Publications - Recent Conference Proc.

Conference Papers:‎


[1] H.P.Masiha,"Extreme Points in the Set of Topological Left Invariant Means"‎, ‎Congress‎ ‎International ISAAC‎, ‎Ankara‎, ‎Turkey‎, ‎(2007).‎

‎‎[2] H.P.Masiha, "Basis and dimension of fuzzy vector spaces"‎,(Joint with Zh. Khazaee), ‎Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intellige‎nt Systems‎,Malek Ashtar University, Tehran,‎‎ ‎Iran (2008)‎.

‎‎[3] H.P.Masiha, "Fuzzy linear transformations"‎, ‎(Joint with Zh. Khazaee), Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intellige‎nt Systems‎,Malek Ashtar University, Tehran,‎‎ ‎Iran (2008)‎.‎

‎‎[4] H.P.Masiha, "Completeness in non additive measures"‎, International Conference in Analysis and Applications, ICAA08, Aligrah University, India (2008)‎.‎‎

‎‎[5] H.P.Masiha, "Topological Lumpiness and Topological Extreme Amenability"‎, ‎Harmonic‎ ‎Analysis and Applications IV‎, ‎Tsaghkadzor‎, ‎Armenia‎,‎(2008)‎.

[6] H.P.Masiha, "Invariance Conditions and Amenability of Locally Compact Semigroups"‎, ‎7th International ISAAC Congress‎, ‎London‎, ‎U‎. ‎K.‎, ‎(2009)‎.‎

[7] H.P.Masiha, "Topological Left Almost Convergence and Extreme Points of Amenable Locally‎ ‎Compact Semigroups"‎, ‎International Conference of Mathematical Sciences‎, ‎Istanbul‎, ‎Turkey‎, ‎(2009)‎.‎


[8] H.P.Masiha, "Fixed Point Theorems in Cone Metric Spaces"‎, ‎(Joint with F‎. ‎Sabetghadam‎ ‎and A‎. ‎H‎. ‎Sanatpour)‎, ‎18th Seminar of Analysts‎, ‎University of Tarbiat Moaalem‎, ‎Iran‎, ‎(2009)‎.‎

[9] H.P.Masiha, "Fixed Point Properties for Asymptotically Non-Expansive Mapping and‎ ‎Quasi-Non Expansive Mapping"‎, (Joint with F‎. ‎Sabetghadam‎),‎40th Annual Iranian Mathematics ‎Conference‎, ‎Sharif University of Technology‎, ‎Iran (2009)‎.

‎‎‎‎‎[10] H.P.Masiha, "Invariance Conditions and Left Amenability of Locally Compact Groups‎", ‎40th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference‎, ‎Sharif University of Technology‎, ‎Iran (2009)‎.


[11] H.P.Masiha, "Sugeno Fuzzy Integral",(Joint with H. Vahdati),10th Iranian Coference of Fuzzy System‎‎‎, ‎Shahid Beheshti University‎, ‎Iran (2010)‎.


[12] H.P.Masiha, "Fixed Point Theorems of Multivalued Monotone Mappings in Ordered Metric Spaces", (Joint with F‎. ‎Sabetghadam‎‎‎),The ‎Second ‎Asian‎ Coference on Nonlinear ‎Analysis ‎and ‎Optimization, ‎Phuket, ‎Thailand, ‎(2010).‎

‎‎[13] H.P.Masiha, "Extremely Amenable Locally Compact Borel Subsemigroups"‎, 41th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference‎, Uromieh‎ University,‎ ‎Iran (2010)‎.‎‎‎‎‎, ‎18th Seminar of Analysts‎, ‎University of Tarbiat Moaalem‎, ‎Iran‎, ‎(2009)‎.


‎‎[14] H.P.Masiha, "Multi Valued Operators in Quasi-ordered Metric Spaces"‎, (Joint with F‎.Sabetghadam‎), 19th Seminar of Analysis and its Applications, ‎Mazandaran‎ University, ‎Babolsar,‎ ‎Iran (2011)‎.


[15] H.P.Masiha, "Extremely Amenable Locally Compact Borel Subsemigroups"‎, ‎Harmonic ‎Analysis and Applications V‎, ‎Tsaghkadzor‎, ‎Armenia‎, ‎(2011)‎.


‎‎‎‎‎‎[16] H.P.Masiha, "Coupled Coincidence Point Theorems in Ordered Metric Spaces"‎, (Joint with F‎. ‎Sabetghadam‎), ‎42th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference‎, Vali-e-Asr University‎, Rafsenjan, ‎Iran (2011)‎.

‎‎‎‎‎‎[17] H.P.Masiha, "Geometry of Banach Spaces Concerning Fixed Point"‎, ‎(Joint with H‎.Vahdati‎), 42th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference‎, Vali-e-Asr University‎, Rafsenjan, ‎Iran (2011)‎.

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Math Department of K.N.Toosi University of Tech.