Publications & Papers
A. Abdi and A. Ghasemi-tabar, "ARAD: Automated and Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Sensors of Autonomous Vehicles through a Lightweight Supervised Learning Approach," IEEE Access, 2024.
2- A. Abdi and A. Salimi-badr, "DyUnS: Dynamic and uncertainty-aware task scheduling for multiprocessor embedded systems," Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2024.
3- F. Afshari and A. Abdi, "Qsmix: Q-learning-based task scheduling approach for mixed-critical applications on heterogeneous multi-cores," The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024.
4- A. Abdi and A. Salimi-badr, "ENF-S: an evolutionary-neuro-fuzzy multi-objective task scheduler for heterogeneous multi-core processors," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2023.
5- A. Abdi and S. Shahoveisi, "FT-EALU: fault-tolerant arithmetic and logic unit for critical embedded and real-time systems," The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022.
6- A. Abdi, A. Girault, and H. Zarandi, “ERPOT: A Quad-Criteria Scheduling Heuristic to Optimize Execution Time, Reliability, Power Consumption and Temperature in Multicores,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2019.
7- A. Abdi, and H. Zarandi, “A Meta heuristic-based Scheduling approach to Optimize Lifetime Reliability, Performance and Power Consumption of Heterogeneous MPSoCs,” Microelectronics Journal, 2019.
8- A. Abdi, and H. Zarandi, "HYSTERY: a hybrid scheduling and mapping approach to optimize temperature, energy consumption and lifetime reliability of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems," The Journal of Supercomputing, 2018.
9- A. Abdi, M. Karami, and H. Zarandi,”Lifetime Reliability Enhancement in Multiprocessor Systems through a Fine-grained System-level Approach,” The Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2018.
10- M. Karami, A. Abdi, and H. Zarandi, "A cross-layer aging-aware task scheduling approach for multiprocessor embedded systems," Microelectronics Reliability, 2018.
11- SA. Asghari, A. Abdi, O. Kaynak, H. Taheri, H. Pedram, “An Effective Control Flow Checking Method for Multitask Processing in Harsh Environments,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2013.
12- A. Abdi, SA. Asghari, S. Pourmozaffari, H. Taheri, H. Pedram, “An effective software implemented data error detection method in real time systems,” Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications, 2012.
13- A. Abdi, SA. Asghari, S. Pourmozaffari, H. Taheri, H. Pedram, “An optimum instruction level method for soft error detection,” International Review on Computers and Software, 2012.
14- SA. Asghari, A. Abdi, H. Taheri, H.Pedram, S. Pourmozaffari, “SEDSR: Soft error detection using software redundancy.” Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012.
15- SA. Asghari, A. Abdi, H. Taheri, H.Pedram, S. Pourmozaffari, “I2BCFC: An effective intra-inter block control flow checking method against single event upsets,” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2012.
1- G. Pouresfandiyar-boroujeni and A. Abdi, "IoT-WMS: Design and Implementation of an IoT-based Smart Waste Management System," in 8th International Conference on Smart Cities, Internet of Things and Applications (SCIoT), 2024.
2- S. Shahoveisi and A. Abdi, "E-reso: An enhanced time redundancy-based error detection approach for arithmetic operations," in 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2021.
3- A. Abdi, and H. Zarandi, "Improving the reliability of multicore embedded systems through an evolutionary-based task scheduling approach," in 29th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2021.
4- A. Abdi, A. Souzani, M. Amirfakhri, AB. Moghadam, “Using security metrics in software quality assurance process,” in 6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 2012.
5- SA. Asghari, A. Abdi, H. Taheri, H.Pedram, "An instruction-level software redundancy-based method to detect control flow errors", in 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2012 (In Persian)