. Proceedings of American
Mathematical Society
(3 papers)
. Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Application
(2 papers)
. Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics
(5 papers)
. Integral Transforms
and Special Functions
(8 papers)
. Computers and Mathematics with
Applications (2
. Mathematical and Computer Modelling
(2 papers)
. Applied Mathematics
Letters (3 papers)
. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
(1 paper)
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
(1 paper)
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
(1 paper)
Analysis and Applications
(1 paper)
Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications
(1 paper)
. Applicable Analysis
(2 papers)
. Complex Variables and
Elliptic Equations
(2 papers)
. Electronic Transactions
on Numerical Analysis (1 paper)