Email: Radan[at sign] |
Tel.: +98 21 84062408 |
Fax: +98 21 88462066 |
Postal Address: |
Electrical Engineering Faculty of K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Seyed Khandan Bridge,1431714191 Tehran, Iran |
P.O.Box: 16315-1355 |
Dr. Radan is one of the Associate Professors at Power Engineering Department in Electrical Faculty of K.N.Toosi University of Technology.
He received the B.Sc degree from Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran in 1987, the M.Sc. degree from Tehran University, Tehran, Iran in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany in 2000, all in electrical engineering.
He is a member of IEEE and currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Power and the head of power electronics laboratory of the K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran. His research interests include high power converters and drives, modulation strategies, control of
power electronics converters, wind and solar energy applications of power
electronics and electric hybrid vehicles.
1) Ahmad Radan and Amir hossain Shahiri nia, "Novel Carrier-Based PWM Methods for Multi-level Inverters", EPE
Journal, Vol.18, No. 2, P. 16-21, April-June 2008 (ISI Journal).
2) Mohammad Hassan Abdollahi and Ahmad Radan, "Robust Nonlinear Method To Control Micro Grids", International Journal of Integrated Energy
Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 65-69, January-June 2009.
3) Henghameh Kojooyan Jafari and Ahmad Radan, "Improved Design of Three Level NPC Inverter in Comparison to Two level Inverter", WSEAS
Transaction on circuit and systems, Issue 2, Volume 8, P. 207-216, February 2009.
4) Mohammad Reza Nikzad and Ahmad Radan, "Comprehensive Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive in Directly
Connected Battery-Inverter, Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles", International Review of Electrical
Engineering, Issue 2, Volume 8, P. 564-569, February 2009 - August 2009 (ISI Journal).
5) Mohammad Reza Nikzad and Ahmad Radan, "Effects of Battery Pack Voltage Level on Traction Inverter Efficiency in Parallel Hybrid
Electric Vehicles", International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Issue 3, Volume 2, P.
264-268, June 2009.
6) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan and Mehdi Haghshenas, "Average Modeling and Pole Placement Control of Indirect Matrix Converter for Three-Phase
Power Conditioner", International Review of Automatic Control (Theory and Applications) , Issue 3,
Volume 2, P. 404-414, July 2009.
7) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan and Mehdi Haghshenas, "Synchronous control of indirect matrix converter for three-phase power conditioner", Electric
Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Issue 7, Volume 80, P. 857-868, July 2010. (ISI Journal).
8) Abdolrahim Kamal zade and Ahmad Radan, Direct Power Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Using an Analytically Optimized
Switching Table International Review of Electrical Engineering, Issue 1, Volume 5, P. 564-569,
February 2010 (ISI Journal).
9) Reza Nasiri and Ahmad Radan, "Pole-placement control of 4-leg voltage-source inverters for standalone photo voltaic
systems: Considering digital delays", Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Issue 2, Volume 36, P. 858-868,
February 2011. (ISI Journal).
10) Kazem Varesi and Ahmad Radan, "A Novel GA Based Technique for Optimizing Both the Design and Control Parameters in Parallel
Passenger Hybrid Cars", International Review of Electrical Engineering, Issue 2, Volume 8, P.
564-569, August 2011 (ISI Journal).
11) Reza Nasiri and Ahmad Radan, "Adaptive Robust Pole-placement control of 4-leg voltage-source inverters for standalone
photo voltaic systems: Considering digital delays", Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier,
Issue 2, Volume 52, P. 1314-1324, February 2010. (ISI Journal).
12) Reza Nasiri and Ahmad Radan, "Adaptive Pole-placement control of 4-leg voltage-source inverters for standalone photo
voltaic systems", Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Issue 7, Volume 36, P. 2032-2042, July 2011. (ISI
13) Reza Nasiri and Ahmad Radan, "Adaptive Decoupled Pole-placement control of 4-leg voltage-source inverters for standalone
photo voltaic systems: Adjusting Transient State Response", Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Issue 10,
Volume 36, P. 2733-2741, October 2011. (ISI Journal).
14) Mohammad Ali Tavakkoli, Ahmad Radan and Houshang Hassibi, "Simulation and Analysis of a Compact Electronic Infrastructure for
DC Micro-Grid: Necessity and Challenges", Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Volume 3, P. 73-78, May 2012.
15) Hiva Nasiri, Ahmad Radan, Abbas Ghayebloo, "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Trans- motor Based Series-Parallel HEV Compared
to Toyota Prius 2004 Planetary Gear", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), Volume 2, No. 2, P. 12757-12764,
Dec. 2012. (ISI indexed).
16) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan, "Indirect matrix converter with unity voltage transfer ratio for AC to AC power conversion",
Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Volume 96, P. 157-169, March 2013. (ISI indexed).
17) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan, "A Simplified and Fast DSP-CPLD-Based Implementation Method of Space Vector Modulation Applied
in Indirect Matrix", EPE Journal, Accepted paper, Vol.23, No. 3, Fall 2013. (ISI indexed).
18) Abbas Ghayebloo, Ahmad Radan, "Superiority of Dual Mechanical Ports machine based structure for Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric
Vehicle Applications", Accepted paper, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (ISI indexed).
1) C. Ungerer and Ahmad Radan, Study of AC-Side Soft Commutated Resonant Pole PWM Three-Phase
Converters, Int. Conference Paper, Proceeding of PCIM2000, Nuerenberg, Germany.
2) C. Ungerer and Ahmad Radan, Identifying Time delay Using Neural Network, Int. Conference Paper, Proceeding of EANN2000,
Achen, Germany.
3) Ahmad Radan, Minimization of Switching Losses in Soft Switching Converters Using a Generalized
Discontinuous Space Vector PWM Algorithm Nat. Conference Paper, Proceeding of ICEE09, Tehran,
4) Ahmad Radan, Reduction of Linearity Range of SVM in Soft Switching Converters, Int. Conference Paper, EPE
Int. Conference, Proceeding of EPE2001, Graz, Austria.
5) Ahmad Radan, Comparative Study of Switching Losses in AC-Side Soft Commutated PWM Three Phase Converters,
EPE Int. Conference, Proceeding of EPE 2003, Toulouse, France.
6) Ahmad Radan, Effect of Transition Duration of ZVT on Reduction of DC-Bus Utilization In ZVS Converters,
EPE Int. Conference, Proceeding of EPE 2003, Toulouse, France.
7) Mohammad Sam Aram and Ahmad Radan, The ARCP Flying Capacitor Inverter EPE Int. Conference,, Proceeding of EPE2005, Dresden,
8) Nima Madani and Ahmad Radan, Optimized Selection of Switching Algorithm in Space Vector Modulated Neutral Point Clamped
Converters EPE Int. Conference Paper, Proceeding of EPE2005, Dresden, Germany.
9) Ehsan Mirazade, Ahmad Radan and Firooz zare, Random Space Vector PWM Techniques with Constant Switching Frequency for Three-Phase Power
Inverters Nat. Conference Paper, Proceeding of ICEE14, Tehran, Iran.
10) Zahra Daneshi far and Ahmad Radan, Optimization Opportunities in Carrier-Based Multilevel PWM Using Degrees of Freedom of
Modulation Conference Paper, Proceeding of AUPEC2006, Melbourne, Australia.
11) Arbi Gharakhani and Ahmad Radan, Analytical Study of Affecting Characteristic of Voltage Vectors of a Three-level NPC
Inverter on Torque and Flux of DTC controlled Drives IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of
IEMDC2007, May 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
12) Arbi Gharakhani and Ahmad Radan, A Novel Strategy for Minimizing the Variation of Neutral Point Voltage and Switching
Frequency in DTC Controlled, NPC Driven Induction Motors IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of
IEMDC2007, May 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
13) Ahmad Radan, Amir hossain Shahiri nia and Falahi, Evaluation of Carrier-Based PWM Methods for Multi-level Inverters IEEE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of ISIE2007, June 2007, Vigo, Spain.
14) Zahra Daneshi far, Ahmad Radan and Mehrdad Davari far, Introduction and Evaluation of Novel Multi-level Carrier-Based PWM Strategies Using a
Generalized Algorithm EPE Int. Conference Paper, Proceeding of EPE2007, Sep. 2007, Aalborg,
15) Arbi Gharakhani and Ahmad Radan, Influence of voltage vectors of a NPC inverter on torque and flux variations of a DTC drive
considering different load and speed conditions EPE Int. Conference, Proceeding of EPE2007, Sep.
2007, Aalborg, Denmark.
16) Afshang, Ahmad Radan,Ghani, Abdolmaleki, Optimized Design of Three-level NPC Inverters WSEAS Int. Conference, Dec. 2008, Spain.
17) Hosein Piraste and Ahmad Radan, Determination of Freedom Degrees of Matrix Converter for Implementing the DTC Control
Method 23th Int. Electrical Conference, Nov. 2008, Iran.
18) Hosein Piraste and Ahmad Radan, Transient Stability Enhancement of Inverter-based Micro-Grids IEEE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of IEEE-PES, March 2009, USA.
19) Mohammad Reza Nikzad and Ahmad Radan, Effects of Fuel Cell and DC-Link Voltage on Boost Converter Efficiency in Fuel Cell-Battery
Hybrid Vehicles IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of IPEMC, May 2009, China.
20) Hossaini Emani, Ahmad Radan and Mehrasa, The Single-Phase Single-Switch PWM Three-Level High Power Factor Rectifier for DC Network
Application IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of ICIEA 2009, May 2009, China.
21) Hossaini emani, Ahmad Radan and Mehrasa, A New Single-Phase Single-Switch PWM Three-Level High Power Factor Rectifier with Separate
Regulation of Output Capacitors Voltage IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of ICIEA 2009, May
2009, China.
22) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan and Mehdi Haghshenas, Design and Simulation of a Synchronous Controller for Indirect Matrix Converter with Output
LC Filter under Unbalanced Utility Voltages and Load Conditions Nat. Conference, Proceeding of
ICEE17, Tehran, Iran.
23) Mohammad Reza Nikzad and Ahmad Radan, Accurate Modeling of Traction Inverter Losses for Efficiency Calculation in Parallel Hybrid
Electric Vehicles EPE Int. Conference, Proceeding of EPE 2009, Sep. 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
24) Alireza Jahangiri, Ahmad Radan and Mehdi Haghshenas, Comparison of Three Switching Strategies for Indirect Matrix Converter EPE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of EPE 2009, Sep. 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
25) Reza Nasiri and Ahmad Radan,Pole Placement Control Strategy for Four leg Voltage Source Inverters IEEE Int.
Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC10, February 2010, Iran.
26) Mohammad Reza Nikzad and Ahmad Radan, Accurate Loss Modeling of Fuel Cell Boost Converter and Traction Inverter for Efficiency
Calculation in Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Vehicles IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC10,
February 2010, Iran.
27) Alireza Jahangiri and Ahmad Radan, Stationary Frame Current Regulation of Indirect Matrix Converter with Power Factor
Correction under Distorted Supply Voltage IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC10, February
2010, Iran.
28) Abbass Ghayebloo and Ahmad Radan,Maximum Torque per Ampere (MTPA) Control of Dual Mechanical Ports Electric Machine IEEE
Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC10, February 2010, Iran.
29) Ali Rahimi, Karim Abbaszade and Ahmad Radan, Torque Ripple suppression of Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using
Harmonic Injected Currents IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC10, February 2010,
30) Kazem Varesi and Ahmad Radan, A Novel PSO Based Technique For Optimizing The DOH In Hybrid Electric Vehicles To Improve
Both The Fuel Economy And Vehicle Performance And Reduce The Emissions IEEE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of PEDSTC11, February 2011, Iran.
31) Hiva Nasiri, Ahmad Radan, Abbass Ghayebloo and Kiarash Ahi, A
MATLAB Simulink Model for Toyota Prius 2004 based on DOE reports EPE Int.
Conference, Proceeding of EPE 2011, Sep. 2011, Birmingham, England.
32) Alireza Jahangiri and Ahmad Radan, Eliminating Current Sensors of
Indirect Matrix Converter Using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller EPE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of EPE 2011, Sep. 2011, Birmingham, England.
33) Alireza Jahangiri and Ahmad Radan, Eliminating Current Sensors of Indirect
Matrix Converter Using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller, EPE Int. Conference,
Proceeding of EPE 2011, Sep. 2011, Birmingham, England.
34) Hosein Kamali, Amir Mosavi Nia, Alireza Jahangiri and Ahmad Radan,
Sawtooth Switching Strategy Implementation for Indirect Matrix Converter,
IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC12, February 2012, Iran.
35) Ali Tavakoli, Ahmad Radan and Hoshang Hassibi, Investigation of Electronic
Infrastructure of a Compact Micro Grid with DC Common Bus, 2012 Second Iranian
Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation, March 2012, Tehran, Iran.
36) Niko Alavi, Ahmad Radan, Alireza Jahangiri and Fateneh Rahuini, Optimized Input
Filter Design for Matrix Converters, IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC13,
February 2013, Iran.
37) Mohammad Ghanaatian, Ahmad Radan, Modeling and Simulation of Dual Mechanical Port Machine,
IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC13, February 2013, Iran.
38) Abbas Ghayebloo, Ahmad Radan, Optimal Design of Dual Mechanical Ports Machine in
Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle application, IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of
PEDSTC13, February 2013, Iran.
39) Arman Khodadost, Ahmad Radan, Novel comparative study between SVM, DTC and DTC-SVM in
Five-Leg Inverter to drive two motors independently, IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of
PEDSTC13, February 2013, Iran.
40) Sajad Maadanzadeh, Ali Abedini, Ahmad Radan, Novel Control Technique of IPMSM Using
State Feedback Control with Quadratic Linearization, IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of
PEDSTC13, February 2013, Iran.
41) Sajad Maadanzadeh, Ali Abedini, Ahmad Radan, Novel Sensorless State Feedback Speed Control
Technique of IPMSM Drives, IEEE Int. Conference, Proceeding of PEDSTC13, February 2013, Iran.
1) Design and
Engineering of a Fault Current Limiter for Khozestan
Substation, Ministry of Energy,
2) Improvement of Boring Unit with DC-Drive, Khozestan
Steel Co.
3) Improving the Efficiency and Power Quality Indices of MV Fan Motors of
Palletizing Unit, Khozestan Steel Complex.
4) Impairment diagnostic of palletizing belt conveyers using image processing, Khozestan Steel Complex.
5) Application of Image Processing System for Avoiding Human Errors Considering
Present Cameras and new Important Locations, Khozestan
Steel Complex.
6) Application of Hybrid Electric Train for National Railway, National Railway
(RAJA) Co. and Mapna Co. .
7) Upgrading the Power Train of Diesel Busses to Contactless Electric Buses
with Diesel Engine as Back-up Motor, Tehran Optimization of Fuel Consumption
Co. and Mecco Co.
8) Design and Implementation of a High Tension Drive For Fan Motor G5013 of
Palletizing Unit, Khozestan
Steel Complex.
9) Application of D-Statcom for Mitigation of Power Quality Problem in Tehran Metro Power Stations,
Tehran Metro Co. and Tehran Regional Electric Co.
10) Investigating Leakage DC Currents in Tehran Gas Pipelines and upgrading the Catholic Protection
System to reduce it. Tehran Gas Co.
11) Design and Implementation of an Hybrid Power Supply for Far Distance Gas Stations, Tehran Gas Co.
12)Improving Control and Switching Strategies of High Tension Electric Motor Driven Compressors in
Tabriz Gas Station, Iranian National Gas Co.
13)Improving The ARC Regulator System in Steel Making Plants, Imidro Co.
14) Investigation and Application of Motor Drive Systems for Replacing Mechanical Speed Regulators
in Pimping Stations of Oil and Gas Pipeline, Iranian National Oil Distribution Co.
15) Hybridization of Pride Car as National Multipurpose Vehicle. Saipa Car Manufacturing Co.
16) Application of a Controlled Magnetic Power Divider for Variable Speed Turbine to Improve the
Efficiency in Dehagh Gas Station. National Gas Transmission Co.
17) Upgrading the SFC System for Gas Turbine Generator Units. Mecco Co.
18) Design and Implementation of a Fault Tolerant Reliable 4-leg Inverter for 3-Phase
UPS Systems, Power Supply Co.
1) Stability Analysis of Internal DC Electrical Distribution
Systems For Commercial Buildings ordered by K.N.Toosi University, Finished.
2) Applying DTC Control Strategy on Direct Matrix Converter ordered by K.N.Toosi University,
3) Improvement of Switching Strategy in Indirect Matrix Converter ordered by K.N.Toosi
University, Finished.
4) Application of Dual Mechanical Port Machine for Hybridization of Passenger Cars.
K.N.Toosi University of Technology
5) Design and Simulation of an Active Vibration Damping System for a sample 5 story building,
K.N.Toosi University of Technology