کتب (نویسنده مشترک، ویراستار، فصل)
Soltanpour M.,
Haghshenas S. A., Shibayama T. (2008): An integrated hydrodynamic
model on muddy coasts,
Sediment and Ecohydraulics,
Proceedings in Marine science, INTERCOH2005, Vol. 9, Ch.
26, pp. 379-390,
Dibajnia M., Soltanpour M.,
Nairn R., Allahyar M. R. (2010): Cyclone Gonu, the most intense
tropical cyclone on record in the Arabian Sea,
Indian Ocean
Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, Springer,
pp. 149-157
(ISBN 978-90-481-3109-9)
Dibajnia M., Soltanpour M.,
Scott D. (2010): An assessment of climate change impact on cyclone
frequency and design wave height in the Oman Sea, 1st WMO
International Conference on
Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, World Meteorological
Organization Technical Notes,
WWRP 2010-2, pp. 19-28
Soltanpour M. (2015): A study on the probability of tsunami
attacks in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman,
Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners,
Ch. 14, pp.
277-289 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801060-0.00014-9
Soltanpour M., Ranji Z. (2023):
A study on the tropical cyclones in the north Arabian Sea and the
Gulf of Oman,
Coastal Disaster Surveys and Assessment for Risk Mitigation,
CRC Press,
9.3 West Asia, pp.