K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Dr. Mani Fathali
Selected Journal papers
M. Fathali and S. Khoei, "Spectral energy transfer in a
viscoelastic homogeneous isotropic turbulence," Physics of
095105 (2019),
M. Fathali and S. Khoei, "Fractally fourier decimated homogeneous turbulent shear flow in noninteger dimensions," Phys. Rev. E 95, 023115 (2017).
M. Fathali., and M. Khoshnami Deshiri. "Sensitivity of the two-dimensional shearless mixing layer to the initial turbulent kinetic energy and integral length scale." Physical Review E, Volume 93, Issue 4, Pages 043122, 2017.
A. Atoufi, M. Fathali, and B. Lessani. "Compressibility effects and turbulent kinetic energy exchange in temporal mixing layers." Journal of Turbulence 16.7 (2015): 676-703.
A. Atoufi, M. Fathali and B. Lessani, “A priori evaluations of subgrid-scale terms for large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows.” Journal of Turbulence, Volume 4, No 7, Pages 1-23, 2013.
M. Fathali and Bamdad Lessani, “Effects of initial mixture fraction on the development of a turbulent reactive mixing layer.” Journal of Turbulence, Volume 12, No 33, Pages 1-39, 2011.
M. Fathali, J. Meyers, G. Rubio, S. Smirnov and M. Baelmans. “Sensitivity analysis of initial condition parameters on the transitional temporal turbulent mixing layer.” Accepted for publication in Journal of Turbulence, Volume 9, No12, 2008.
M. Fathali, M. Klein, T. Broeckhoven, C. Lacor and M. Baelmans. “Generation of Turbulent Inflow and Initial Conditions based on Multi-Correlated Random Fields.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 93 – 117, 2007.
M. Fathali, J. Meyers, and M. Baelmans, "Impact of initial flow parameters on a temporal mixing layer evolution", Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VI, Page 625-632, Ercoftac Series, 2006. Springer ISBN-10 1-4020-4909-9.