Talks in Conferenced and Seminars

Seminar, Strongly regular graphs related to Network.

Ottawa University, The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 20th, 2013.

Algebra seminar, Representation of Table Algebras.

Carleton University and Ottawa university, March 23, 2011.

Combinatorics and optimization seminar, Coherent Configuration and Association Schemes II.

Carleton University and Ottawa University, February 11; 2011.

Combinatorics and optimization seminar, Coherent Configuration and Association Schemes I.

Carleton University and Ottawa University, January 28; 2011.

International Conference on Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics, Strong table algebras of rank three.

12 - 16, July- 2010, Korea.

The Second Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, Table algebras of rank three and strongly regular graphs.

12-13, May, 2010, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

7th International Algebraic Conference, Ukrainian Mathematical Congress, A necessary and sufficient condition for a table algebra to originate from an association scheme.

18-23, August, 2009, Ukraine.

Algebraic Aspects of Association Schemes and Scheme Rings, University of Regina, Regina, A note on cyclotomic schemes over finite near-fields

July 8 - 11, 2008.

38th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Character products of noncommutative table algebras.

3-6 September 2007, University of Zanjan.

The first IPM Conference on Algebraic Graph Theory, On the splitting filed of quasi-thin schemes.

21-26 July, 2007, IPM- Tehran, Iran.

18th Seminar on Algebra, A criterion for an element of an association scheme possesses cyclotomic eigenvalues.

4-5 April 2007, Damghan University of Basic Sciences.

12th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), A note on cyclotomic schemes over near-fields.

26-29 June 2005, University of Regina, Saskatchewan.

34th Iranian Mathematical Conference, Note on Frobenius group of odd order.

30 August - 2 September, 2004, Shahrood University of Technology.

Algebra and Representation Theory seminar, Table Algebra (I). February 2002, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Carleton University Ottawa-Canada.

Algebra and Representation Theory seminar, Table Algebra (II).

February 2002, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University Ottawa-Canada.

31st Iranian Mathematics Conference, On the conjugacy classes of a p-group.

216-219, Tehran University, Tehran- Iran. August 27-30, 2000.

11th Algebra Seminar Dept. Math. University of Technology Isfahan, A Class of Homogeneous Integral Table Algebras.

27-29 October 1999.

29th Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference, Some Results in C-algebras. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences.

Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran-Iran. 28-31 March 1998.

10th Seminar on Algebra, A note on nilpotent table algebras.

Kordestan University. Kordestan-Iran. 21-22 October 1998.

9th Algebra Seminar, A note on Table Algebras.

Mazandaran University and Sharif University of Technology, Mazandaran-Iran. 18-19 November 1997.