Selected Journals

. Proceedings of American Mathematical Society  (3 papers)

. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application (2 papers)

. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (5 papers)

. Integral Transforms and Special Functions (8 papers)

. Computers and Mathematics with Applications  (2 papers)

. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (2 papers)

. Applied Mathematics Letters (3 papers)

. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (1 paper)

. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques (1 paper)

. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (1 paper)

. Analysis and Applications (1 paper)

. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications (1 paper)

. Applicable Analysis (2 papers)

. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (2 papers)

. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (1 paper)


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