Publications & Papers
1. GhaemiDizaji, M., Dadkhah, C., and Leung, H. (2021). "Efficient robot localization and SLAM algorithms using Opposition based High Dimensional optimization Algorithm." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 104, 104308.
2. GhaemiDizaji, M., Dadkhah, C. (2021). "New algorithm for robot localization based on BrunsVigia Optimization Algorithm." International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (IJNAA)
3. Khalaji, M., Dadkhah, C., and Gharibshah, J. (2021). "Hybrid Movie Recommender System based on Resource Allocation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.11678.
4. Tohidi, N., Dadkhah, C. (2020). "Improving the performance of video collaborative filtering recommender systems using optimization algorithm." International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 11(1), 483-495.
5. GhaemiDizaji, M., Dadkhah, C., and Leung, H. (2020). "OHDA: An opposition based high dimensional optimization algorithm." Applied Soft Computing, 91, 106185.
6. Anisheh, S. M., Abbasizadeh, H., Shamsi, H., Dadkhah, C., and Lee, K. Y. (2019). "84 dB DC-gain two‐stage class-AB OTA." IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 13(5), 614-621.
7. Anisheh, S. M., Abbasizadeh, H., Shamsi, H., Dadkhah, C., and Lee, K. Y. (2019). "98-dB gain class-AB OTA with 100 pF load capacitor in 180-nm digital CMOS process." IEEE Access, 7, 17772-17779.
8. Hosseininejad, S., and Dadkhah, C. (2019). "Mobile robot path planning in dynamic environment based on cuckoo optimization algorithm." International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16(2), 1729881419839575.
9. Anisheh, S. M., and Dadkhah, C. (2017). "A two-stage method for optimizing the parameters of CMOS operational amplifiers based on evolutionary algorithm." Inter-national Journal on Computer Science and Engineer-ing, 14(2), 1-10.
10. Mahdipour, E., & Dadkhah, C. (2014). "Automatic fire detection based on soft computing techniques: review from 2000 to 2010." Artificial intelligence review, 42(4), 895-934.
11. Keikha, A., Dadkhah, C., Tehrani, M., and Navi, K. (2011). "A novel design of a random generator circuit in QCA." International Journal of Computer Applications, 35(1).
12. Mirzaee, E., Dadkhah, C. (2011), "ENFD: An Expert System tool for Fault Detection on Computer network", journal of computing, Vol 3, No 11, pp 95-99.
13. Molahosseini, A. S., Navi, K., Dadkhah, C., Kavehei, O., and Timarchi, S. (2009). "Efficient Reverse Converter Designs for the New 4-Moduli Sets {2n-1, 2n, 2n+1,22n+1-1}and {2n-1, 2n+1,2n+1, 22n,22n+1}." $
14. Molahosseini, A. S., Dadkhah, C., Navi, K., and Eshghi, M. (2009). "Efficient MRC-based residue to binary converters for the new moduli sets {22n,22n-1,22n+1-1,22n+1-1} and {22n,2n-1,2n-1-1"}". IEICE transactions on information and systems, 92(9), 1628-1638.
15. Molahosseini, A. S., Dadkhah, C., and Navi, K. (2009). "A new five-moduli set for efficient hardware implementation of the reverse converter." IEICE Electronics Express, 6(14), 1006-1012.
16. Chitra, D. A. D. K. H. A. H., Ahmad, A., and Mahsa, A. (2005). "Design a Tool for Construction of Unique Knowledge Base For Expert systems." In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ISCEng’05). 0-7695-2359-5/05, IEEE.
17. Dadkhah, C., & Barforosh, A. A. (2003). "OAV-VVT expert, an active system for verification and validation of knowledge base using OAV knowledge representation." The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 1(4).
1. "An Overview on Opponent Modeling in RoboCup Soccer Simulation 2D", robocup symposium, Estanbol, Turkey, 2011.
2. "Review on Applicability of Expert System in Designing and Control of Autonomous Cars", Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computation, Chine, 2011.
3. "Ex-eval-fin, An Expert System for Financial Evaluation of Company",10th Iranian fuzzy system conference, Shahid Beheshti University, 13-15 July, 2010, Iran-Tehran.
4. "Design a Tool for Construction of Unique Knowledge Base for Expert Systems". International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICSEng'05 and ICCIMA'05), IEEE, Las Vegas, USA, August 2005.
5. "OAV-VVT Expert, An Active System For Verification and Validation of Knowledge in Ex- OAV KB, ICSE & INCOSE Joint 2004 Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
6. "An Active system for Verification and Validation of Knowledge Base", International Conference on Informatics (ICI 2004), Izmir, Turkey.
7. "New Method for Verification and Validation of KB Using OAV Knowledge Representation", Poster session, Work in Progress, EUROMICRO 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
8. "Integrated Verification and Validation Tool", The Ninth Workshop on AutomatedReasoning Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, ARW 2002,Imperial College, London.
9. "Knowledge Representation in Decision Support Systems for Classification of Intelligence Application Systems", Proceeding of the Fifth Annual International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC) ,2000,Tehran, Iran.
Theses of PhD:
- Design and Implementation of Tools for Verification and Validation of Knowledge in Artificial Intelligent Systems.
Stage de DEA d'informatique (MS Thesis):
- Un Langage pour la Representation Explicite du Controle de la Resolution Dans les Systemes a Base de Connaissances.