Vice Chair for Research Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics,KNTU, since 2017
Dean of Research Affairs, KNTU, 2016-2017.
Chair of Faculty of Mathematics, KNTU, 2014-2016.
Chair of Faculty of Science, KNTU, 2012-2013.
Member of E-Learning Council, KNTU, 2008-2011.
Member of University Council, KNTU, 2008-2010.
Advisor to Dean of Higher Education Development, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2008.
Dean of Academic Planning, KNTU, 2007-2010.
Member of Experts Committee, Payame Noor University, 2005-2009.
Member of the permosion Committee for the institute Higher Educations, 2005-2008.
Automation supervisor the Higher Education extension Office in Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2005-2006.
Representative of the Standing Committee of the Trusteeship Committee at the Applied Scientific University, 2002-2006.
Secretary of the Veterinary Committee of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 1997-2007.
Membership in the Policy Council of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, including the Committee for the Development of Policies of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Committee for the Compilation of Science and Technology, 1997-2005.
Secretary of the Department of Agricultural and Veterinary Planning of the Council for the Development of Higher Education in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 1997-2003.