K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Systems and Control

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Industrial Experience

  1. Supervisor of a research group working on Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), 1990-1995.

  2. Collaborating with the Control Division of Electrical Power Research Center (EPRC) Ministry of Energy, 1989-1990.

  3. Organizing a Course on Advanced Control Systems for Practical Engineers, EPRC 1989.

  4. Supervisor of a research group working on the control of a 3- degrees of freedom turn table, 1993-1994.

  5. Supervisor of a research group working on the adaptive temperature control in heating systems 1994-1996.

  6. Supervisor of a research group working on the robust speed control for induction motors 1995-97.

  7. Co-supervisor of a research group working on weather prediction for Tehran Metrological Center, 1997-1999.

  8. Supervisor of a research group working on the prediction of share prices in Tehran Stock Market (1999-2000)

  9. Supervising a research project on the determination of the status of modern control theories and applications with emphasis on control applications in Iran. This project was funded by the Iranian Ministry of Industry from 2001-2002.

  10. Conducting a research project on the History of Control Engineering. This project was funded by the K. N. T. University of Technology from 2001-2002.

  11. Supervising a research project on general purpose adaptive controllers. This project was funded by the Iranian Ministry of Industry from 2006-2008.