M. Sc. Thesis
- Title: modeling and simulation of zinc-air battery.
- Advisor: Dr. Farschad Torabi.
- Graduation Date: September 18, 2016.
- Abstract
Battery is the most effective part of our life in a way that we can not ignore it and live without problem. All mobile devices and electric cars and etc use the power which have generated by a battery. The growing use of batteries made the people expect more from battery manufacturers and lead them to ask from scientist to introduce more practical batteries which provide long life for mobile devices and do not harm the environment after disposal. There is a vast research area that scientists are confronting to make the batteries work more properly and save the environment from toxic material of disposed batteries. Among all sciences which are related to chemistry of battery mathematics and computational methods made it possible to simulate the behavior of a battery using computer programming. The mathematical modeling and simulation of a battery are methods to decrease the time and cost of a research program so that they are more economic and attractive for scientists. In this thesis Zinc-air primary battery has modeled by jointing key parameters such as concentration of hydroxide ion, potential in solid phase and potential in liquid phase. The partial differential equation of each key parameters then discrete to algebraic equations and solved using Thomas numerical method employing a C++ program which made it possible to solve lots of equations in a short time. The output diagrams of the simulation then compared and fitted on a reference case and the characteristics of each curve have interpreted.Faculty of Mechanical Eng. of K. N. Toosi University of Technology
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