M. Sc. Thesis
- Title: Exergoecconomical Analysis of Geothermal Power Plants.
- Advisor: Dr. Farschad Torabi.
- Graduation Date: March 20, 2014
- Abstract
With the daily increment need of energy and decrement trend of fossil fuels and also harmful effects of nucleate fuels much effort has been done to replace renewable sources of energy instead of current resources. One of these renewable resources is geothermal energy. Binary and flash power plants are the majority of geothermal power plants.Geothermal power plant projects are characterized by high initial capital costs including a lifetime supply of fuel then a thermal design and thermoeconomic analysis of flash binary cycle has done in this case. The energy and exergy analysis of the plant was studied based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The exergy analysis identifies the plant components with the highest thermodynamic inefficiencies and the processes that cause them. Exergy destruction in the plant represents not only thermodynamic inefficiency but also the opportunity to optimize investment costs associated with the plant being analyzed. It is the objective of thermoeconomic optimization to maximize the exergetic efficiencies of the plant components and to minimize the levelized costs of electricity generated by the flash binary plant. The main advantage of using the structural method of thermoeconomic optimization is that the various components of the plant can be optimized on their own. The Economic analysis shows that the minimum exergy destruction cost of the project is 30% lower than the the same sample. EES software has used for analyzing the power cycle.Faculty of Mechanical Eng. of K. N. Toosi University of Technology
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