Nourouzi Faculty of Mathematics, E-mail: nourouzi{at}kntu.ac.ir |
Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis
Research Interests Fixed Point Theory, Hilbert modules over
C*-algebras, Diversities
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics (2016-2020, 2023)
Member of Scientific Audit Board (Heyatte Momayyazeh) of KNTU (2016-2018, 2020- 2022)
Member of Expert Committee for Basic Sciences, KNTU (2010-2011, 2016-present)
Member of Expert Committee for Nonlinear Analysis, Iranian Mathematical Society (2013-present)
Research Deputy, Faculty of Science, KNTU (2012-2014)
Sabbatical, University of Seville, Spain (2014)
Reviewer of MathScinet (American Mathematical Society), (2014)
Reviewer of zbMATH (European Mathematical Society), (2022)
Director of IT Center, KNTU (2008-2011)
Associate Researcher: Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM): School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran (2006-2012)
Leader of Mathematical Competitions and Olympiad Team, KNTU (2005-2009)
Representative of Talented Students and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Science, KNTU (2004-2008)
Visiting Researcher, University of Regina, Canada (2000-2001)
Research Papers
59. Fixed point property of full Hilbert C*-modules over unital C*-algebras, Fixed Point Theory, 25, (2024), no. 1, 171-178 (Joint with F. Jahangir) (PDF)
58. Unit vectors in Hilbert C(Z)-modules, Operators and Matrices, 16, (2022), no. 2, 349-356 (Joint with Z. Hassanpour) (PDF)
57. Diversity-normed spaces and diversity embeddings, Studia Mathematica, 267, (2022), 19-35 (Joint with P. Haghmaram and Sh. Golpaigani Fard) (PDF)
56. Banach weak topology on Hilbert C*-modules, Operators and Matrices, 15, (2021), no. 4, 1309-1317 (Joint with M. Golabi) (PDF)
55. A nonlinear
F-contraction form of Sadovskii's fixed point theorem and its application to a
functional integral equation of Volterra type,
Facta Universitatis' series: Mathematics and Informatics, 36, (2021), no. 2,
321-331 (Joint with F. Zahedi and D. O'Regan) (PDF)
On F-metric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point
Theory and Applications,
23, (2021), no. 1, Paper no. 2,
14 pp.
(Joint with F. Jahangir and P. Haghmaram) (PDF) 53.
Morita equivalnce and Cauchy extensions of Hilbert
C*-modules, Quaestiones Mathematicae,
44, (2021), no. 3, 379-397
(Joint with A. Reza) (PDF) 52.
Ultradiversification of diversities, Analysis
and Geometry in Metric Spaces, 2020; 8: 410-417
(Joint with P. Haghmaram) (PDF) 51.
Ultradiversities and their spherical completeness,
Journal of Applied Analysis,
26, (2020), no. 2, 231-240 (Joint with G. H. Mehrabani) (PDF) 50.
Some pre-C*-algebras generated by a C*-algebra A
with completion
C([-1,1]), A), Iranian Journal of Science and
Technology, Transaction A: Science.
44, (2020), 137-142
(Joint with A. Reza) (PDF) 49.
Convolution type C*-algebras, Bull. Iranian
Math. Soc.
46, (2020), 777-798 (Joint with A. Reza) (PDF) 48.
Fixed point property of Hilbert modules over finite
dimensional C*-algebras, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.
21, (2019), no. 3, Art. 87, 7 pp. (Joint with M. Golabi) (PDF) 47. Totally bounded subsets and a measure of noncompactness for
Schatten class operators, Topology and its
Applications. 265 (2019), 106825, 8 pp. (Joint with F. Zahedi and D. O'Regan)
(PDF) 46. Functors induced by Cauchy extension
of C*-algebras, Sahand Commun. Math. Anal., 14, (2019), no. 1, 27-53
(Joint with A. Reza) (PDF) 45. A fixed point theorem in uniform
spaces generated by a family of b-pseudometrics, Fixed Point Theory,
20, (2019), no.1, 177-184
(Joint with H. Faraji and D. O'Regan) (PDF) 44. Stationary Points of Set-valued
Contractive and Nonexpansive Mappings on Ultrametric Spaces, Fixed Point
Theory, 19, (2018), no. 2, 587-594
(Joint with M. Hosseini and D. O'Regan) (PDF) 43. A fixed and common fixed points for
weakly contractive mappings in b-metric spaces, Sahand Commun. Math.
Anal, 7, (2017), no. 1, 49-62
(Joint with H. Faraji) (PDF) 42.
A generalization of Kannan and Chatterjea fixed point theorems on complete
b-metric spaces, Sahand Commun. Math. Anal., 6, (2017), no. 1,
77-86 (Joint with H. Faraji) (PDF) 41.
Probabilistic Normed Groups,
Iranian J. Fuzzy Systems, 14, (2017), no. 1, 99-113. (Joint with A.R.
Pourmoslemi) (PDF) 40.
Mazur-Ulam Problem in Probabilistic Normed Groups,
Int. J.
Nonlinear Anal. Appl.,
8, (2017), no. 2, 327-333. (Joint with
A.R. Pourmoslemi) (PDF) 39.
On Hukuhara's differentiable iteration semigroups of linear set-valued
Aequationes Mathematicae.
90, (2016), no. 6, 1129-1145.
(Joint with M. Aghajani) (PDF) 38. Fixed points for
Kannan type contractions in uniform spaces with a graph,
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control., 21, (2016), no.
1, 103–113 (Joint with A. Aghanians) (PDF) 37. Vector ultra metric
spaces and a fixed point theorem for correspondences,
Int. J.
Nonlinear Anal. Appl., 7, (2016), no. 1, 147-153. (PDF) 36.
Coincidence point theorems for E-(\psi,\varphi)- and E-\varphi-weak contractions
in partially ordered uniform spaces,
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 17, (2016),
no. 12, 2535-2549 (Joint with R.P. Agarwal, A. Aghanians, K. Fallahi) (PDF) 35.
The role of regularity to reach the vector valued version of Caristi's fixed
point theorem,
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. 16, (2015), no. 5,
937-942 (Joint with F. Lael) (PDF) 34. On stationary points of nonexpansive
set-valued mappings, Fixed Point Theory and Applications.
(2015) 2015:236. (Joint with R. Espinola and M. Hosseini) (PDF) 33.
The Continuity of Q+-Homogenous Superadditive
Correspondences, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis,
16, (2015), no. 9, 899-1904. (Joint with M. Aghajani) (PDF) 32.
Fixed points
of integral type contractions in uniform spaces,
29:7, 2015, 1613–1621. (Joint with A. Aghanians) (PDF) 31.
Fixed Points for Ciric-G-Contractions in Uniform Spaces Endowed with a Graph,
Publications de l'Institut Mathematique. 97, (2015), no. 111, 211–223.
(Joint with A. Aghanians, K. Fallahi, R.U. Verma) (PDF) 30. The
Continuity of Linear and Sublinear Correspondences Defined on Cones,
Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society.
41, (2015), no. 1, 43-55. (Joint with M. Aghajani, D. O'Regan) (PDF) 29.
Fixed points
for Banach and Kannan contractions in modular spaces with a graph, Int. J.
Nonlinear Anal. Appl., 5, (2014), no. 2, 50-60. (Joint
with A. Aghanians) (PDF) 28.
couple coincidence point theorems in partially ordered uniform spaces,
Cubo, 16, (2014),
no. 2, 115-128. (Joint with A. Aghanians, K. Fallahi, D. O'Regan) (PDF) 27.
Minimization problem of a variational inequality on a family of set-valued
Politehnica University of Bucharest. Scientific Bulletin. Series A.
Applied Mathematics and Physics. 76,
(2014), no. 2, 99-110 (Joint with M. Eslamian) 26.
Two order
theoretic proofs for a fixed point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces
and its application to trace class operators,
Fixed Point Theory,
15, (2014), no. 2, 393-398. (Joint with F. Bazazi , D. O'Regan) 25. Fixed
points of correspondences in vector valued metric spaces and applications in
integral equations,
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 15, (2014),
no. 6, 1167-1180 (Joint with R.P. Agarwal, F. Lael, D. O'Regan) 24. An
embedding theorem for a class of Convex sets in nonarchimedean normed spaces,
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory &
Applications, 4, (2013), no. 3, 127-130 (Joint with M. Aghajani) (PDF) 23.
An entourage
approach to the contraction principle in uniform spaces
endowed with a graph,
Panamer Math. J.,
23, (2013), 87--102. (Joint with A. Aghanians, K.
Fallahi) 22. Fixed
points for E-asymptotic contractions and Boyd-Wong type E-contractions in
uniform Spaces,
Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society,
39, (2013), no. 6, 1261-1272. (Joint with A. Aghanians, K. Fallahi) (PDF) 21. Fixed
points of G-contractions on uniforms spaces endowed with a graph,
Fixed Point Theory and Applications,
2012, 2012:182.
(Joint with A. Aghanians, K. Fallahi) (PDF) 20. Fixed
points of mappings defined on probabilistic modular spaces,
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 4, (2012),
no. 3, 23-28. (Joint with F. Lael) (PDF) 19.
On the regular cosine family of linear
correspondences, Aequationes Mathematicae , 83, (2012), no. 3,
( Joint with M. Aghajani) (PDF) 18.
Modular locally constant mappings in vector ultrametric
Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2011 (2011), Article ID 574756, 8 pages,
doi: 10.1155/2011/574765 (Joint with K. Fallahi) (PDF). 17. On the fixed
points of correspondences in modular spaces, ISRN Geometry,
vol. 2011, 2011. doi:10.5402/2011/530254. (Joint with F. Lael) (PDF) 16. Fixed
points of correspondences defined on cone metric spaces,
Computer and Mathematics with Applications. 60, (2010), no. 3,
653-659. (Joint with Z. Izadi). (PDF) 15.
A note on the paper “Charactrerizatios on
2-Isometries”, Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., 2, (2009), no. 4,
572-573 (Joint with H. Abbassi). 14.
Compact operators defined on 2-normed and 2-probabilistic normed spaces,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2009, Article ID 950234, 17
pages. Doi:10.1155/2009/950234. ( Joint with F. Lael) (PDF) 13.
On the convexity of fuzzy nets. Chaos, Solitons
& Fractals, 40, (2009), 1356-1360. (PDF)
12. Operators defined on n-modular spaces, Mediterranean Journal of
Mathematics, 6, (2009), 431-446. (Joint with S. Shabanian) (PDF) 11. Probabilistic modular spaces and linear
operators, Acta Applicanda Mathematicae,
105, (2009), 123-140. (Joint with K. Fallahi) (PDF)
10. Probabilistic modular spaces, WSPC Proceedings, December
(2008), 814- 818. 8. Compact operators between probabilistic
normed spaces,
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 181, (2008), 347-354. 7.
Some results on IF-normed spaces, Chaos,
Solitons & Fractals, 37, (2008), no. 3, 931-939. (Joint with
F. Lael) (PDF) 6.
Convex sets in probabilistic normed spaces,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
36, (2008), no. 2, 322-328. (Joint with A. Aghajani).
(PDF) 5.
Convexity in traingular norm of fuzzy sets, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
36, (2008), no. 4, 883-889.
(Joint with A. Aghajani) (PDF) 4.
The Geometry of the Unit Ball of Some Tensor
Product Spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters, 20, 3.
Fuzzy compact linear operators, Chaos, Solitons
& Fractals. 34 (2007) 1584-1589.(Joint with F. Lael) (PDF) 2.
On the state space of C*-algebras, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
275, (2002), no. 1, 161-164. (PDF) 1.
Strongly exposed points in the unit ball of trace class operators,
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. 30,
(2002), no. 7, 393-397. (PDF) Book Metric Spaces (in persian)
(Selected as distinguished book of K. N. Toosi university in 2017) Selected Conferences
Fixed point property in Hilbert C*-modules, International Conference on
Operators on Banach Algebras and Related Topics, Tarbiat Modares
University, Tehran, Iran, Aug. 16-17, 2022. (Invited)
Cauchy extension of Hilbert C*-modules. International Congress of
Mathematicians (ICM2018), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 1-9, 2018. (Joint
with Ali Reza)
Diversity normed spaces. International Conference on Mathematical
Modeling in Applied Sciences. Saint Petersburg, Russia, Jul. 24-28,
2017. (Joint with Sh. Golpaiganifard)
Fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings in
C*-algebras. The 8th International ISAAC
Congress, Moscow, Russia,
Aug. 22- 27 , 2011.
An order theoretic approach to modular
fixed point theorems. International Conference on Mathematical Analysis
2010(ICMA 2010), Bangkok, Thiland, December 7--9, 2010.
Ultrametric fixed point theory. The
first workshop in fixed point theory and applications.
University, Tehran, Iran,
9-10 (2010).
Baire’s Theorem
in probabilisticc modular spaces. The
world congress on engineering and applied mathematics. Imperial
College, London, U.K., July 2--4, 2008.
The probabilistic modular spaces. 6th ISAAC Congress.
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. August 13--18, 2007.
Barcelona Analysis Conference. University of
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. September 4--8, 2006.
Compact operators in probabilistic normed spaces. Operator Algebras,
Operator Theory and Applications. Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. September 1--5,
Exposed points in the set of completely positive maps. . Bordeaux, France. July 3--13, 2005.. On
the completely positive maps. 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference. Ahvaz.
January 26-- 29, 2005.
Exposed points and completely positive maps. Third Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications.
Kerman. December 28--29, 2004. The
geometric properties in the set of completely positive maps. International Conference in Analysis and its Applications.
Nanjing University, China. July 20--24, 2004.
On the geometric properties of
completely positive maps. 4th European Congress of Mathematics. Stockholm, Sweden. June
27--July 2, 2004.
The geometry of some tensor
product spaces. Canadian Operator Algebra Symposium. University of New
Brunswick, Canada. May 21--24, 2003.
Extreme and exposed points in the unit balls.
F. Lael, (Sep.2006) S.
Vaezzadeh, (Sep. 2007)
K. Fallahi, (Nov. 2007) S.
Jahani, (Feb. 2008) S.
Shabanian, (Oct. 2008)
B. Hedayatfar, (Nov. 2008)
H. Adman, (Mar. 2009) H. Abbasi,
(Feb. 2009) N. Rezabandehloo, (Sep.
2009) E. Jafari,
(Oct. 2009) Z. Izadi,
(Oct. 2009)
A. Aghanians, (Sep. 2010)
R. Mokhtar, (Feb. 2011)
I. Mehrabinejad, (Mar. 2011)
M. M. Khatibi, (Feb.2011) M. Manavi, (Nov. 2011) S. Abdoli, (Jan. 2012) N. Ashghaei, (Jan. 2012) K. Shamsolkottabi (Feb.
2012) F. Ghasemi, (Feb. 2013) M. Dinarvand, (Sep. 2012) A. Broumandnia, (Sep. 2012) M. Hosseini, (Sep. 2013) N.
Salehabadi, (Oct. 2013) M. Taghavi, (Sep. 2014)
M. Ramzi Iraqi, (Sep. 2014) S. Alian, (Dec. 2014) P.
Bigdeli, (May, 2015) E. Rostami, (Dec. 2015)
M. Alimohammadi, (Dec. 2015)
L. Michani, (Jan. 2016)
M. Farahi, (May, 2016)
N. Ahmadi, (Oct. 2016)
F. Aloustani, (Feb. 2017)
Sh. Golpaiganifard,
(Sep. 2017)
H. Chalak,
(Sep. 2017)
S. Pourya (Feb. 2019)
M. Ghaffari (Feb. 2019)
Z. Lak (Joint supervised with Dr. Masiha) (Sep., 2019)
M. Servati (Joint supervised with Dr. Hosseini) (Sep., 2019)
M. Aghajani, (Aug. 2012) F. Lael,
(Oct. 2012) K.
Fallahi, (Feb. 2013) A. Aghanians, (Sep. 2014) A.R. Pourmoslemi, (Sep., 2016) H. Faraji, (Sep., 2017) A. Reza, (Sep. 2019) F. Jahangir (Mar., 2022) P. Haghmaram (Mar. 2023) F. Zahedi (Feb. 2025)
Postdoctoral Researchers S. Sami (2019) (KNTU) Z. Hasanpour (2020- 2021) (INSF) Semester II, 2025
Basics of
Mathematical Analysis (BSc), Sunday and Tuesday
mornings (10:30--12:00)
Nonlinear Analysis (MSc), Sunday and Tuesday
C*-Algebras (I, II), Applied Functional
Analysis, Banach Algebras, Fixed point theory.
Graduate Students
Teaching Schedule
Courses Taught
Topology, Analysis I, II, III, Calculus I, II,
Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Functional
Analysis(I,II), Operator Theory(I, II),