Preparation and investigation of the copolymeric film of     


          M.G.Mahjani , F.Gobal , M.Jafarian

        48th Meeting international society of electrochemistry ,Paris France 1-5sep(1997)


20  : Fractal dimensions of the polythiuphen  film

        M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  and A.Mohamadi

      12th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congress  Kerman Iran 31aug.-2sep



 21  :  Effect of dopant level in the electrochemical activity of the polythiophen film

          M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  and A.Mohammadi

          49th Meeting international society of electrochemistry , Kitakyushu, Japan

          13-18sep (1998)


 22  :  Electrochemical behaviour of the copper ion in the fused Urea-NaCl

             M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani and N.Mahmodabadi

              49th Meeting international society of electrochemistry , Kitakyushu, Japan

              13-18sep (1998)

23  : Study of pure aluminum corrosion in NaCl solution

         M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and M.Ahmadi

        13th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congress Tehran Iran 16-18 feb



24  :  Electrochemical study of the  transfer of  H+  and Cu2+ ions across water /


       M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  and C.Chaibani

        13th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congress Tehran Iran 16-18 feb


25  :  Study polyorthoaminophenol film towardss ions [Fe(Cn)6]3-  , [Fe(Cn)6]4-

             M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  and V.Safarnavad

        13th Iranian chemistry & chemical engineering congress Tehran Iran 16-18 feb



26:  Corrosion mechanism of pur Al in neutral , acidic and basic NaCl solution

       M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and M.Ahmadi

       Third  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Babolsar Iran 19-20 May (1999)

27: Electrochemical study of Antimony in aqueous and salt medi             

      M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and H.Chadle                                                 

      Third  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Babolsar Iran 19-20 May (1999)


28  : Study of the  corrosion  of  stainless steel in solphoric acid by the technique of

      sweep voltammery and impedance spectroscopy 

       M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani  and A.Abedini

       Third  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Babolsar Iran 19-20 May (1999)                                              

29  :  Investigation of polyorthoaminophenol response towardss ions [Fe(Cn)6]3-  ,


        M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  , N.Bahrami and V.Safarnavadeh

         51th Meeting international society of electrochemistry Warsaw , Poland 3-8sep



30  :  The study of hydrogen evolution reaction on the Nickel deposited electrode

         M.Jafrian  , M.G.Mahjani and M.Hoseni

         51th Meeting international society of electrochemistry Warsaw , Poland 3-8sep



31    :  The Paradigm of Complex System part A: Electrochemical Oscillation of Cu


         M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian ,J.Kondabey  and A.Massoudi

        4th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Kish Iran 10-12 March (2001)


32  : Study of hydrogen evolution and hydrogen absorption on silver electrode

       M.Jafarian and O.Azizi

        4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


33: Anodic dissolution and corrosion study of Tin in chlorate medium by means of

cyclic polarization and AC-impedance techniques

M.Jafarian and H.Heli

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


34    :Corrosion of Alminium alloy Al-Mg in NaCl , acid and alkaline solutions

       M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani and E.Zeyaee

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


35    :  Cyclic voltammetry and Chronoptentiometry study of permanganate ion transfer    

acoss the water/nitrobenzene interface

,M.F.Mousavi  M.Jafarian  , M.G.Mahjani and H.Heli

     4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


36    : Study of the current oscillation during the copper electrodissolution in  chloride


M.Jafarian , J.Kondabey and H.Heli

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


37    :  Study of chloride and sulfate ions corrosion effects on carbon steel 1020

      M.Jafarian and S.J.Mousavi

     4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


38    : study of the potential distribution at the mild steel surface and the effect of the

sulfate and tetrabutylammonium ions on corrosion inhibition in hydrochloric acid media by means of scanning reference electrode technique (S.R.E.T)

M.Jafarian , H.Heli and J.Kondabey

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


39    : The study of pure aluminum corrosion in sulfuric acid

J.Zerati  M.Jafarian

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


40  : The study of electrochemical behaviour of selenium ions in molten Urea-NaCl

 M.Jafarian ,  and M.Kachoueian Javadi

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


40    : Evolution of stainless steel 316L corrosion in salt media and the inhibition role

of molybdate/phosphate/zinc ions mixture by ac impedance and polarization curves

M.Jafarian ,  and M.Soleimani

      4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 13-14 Jun (2001)


41    : Study of  electrochemical reduction of o-nitro styrene derivatives and   

determination of mechanism

M.Jafarian , S.Balalaei and A.M.Ghasemi

 13-14 Jun (4th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry Tehran Iran 2001)


42    : Investigation of the pyridinium ion transfer across the water/nitrobenzene interface

by  means of cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance techniques

M.F.Mousavi , H.Heli , M.G.Mahjani ,M.Jafarian and F.Gobal

      51th International symposium on  electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 

      Marilleva (Tn) Italy 17-22 Jun (2001) 


43    : Hydrogen absorption and diffusion into and at Mercury

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, O.Azizi and F.Gobal

      5th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Boushehr Iran Jan.31-Feb.2 (2002)


44  : Negative impedance and periodic phenomena during methanol electro-oxidation   

        M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and H.Heli

      6th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Urmia U. Iran 27-29 August (2002)


45: Peudocapacitance arising from adsorption of H species at poly-o-aminophenol

      dispersed Pt film

       M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and A.Esmaeil Dokht

      6th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Urmia U. Iran 27-29 August (2002)


46:  Electrochemical study of aluminum reduction form ( AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and A.Ehsani

      6th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Urmia U. Iran 27-29 August (2002)


47:  The Corrosion of Lead Anodes in NaCl and Na2So4 Electrolytes

      M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and N. Ajami

      6th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Urmia U. Iran 27-29 August (2002)


48:  A.C Impedance and state –of –charge analysis of Zinc/Manganese dioxide primary


       Abbasimoghadam M.Jafarian and M.G.Mahjani,

      6th Iranian Seminar of Physical Chemistry Urmia U. Iran 27-29 August (2002)


49 : Characterization of the poly – ortho-aminophenol modified electrodes under doped

        ,undoped deoxidized states

         M.G.Mahjani  , M.Jafarian  and N.Bahrami

         53th Meeting international society of electrochemistry Dusseldorf ,Germany 15-20

         Sept. (2002)


50 : Electrochemical deposition of aluminum from basic ( AlCl3-NaCl-KCl)

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and A.Ehsani

       53th Meeting international society of electrochemistry Dusseldorf ,Germany 15-20

         Sept. (2002)


51 : Appliction of quadratic logistic differential equation (QLDE) for the interpretation

      of methanol electrooxidation (MEO) dynamics

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and H.Heli

       12th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry Mazandaran U. Iran 28-30



52 : Electrocatalytic oxidation of methane at nickel hydroxide modified nickel electrode

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and H.Heli

       12th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry Mazandaran U. Iran 28-30



53: Mechanistic aspects of methanol oxidation on platinum in phosphoric acid

      electrolyte at 250C and direct methanol fuel cell development

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and J.Baghaie

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


54 : The effect of cathodic pretreatment on copper electrode in acid solution

       M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and O.Azizi

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


55 : Electrochemical corrosion studies on stainless steel (316 ) in electrolytes

      comprising , copper sulfate and sulfuric acid by  electrochemical impedance

      spectroscopy and exhibition of suitable inhibitors

      M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian, and E.Abedini

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


 56 : Electro-oxidation of methanol on copper in alkaline solution

       H.Heli ,M.Jafarian and M.G.Mahjani

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


57 : Perdiction of stainless steel corrosion using artificial neural network

       Jaberi ,M.G.Mahjani, S.Jalili and M.Jafarian

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


58 : Non-linear phenomena in electrochemical systems

       R.Mohammadi, M.G.Mahjani,and M.Jafarian

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


59: Electrochemical insertion of sodiuom in graphite

      M.Jafarian, M.G.Mahjani, and L.Karimi

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


60 : A study of the electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol on a cobalt hydroxide

       modified glassy carbon electrode

       H.Heli ,M.Jafarian and M.G.Mahjani

       5th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Kerman 10-11 Sept (2003)


61 : correlation between surface geometry and certain electrochemical quantities

       in poly-ortho-aminophenol

       N.Bahrami Panah ,M.G.Mahjani, M.Jafarian and F.Gobal

       6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


 62 : Electrooxidation of methanol on graphite surface in sulfuric acid media

        M.Jafarian , R.Beiramzadeh Moghaddam and M.G.Mahjani

       6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


63 : Electrochemical behavior of steel rebars in concrete :Influence of environm-

      ental factors and cement chemistry

       M.Jafarian , S.Jamali and M.G.Mahjani

       6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


64 : Impedance spectroscopy of growth mechanism for aluminum electrocrystallization

       M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani and I.Danaee

       6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


65 : Investigation of copolymerization of aniline and thiophene in aqueous medium

      A.Rahmanian, M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


66 : Investigation of HER of  lead electrode in sulfuric acid solution

      M.Jafarian , A.Zargar and M.G.Mahjani

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


67 : Investigation of her/har on mercury electrode by EIS and galvanostatic methods

      M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani and S.Shahabipoor

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


68 : The determination of  kinetics and mechanism of hydrogen evolution reaction on

      nanocrystalline CoNiFe alloy by ac impedance

      M.Jafarian , O.Azizi and M.G.Mahjani

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


69 : Interpretation of impedance diagrams of an electrochemical reaction proceeds

      through Volmer-Heyrovsky/Tafel mechanism

      M.Jafarian , O.Azizi and M.G.Mahjani

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


70 : Electroactive polyaniline film for steel corrosion protection

      M.Alipour, M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


71 : Sodium diffusion into graphite electrodes

     M.Jafarian , L.Mahjouri and M.G.Mahjani

     6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


72 : A study of the corrosion of carbon steel API5L(X60) in NaHCO3/ NaCl

      solution by electrochemical noise (EN) and impedance(EIS) measurements

      M.G.Mahjani, J.Neshati, H.P.Masiha, M.Jafarian, F.Gobal

      6th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Hamadan 7-9 Sept (2005)


73 : Dissolution of Tin in citric acid solution containing Cl- ion

       M.Jafarian ,F.GobalH.Sid Kalal R.Biabani , I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


74 : Electrochemical investigation of tin dissolution in  citric acid solution

       M.Jafarian ,F.GobalH.Sid Kalal R.Biabani , I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


75 : Influence of anion and PH and deposition method on the anomalus diffusion in

       ppy film

      M.Hassanzadeh M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian 

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


76 : Electrochemical behavior of graphite (EK20) and silver deposited on (ek20)

      at alkaline media

      M.Hoseini ,M.Jafarian , M.G.Mahjani and F.Gobal

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


77 : Hydrogen storage in metal decorated single-walled carbon nanotubes

       A.Jaberi,S.Jalili, M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


78 : Nickel as a catalyst for the electro-oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium

       M.Jafarian , F.Forouzandeh , I.Danaee F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


79 :Electroreduction of oxygen on silver in acid solution

      M.Jafarian ,E.Kazeman, M.G.Mahjani and F.Gobal

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


80 :  Study of Sodium Electrodeposition  on graphite electrode for application of

      sodium ion batteries

       M.Jafarian , L.Mahjouri, F.Gobal and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


81: Electrodeposition of Mn and Al-Mn from AlCl3-NaCl-KCl-MnCl2 mixture

       M.Jafarian , F.Gobal , M.G.Mahjani, A.Maleki and  I.Danaee

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


82 : Nickel copper alloy as a modified electro-catalyst for methanol oxidation

       M.Jafarian , R.B.Moghaddam and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


83 : A study around the response of anodized  graphite toward methanol oxidation

       M.Jafarian , R.B.Moghaddam and M.G.Mahjani

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


84 : Electropolymerization of methylene blue and monitoring of the polymeric

      film by cyclic voltammetry

       S.Shahabipoor , S,Rasouli , A Asgarshahbazi, M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

      7th  Biennial Seminar of Electrochemistry  Iran  Oromie 28-30 Aug (2007)


85:Electrocatalytic oxidation of 1,2- propanol on nickel modified oxy-hydroxide


      M. Jafarian, Z. Fattahi,I.Danaee M. G. Mahjani

      7th Spring Meeting international society of electrochemistry Szczyrk-Poland 22-25

        March. (2009)


86 : Electrochemical oxidation of saccharose at copper electrode in alkaline media

       M. Jafarian, M. Rashvand avie, M.G. Mahjani, I. Danaee

       7th Spring Meeting international society of electrochemistry Szczyrk-Poland 22-25

        March. (2009)


87 : Photoelectrochemical activities of Electrodeposited PbS

       M.Jafarian ,F.Razzaghi and M.G.Mahjani

       7th Spring Meeting international society of electrochemistry Szczyrk-Poland 22-25

        March. (2009)


88 : Synthesis Electrochemical of Polyaniline nanofibers    

        M.Behboodi,M.G.Mahjani  and M.Jafarian

       7th Spring Meeting international society of electrochemistry Szczyrk-Poland 22-25

        March. (2009)


89 : Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of semiconductor properties of poly-ortho-  

      aminophenol modified graphite electrodes

       M.G.Mahjani , M.Jafarian and A.Ehsani

      5th Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)


90: Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of PbS and PbO Semiconductors

       M.Jafarian, F.Razzaghi and M.G.Mahjani

       5th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)


  91: Electrooxidation of Saccharose on Nickel Electrode in Alkaline Media

      M.Jafarian, A.Naeemy and M.G.Mahjani

      5th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)


  92: Comparative study of oxidation of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol on Ni


     M.Jafarian ,A.Mirzapour, I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

       5th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)


93: Photoelectrochemical Studies of PbS thin film

     M.Jafarian ,A.Aghassi, I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

       5th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)

94: Electrocatalytic properties of nickel (II) hydrotalcite for 1, 2- propanol oxidation      M.Jafarian, Z.Fattahi, I.Danaee and M.G.Mahjani

       5th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Tehran 7-8 May (2009)


95: Influence of synthesis condition on morphology and electrochemical properties of      

      poly ortho aminophenol film

      A.Ehsani ,M.G.Mahjani  ,M.Jafarian and A.Naeemy

      6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


96 : Alcohols electro-oxidation on nickel dispersed in polyo-aminophenol matrix

        M.Babaee, M. Jafarian, M.G. Mahjani, F.Gobal

      6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


97: Electrochemical fabrication and application of poly orth

     aminophenol/Al2O3 nanocomposite films

      A.Ehsani ,M.G.Mahjani  and M.Jafarian

6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)




98: Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on ZnO modified carbon paste


      M. Khakalia, M. Jafariana,*, M.G. Mahjania , F. Gobal

      6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


99: Anomalous Diffusion in Poly pyrrole modified glassy carbon electrode in

     different synthesis condition

      A. Sharifi, M.G. Mahjani*, A. Ehsani, M. Jafarian

      6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


100: Oxidation of ethanol at Nickel Chloride Modified Carbon Paste Electrode

      (NCMCPE) in Alkaline Medium

       J. Shabani shayeh, M. Jafarian*, M.G. Mahjani

       6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


101: Influence of copper on electrodeposited lead sulphide

       B.abyaz a, M. Jafarian a,*, M.G. Mahjani a, F. Gobal b

       6th   Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran   Kish 9-11 October (2010)


102: Poly ortho aminophenol/TiO2 nanocomposite: Electrosynthesis and

       electrochemical application

          A.Ehsani ,M.G.Mahjani  and M.Jafarian

       The 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

         11-16 September, 2011, Niigata, Japan


103: P-type conducting polymer/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite

        electrocatalyst in fuel cell

        A.Ehsani, M.G.Mahjani and M.Jafarian

       The 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

         11-16 September, (2011), Niigata, Japan


104: Electrochemical behavior of passive film on gamma titanium aluminide grown

        in 0.05M H2SO4 at different potential scan rates

       Ehsan Saebnoori*, Taghi Shahrabi, Sepideh Memarbashi, and Majid Jafarian

       7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


105: Electrochemical study on corrosion protection effect of

       polyoxometal/polypyrrole composite

       R. Mahmoudi, M.G. Mahjani*, A. Ehsani, M. Jafarian

       7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


106: Investigation and Study of Zinc-Copper Oxide Battery

        M.Jafarian*, A.Hakimi Asiabar, H.Moghani Bavil Olyaee, M.G.Mahjani

        7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, 2011

107: Investigation and Study of Zinc-Silver Oxide Battery

      M.Jafarian*, H.Moghani Bavil Olyaee, A.Hakimi Asiabar, M.G.Mahjani

     7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


108: Mechanistic Study of ORR on Ag/GC Disk Electrode in Acidic Solution by

       Impedance Spectroscopy

       M. Jafarian  , I. Kazeman , M. Hasanzadeh

        7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


109: Electrooxidation of methanol on Ni and NiCu modified graphite electrode

       M. Jafarian, M. Moradi, M.G. Mahjani

      7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


110: Impedance responses of poly ortho aminophenol film electrodes in the presence

      of different anions: comparative study

        S. Nazari, M.G. Mahjani*, A. Ehsani, M. Jafarian

      7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


111: Modified glassy carbon electrode by electropolymerization of meso tetra

      (pcarboxyphenyl) porphyrinato nickel (II) for the determination of dopamine in the 

      presence of ascorbic acid

      M. Jafarian*, M.A. Haghighatbin

     7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


112: Electrodeposition and electrochemical studies 0 –PbO2 as semiconductor

      M. Jafarian*, S. Miandari, M. G. Mahjani

        7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


113: Electrochemical study on ionic and electronic conduction in conducting polymer

      A. Ehsani, M.G. Mahjani*, M. Jafarian

      7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


114: Rotating Disk Electrode and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study of

       Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Copper Modified Electrodeposited Silver  


      M. Hosseini Aliabadi, M. Jafarian, F. Gobal, I Danaee, M. G. Mahjani

       7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


115: Fractal Dimensions and Electrochemistry in Conducting Polymers

A.    Sharify, M.G. Mahjani*, M. Jafarian, R. Moshrefi

7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Tehran 18-19 November, (2011)


116: Investigation of Effect of R oughness Parameters on Electrochemical

      Properties of Polypyrrole Film

     A. Sharifi-viand, M. G. Mahjani, M. Jafarian, R. Moshrefi

    8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


117: Aluminum/Copper oxide Batteries in Alkaline Electrolyte

       S.A.Mousavi, M. Jafarian

       8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


118: Water cleavage by positive Schottky diode (Pb/PbS)

       A. Heidaripour, M. Jafarian, M. G. Mahjani

      8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


119: Deposition of nano structural PbS film by UPD: surface and photo-

      electrochemical studies

      S. Miandari, M. Jafarian

      8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


120: Photo-electrochemical studies of PbS semicounductor on conductive

        glass electrode

        S. Asadi, M. Jafarian

        8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


121: Study of behavior of organic and inorganic inhibitors on corrosion of

       Aluminum Alloys in Alkaline solution

        M.Jamshidi, M. Jafarian

        8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


122: Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol on Al/Ni Modified Electrode

       F. Shahbazi, M. Jafarian

       8th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Mazandaran, 30-31 January, (2013)


123: Electrochemical Study of Surf ace Energy and Dipole Charge of Metals

        A. Heidaripour, M. Jafarian and M.G. Mahjani

       9th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Tarbiat Modares,

       4-5 Dec. (2013)


124: Study and investigation of Nickel Metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery

        A. Heidaripour, M. Jafarian, M. G. Mahjani,

         2th national  battery conference Tehran Iran 3 Feb,( 2014)


125: investigation of the Al – CuO batter and History of electrochemistry

       M. Jafarian, M. Khakali, S.A.Mousavi, M. G. Mahjani

         2th national  battery conference Tehran Iran 3feb,( 2014)


126: A comparative study of the electroxidation of C1 to C3 aliphatic alcohols on Ni

       modified graphite electrode

       M. Jafarian, I.Danaeei, F.Gobal, M.A .Haghighatbin., A.Mirzapoor, M. Rashvand avei

       M.Babaee, F.Forouzandeh & M.G.Mahjani

       7nd Full Cell Seminar of Iran   Qeshm Island -Iran26-27 Feb, (2014)


127: Review on Recent Trends on electrochemistry of lead, aluminum and


         M. Jafarian and M.G. Mahjani

         11th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran Uni. of Tarbiat Modares

          18-19Nov (2015)

Research Interest


- Conductive Polymers

- Corrosion Science

- Fuel Cell

-Electrochemical Phase Transfer Catalysis

- Electrochemical Deposition and Purification Metal

- Electrochemical Oscillation and chaos

- Electrochemical in molten salt media

- Batteries


Courses Taught


1) No–aqueux electrochemistry    

2) Advance electrochemistry   

2) Physical Chemistry    

3) Electrochemistry techniques  

4) General electrochemistry (analytical chemistry II)

5) Corrosion

6) Industry electrochemistry



دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی