Personal Web Site of

Majid Hamrah

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    Majid Hamrah

Birth: 1950,  Rasht-Iran


q       Educational Record

·        1968: High School Diploma, Rasht-Iran

·        1968-1972: Degree of B. Sc. on Cartography, Tehran University.

·        1975-1978: Degree of Master of Applied Science, Glasgow University, G. Britain (Photogrammetry as Minor and  cartography as Major).

·        1978: Degree of Ph.D. on Remote Sensing, Bedford College, London University (Uncompleted)

·        1994: Degree of Ph.D. on Physical Geography, IslamicAzad University, Tehran-Iran Publications

·        1987: Hamrah. M, "Slope atlas of Iran", Paper Submitted to 13th I.C.A. Conference, Mexico.

·        1988: Hamrah. M. Fayaz, R. "Extraction of Topographic Data from Landsat Imagery". Paper Presented to ISPRS  conference, Kyoto, Japan.

·        1992: Hamrah. M, "Topographic Mapping Status in Iran", Paper Presented to ISPRS Conference, Washington, U.S.A.

·        1991: Hamrah, M. Moghimi S.J., "Cartography", Text book in Persian.

·        1993: Hamrah, M., "Principle of Photogrammetry" Text book in Persian.

·        1985-1998: Hamrah, M., Ten Technical Papers on the area of Cartography, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry in Persian Language in National Conferences and Magazins.

q       Research

·        1982-1984: contribution in Production of "Slope Atlas of Iran" and "Contour Atlas of Iran". Tehran University.

q       Position

·        1981-Now: Assistant Prof. at the Surveying Engineering Department, K.N.Toosi University of Technology.

·        1998-Now: Head of Postgraduate Office and Finance Deputy of Civil Engineering Faculty of K.N.Toosi University of Technology

q       Award

·        1991: Received "I.R. Iran Book of the Year" Prize, for Publication of Text book "Cartography", from "Iranian President".

q       Field of Interest

·        Automated Cartography, Digital Mapping, GIS, Integrated Mapping Systems.





This site was last updated 01/17/07