Research Interest

Numerical Analysis:

Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions,

Integral transforms,

Analytic expansions,

Inequalities and error analysis,

Weighted quadrature rules and their numerical improvement,

New models of interpolation formulas using linear operators,

New models of series expansion using linear operators,

New models of splines.


A unified error bound for all Newton-Cotes quadrature formulas.

A unified error bound for all weighted quadrature formulas.

A stochastic model for predicting.

New interpolation formulas and their application in functions approximation.

New series and expansions using linear operators their applications.

New types of weighted quadrature rules.

A generalization of the Laplace and Fourier transforms and computation of their explicit inverse transforms.

A generalization of Taylor series expansion and its applications in numerical analysis.

New classes of symmetric orthogonal functions.

Generalizing Sturm-Liouville Problems with symmetric solutions in discrete spaces.

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