Publications & Papers
B.P. lathi Communication Systems, translated into persian, by M.S. Abrishamian.
Joseph Edminister Electromagnetics, Translated into persian,by M.S. Abrishamian.
Lim Yung-Kuo Problems and Solutions on Electromagnetism, translated into persian,
by M.S. Abrishamian.
William L. Dahl (editor), Photonic Crystals, Contributor, book chapter.
M.S.Abrishamian Advanced Electromagnetic Waves, in persian
Journal Papers
1. Farshid Raissi, M. Sadegh Abrishamian, and Tahere Emadi, “Single-Electron Effect in PtSi/Porous Si Schottky Junctions, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 51, Issue 3, March 2004, Page(s): 339 - 344.
2. T. Pakizeh; M. S. Abrishamian; N. Granpayeh; A. Dmitriev; M. Kall, "Magnetic-field enhancement in gold nanosandwiches, Optics Express, 4 Sept 2006; 14 (18) Page(s): 8240-8246.
3. Faezeh Sh.A. Ghasemi, M. S. Abrishamian, A novel method for FDTD numerical GPR imaging of arbitrary shapes based on Fourier transform, NDT & E International 40(2007) 140-146.
4. Mahdieh Khosravi and M. S. Abrishamian, Reduction of Monostatic RCS by Switchable FSS Elements, Piers Online, VOL. 3, NO. 6, (2007) 770-773.
5. M. Djavid, M. S. Abrishamian, Photonic crystal channel drop filters with mirror cavities, Opt Quant Electron (2007) 39:1183-1190.
6. M.M. Zahedi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Scattering from semi-elliptic channel loaded with impedance elliptical cylinder, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 79, 47-58, 2008.
7. S. V. A. Makki,T. Z. Ershadi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Determining the specific ground conductivity aided by the horizontal electric dipole antenna near the ground surface, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B,PIERB 1, 43-65, 2008.
8. K. Vafi, A.R. Maleki Javan, M. S. Abrishamian and N. Granpayeh, "Dispersive behavior of plasmonic and metamaterial coating on achieving transparency, J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 22, 941-952,2008.
9 A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi, M. Djavid and M. S. Abrishamian, "Analysis of Photonic Crystal Power Splitters with Different Configurations, Journal of Applied Sciences 8(8):1416-1425, 2008.
10. M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic Crystal Narrow Band Filter Using Biperi-odic Structures, Journal of Applied Sciences 8(10):1891-1897, 2008.
11. F. Monifi, M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "A new Broadband Photonic Crystal Narrow Add Drop Filter, Journal of Applied Sciences 8(11):2178-2182, 2008.
12. T. Pakizeh, A. Dmitriev, M. S. Abrishamian, N. Granpayeh, and M. Kall, "Structural asymmetry and induced optical magnetism in plasmonic nanosandwiches, Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B), Vol.25, Issue 4, pp. 659-667, 2008.
13. M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Heterostructure photonic crystal channel drop filters using mirror cavities," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, Published 30 April 2008.
14. M. Djavid, F. Monifi, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "Heterostructure wavelength division demultiplexers using photonic crystal ring resonators, Elsevier, Optics Communications, 281 (15), pp.4028-4032, Aug 2008.
15. M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "T-shaped channel-drop filters using photonic crystal ring resonators," Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 40, Issue 10, pp.3151-3154 (September 2008).
16. A. Ghaffari, M. Djavid, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic crystal power splitter and wavelength multi/demultiplexer based on directional coupling, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, Published 15 May 2008.
17. M. Djavid, F. Monifi, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "A Photonic Crystal L-shaped Bend Based on Ring Resonators," October 10, 2008 / Vol. 6, No. 10 / Chinese Optics Letters. pp. 713-714
18. M. Djavid, F. Monifi, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic Crystal Power Dividers Using L-shaped Bend Based on Ring Resonators, Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B), Vol. 25, No. 8/ August 2008/ pp. 1231-1235
19. F. Monifi, M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "Design of Efficient Photonic Crystal Bend and Power Splitter Using Super Defects, /Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B), Vol. 25, No. 11/November 2008/ pp. 1805-1810
20. A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi, M. Djavid, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic crystal bends and power splitters based on ring resonators, Elsevier, Optics Communications 281 (2008) 5929-5934
21. M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari and M. S. Abrishamian, "Coupled-Mode Analysis of Photonic Crystal Add-Drop Filters Based on Ring Resonators, Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B), Vol. 25, No. 11/ November 2008/ pp. 1829-1832
22. F. Monifi, A. Ghaffari, M. Djavid, and M. S. Abrishamian, "A Three Output Port Channel-drop Filter Based on Photonic Crystals, Applied Optics, Vol. 48, Iss. 4, Feb. 2009/ pp. 804-809
23. M. Djavid, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic Crystal Notch Filter Design using Particle Swarm Optimization Theory and Finite Difference Time Domain Analysis," Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B) Vol. 26, No. 4/ April 2009, pp.849-853
24. A. Ghaffari, M. Djavid, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Power splitters with different output power levels based on directional coupling," Applied Optics, Vol. 48 Issue 8, March 2009, pp. 1606-1609
25. T. Pakizeh, M. S. Abrishamian and N. Granpayeh, "Design and Implementation of an Optical Nano filter based on Surface Plasmonic Oscillation," International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol.1 Number 2, May 2009, pp. 21-27
26. A. Ghaffari, M. Djavid, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Bi-periodic photonic crystal Y-splitter," Physica E Vol. 41,Issue 8, August 2009, pp. 1495-1499
27. S. Chamaani, M. S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri, "Multi-Objective Optimization of UWB Monopole Antenna," Piers C, Vol. 8, (2009) 83-94.
28. O. Zandi, Z. Atlasbaf and M. S. Abrishamian,"Novel Method to Analysze and Design One-Dimensional Re-
ciprocal Periodic Structures with Symmetrical Cells," Piers B, VOL. 19, pp. 285-303, 201029. M. Kaboli, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian, "High Isolation X-Polar Antenna," IEEE Antennas and
Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume 9, Page(s): 401-404, 2010.30. Omid Zandi, Zahra Atlasbaf and M. S. Abrishamian, "Combined Electromagnetic Energy and Momentum
Conservation Equation," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, VOL. 58, NO. 11, November 2010,Page(s): 3585 - 3592.31. S. Chamaani, M. S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri, "Time-Domain Design of UWB Vivaldi Antenna Ar-
ray Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,Volume 9, Page(s): 119-123, 2010.32. Omid Zandi, Zahra Atlasbaf and M. S. Abrishamian, "On the orthogonality of the phase velocity and its
feasibility for plane waves," Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 122, Issue 8,April 2011, Pages 746-74733. Noushin Vaseghi and M. S. Abrishamian, " Design and Optimization of a New Class of Wideband Radar
Absorbing Materials with Arbitrary Polarization by Genetic Algorithm," IAEEE ,Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring and Summer 2010.34. S. Chamaani, S. A. Mirtaheri and M. S. Abrishamian, "Improvement of Time and Frequency Domain Perfor-
mance of Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,May 2011, Volume: 59 Issue:5 PP. 1738 - 1742 .35. A. Pourkazemi, M. Mansourabadi, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Comparison of basic parameters of photonic
crystal fibers calculated by scalar effective index method, fully vectorial effective index method and empirical relations method," Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics 41 (2-3), pp. 165-177, 2010.36. M. Djavid, B. Saghirzadeh and M. S. Abrishamian, "Photonic crystal based cross connect filters," Elsevier,
Optics Communications 284 (2011) pp. 1424-1428.37. M. Bahrami Panah, M. S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri, "Tunable anisotropic photonic crystal channel-drop
filter," IOP-Journal of Optics, Published 7 December 2010.38. M. Rasouli Disfani, K. Vafi, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Dyadic Greens Function of a PEMC Cylinder," Applied
Physics A, (2011)103:765-769.39. M. Haghparast, M.S. Abrishamian, "Reducing backscattering cross section of an electrically large sphere with
metamaterial coating," Applied Physics A, (2011)103:587-590.40. Marzieh Ahmadi, M.S. Abrishamian, "Raman gap soliton in one-dimensional photonic crystal: a FDTD anal-
ysis" AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 65, Issue 10, October 2011,Pages 767-77141. M. Djavid and M. S. Abrishamian, "Multi-channel drop filters using photonic crystal ring resonators," Inter-
national J. for Light and Electron Optics, Optik 123 (2012) 167 170.42. Amir Setayesh, S. Reza Mirnaziry and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Numerical investigation of tunable
band-pass plasmonic filter with hollow-core ring resonator," IOP-Journal of Optics, 13(2011)035004(7pp).43. Amir Setayesh, S. Reza Mirnaziry and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Numerical Investigation of Tunable
Band-pass \ band-stop Plasmonic Filters with Hollow-core Circular Ring Resonator," Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, Vol. 15 Issue 1, pp. 82-89 (2011).44. Mohsen Kaboli, Hossein Sarbandi Farahani, M. S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri, "Low-profile, high-gain
and broadband array of corner cube reflector antenna based on substrate integrated waveguide," Electronics Letters, Vol. 47 Issue: 6, 2011, pp. 363-36445. S. Reza Mirnaziry, Amir Setayesh and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Design and analysis of plasmonic
filters based on stubs," Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 28, Iss. 5, pp. 1300-1307 (2011).46. Ali H. Khanmirzaei and M. S. Abrishamian, "A bridged waveguide intersection in two-dimensional photonic
crystal structures," Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 123, Issue 7, April 2012, Pages 653-656.47. Omid Zandi, Zahra Atlasbaf and M. S. Abrishamian, "Alternative Expression for the Phase Velocity of Elec-
tromagnetic Homogeneous Plane Waves," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 59,No. 11, Nov. 2011, pp. 2781 - 2787.48. Mohsen Bahramipanah, Seyed Abdollah Mirtaheri, and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Electrical beam
steering with metal-anisotropic-metal structure," Optics Letters, Vol. 37 Issue 4, pp.527-529 (2012).49. Majid Rasouli Disfani, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian and Pierre Berini, "Electromagnetic fields near plas-
monic wedge," Optics Letters Vol. 37, Iss. 10, pp. 16671669 (2012).50. Majid Rasouli Disfani, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian and Pierre Berini, "Teardrop-shaped surface-plasmon
resonators," Optics Express Vol. 20, Iss. 6, pp. 6472-6477 (2012).51. Iman Zand, Amirreza Mahigir, Tavakol Pakizeh, and Mohammad S. Abrishamian, "Selective-mode optical
nanofilters based on plasmonic complementary split-ring resonators," Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 7, pp.7516-7525 (2012).52. M. Kaboli, M.S. Abrishamian, S.A. Mirtaheri, and S.M. Aboutorab, " High-Isolation XX-Polar Antenna," IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60, Issue 9, pp. 4046-4055 (2012).53. H. Nasari, M.S. Abrishamian, " Active Focusing of Light in Plasmonic Lens via Kerr Effect," Journal of the
Optical Society of Korea, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2012, pp. 305-312.54. M. Bahrami Panah, M. S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri, "Beam manipulating by metal-anisotropic-metal
plasmonic lens," IOP-Journal of Optics, 28 September 2012.55. H. Nasari, M.S. Abrishamian, " Electrically Tunable Light Focusing Via Plasmonic Lens," IOP-Journal of
Optics, Vol. 14, Issue 12, December 2012, Article number125002.56. I. Zand, M. S. Abrishamian, and T. Pakizeh, " Nanoplasmonic Loaded Slot Cavities for Wavelength Filtering
and Demultiplexing, IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT, Accepted for publication.57. I. Zand, M. Bahrami Panah, M. S. Abrishamian, and Jia-Ming Liu, " Metal-Insulator-Metal Nanoscale Loop-
Stub Structures", IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4, No. 6, Dec. 2012, pp 2136-2142.58. Iman Zand, Mohammad S. Abrishamian, and Pierre Berini, " Highly tunable nanoscale Metal-Insulator-Metal
Split Ring Core Ring Resonators (SRCRRs) ", Optics Express, Vol. 21 Issue 1, pp.79-86 (2013)59. M. Bahramipanah, M.S. Abrishamian, S. A. Mirtaheri, " Tuning the focal point of a plasmonic lens by nematic
liquid crystal ",Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. public 7, 12053 (2012) .60. H. R. Shoorian and M.S. Abrishamian, " Designing optical switches by illusion optics", IOP-Journal of Optics,
Vol. 15, Number 5, April 23, 2013.61. Vahid Foroughi Nezhad, Siamak Abaslou and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Plasmonic band-stop filter
with asymmetric rectangular ring for WDM networks", IOP-Journal of Optics, Vol. 15, Number 5, April 11,2013.62. Fateme Moharrami and Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, "Plasmonic multi-channel filter with separately
tunable pass-bands", IOP-Journal of Optics 15 (7), 075001.63. H. Nasari and M. S. Abrishamian, " Beam Manipulating via an Array of Nanoslits Modified by Perpendicular
Cuts and Bumps," Plasmonics, Accepted for publication.64.B. Bahari and M. S. Abrishamian, " Gaussian beam-to-slab waveguide coupler using graded index photonic crystal lens," IOP-Journal of Optics 15 (12), 125502.
65. M. Khosravi, R. A. Sadeghzadeh, and M. S. Abrishamian, " Nanospheroidal particles as convenient nanoan-tenna elements," CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, November 10, COL 11(11), 112503(2013).
66. M. Bahramipanah, M. S. Abrishamian,S. A. Mirtaheri, and Jia-Ming Liu " Ultracompact Plasmonic Loop-Stub Notch Filter and Sensor," SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, Accepted for publication.
1 R. A. Sadeghzadeh, N. J. McEwan, and M. S. Abrishamian,"Improved modeling of head-antenna interac-tions using spherical wave expansions," Second International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics,London, UK, 12-14 April 1994, IEE Conference Publication (384), pp. 95-97 .
2 R. A. Sadeghzadeh, M. S. Abrishamian, N. J. McEwan,"Effect of User Head on Mobile Telephone Handset Antenna Impedance and Head Internal Fields Distribution," European Microwave Conference, 1994. 24th Oct.1994 Volume: 1, pp 602-606; Cannes, France.
3 M. S. Abrishamian, N. J. McEwan and R. A. Sadeghzadeh,"Field Computation for Large Dielectric Bodies by the PPP Method," The 13th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 17-21, 1997 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.
4 M. S. Abrishamian,"Field computation for largedielectric bodies by the MAP method, 3rd Workshop on Elec-tromagnetic and Light Scattering - Theory and Applications; Bremen, 16 - 17 March 1998.
5 M. Shah Mohammady, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian,"Analysis of Multilayered Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Excited by a Coaxial Probe," The 7th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ITRC,May 17-19, 1999.
6 M. S. Abrishamian, Vahid Mousavi, "RCS of small missile by hybrid Method," The 8th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Isfahan-Iran, May 17-19, 2000.
7 B. K. Jellehkaran, M. S. Abrishamian, "Minimization of Radiation of an Antenna Inside a Multilayered Dielectric Spherical Shell by Genetic Algorithm, Piers 2001 osaka Japan 18-22 July 2001.
8 M. S. Abrishamian, F. Ashkaboosi,"Spheroidal Dielectric Resonator Antennas," Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2004, Pisa, Italy, March 28 - 31.
9 A. Sabouni, M. S. Abrishamian, "Optimization of microstrip patch Antenna by using Photonic Crystal struc-ture," Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2004, Pisa, Italy, March 28 - 31.
10 T. Pakizeh, N. Granpayeh, M. S. Abrishamian, "Degeneracy of Exact Modes in Multi-layer Optical Fibers,"2004 URSI EMTS International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Pisa, Italy Palazzo dei Congressi May23-27 2004
11 T. Pakizeh, N. Granpayeh, M. S. Abrishamian, "Efficient analysis of Gaussian pulse propagation along the synchronous and asynchronous directional couplers," Photonics Conference, Cochin India, 9-11 December 2004.
12 A. Sabouni, S. Noghanian, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Optimizing of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Genetic Algorithms," IEEE AP-S International Symposium (APS-2005).
13 A. Sabouni, M. S. Abrishamian, and S. Noghanian, "Analysis of Microstrip Fractal Patch Antenna by 3D FDTD Method and Optimization with genetic Algorithm, The 13th Iranian Conference On Electrical And Computer Engineering (ICEE2005).
14 A. Sabouni, S. Noghanian, M. S. Abrishamian and M. M. Zahedi, "Optimization Of Microstrip Patch An-tenna Using Genetic Algorithm Method," Symposium On Antenna Technology And Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2005).
15 A. Shahvarpour and M. S. Abrishamian, "Computation of Resonant Frequencies of Any Shaped Dielectric Resonators by CFDTD," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2006, Cambridge, USA, March 26-29.
16 Faezeh Sh.A.Ghasemi, M. S. Abrishamian, A. Movafeghi,"Analysis of Crack Detection in Metallic and Non-metallic Surfaces Using FDTD Method," ECNDT 2006 - We.4.3.2
17 Mahdieh Khosravi and M. S. Abrishamian, "Reduction of Monostatic RCS by Switchable FSS Elements, PIERS Proceedings, 1874 - 1877, March 26-30, Beijing, China, 2007.
18 Majid Rasouli Disfani, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian, and Mehdi Zahedi, "Two-dimensional Finite-Difference Time-domain Study of Coupling Parameters in Different Nano-plasmonic Waveguides," Progress InElectromagnetics Research Symposium 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, August 27-30.
19 Ali H. Khanmirzaei, M. S. Abrishamian and Tavakol Pakizeh, "A New Kind of Optical Notch Filters in Photonic Crystals Using Cavities with Open Structure," 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, Oct. 26-29, 2006 Guilin, China.
20 Shabnam Ladan, and M. S. Abrishamian, "Simulation and Measurement the Radiation of Antenna inside a Metallic Case using FDTD," International Transactions on Engineering and Technology Volume 18, December 2006 ISSN 1305-5313.
21 A. Ghafari, M. Javid, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "A numeric analysis of photonic crystal tunable add-drop filters based on ring resonators ," Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS , art. no. 4382422, pp. 351-352, 2007.
22 M. Javid, A. Ghafari, F. Monifi and M. S. Abrishamian, "A Novel Heterostructure Photonic Crystal Add-Drop Filter with Three Outputs," Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS , art. no. 4382347, pp. 202-203, 2007.
23 M. Javid, F. Monifi, A. Ghafari, and M. S. Abrishamian, "A New Broadband L-shaped Bend Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2008 Hangzhou, China.
24 M. Javid, F. Monifi, A. Ghafari, and M. S. Abrishamian, "A numeric investigation of tunable ring resonator add-drop filters based on photonic crystals, ICOCN 2007 6th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks 7-9 August 2007, Margala Hotel Islamabad.
25 A. Ghaffari, M. Djavid,F. Monifi, and M. S. Abrishamian, "A Power Splitters with Different Output Power Levels Based on Directional Coupling, PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 2-6, 2008
26 A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi, M. Djavid, and M. S. Abrishamian, "A New Bi-periodic Photonic Crystal Y-splitter,"PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 2-6, 2008
27 F. Monifi, M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari, and M. S.Abrishamian, "A New Band stop Filter Based on Photonic Crystals," PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 2-6, 2008
28 M. Djavid, A. Ghaffari, F. Monifi, and M. S.Abrishamian, "A Wavelength Division Demultiplexer Using T-shapedChannel-drop Filters Based on Heterostructure Photonic Crystals with Three Outputs," Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications (COTA), Boston, Massachusetts, USA , July 13-16, 2008
29 M. Djavid, F. Monifi, A. Ghaffari, and M. S.Abrishamian, "T-shaped Channel-drop Filters Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators," Coherent Optical Technologies and Applications (COTA), Boston, Massachusetts,USA , July 13-16, 2008
30 S. M. Abootorabi, M. Kaboli, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian " Using High Impedance Ground Plane for Improving Radiation in Monopole Antenna and Its Unusual Reflection Phase Properties," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 18-21, 2009
31 S. Chamaani, S. A. Mirtaheri and M. S. Abrishamian "Multi-Objective Optimization of UWB Microstrip Fed Planar Monopole Antenna," European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2009, Proceedings,art. no. 5068140, pp. 2576-2580
32 M. Rasouli Disfani, M. S. Abrishamian, "Investigation of Coupling Parameters and the Effect of Edges inNano-plasmonic Waveguides," 2nd IEEE LEOS Winter Topicals, WTM 2009, art. no. 4771650, pp. 52-53.
33 Disfani, M. R., Abrishamian, M. S., Berini, P., "Scattering from a Dielectric Cylinder by Singular and Single Hypersingular Integral Equations, ISMOT - International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology,New Delhi, India
34 Disfani, M. R.,Vafi ,K., Abrishamian,M. S. " Dyadic green’s function of PEMC cylinder, Meta’10 Cairo-Egypt in February 2010
35 Maysam Haghparast, Mohammad Sadegh Abrishamian "Reducing backscattering cross section of an electrically large sphere with metamaterial coating, Meta’10 Cairo-Egypt in February 2010
36 S. Chamaani, S. A. Mirtaheri and M. S. Abrishamian "Time-domain design of UWB vivaldi antenna array using multi-objective particle swarm optimization, Proceedings of ICEE 2010, 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 11-13, 2010
37 H. R. Shoorian, M.S. Abrishamian "Second harmonic generation and spatial solitons in nonlinear Left-Handed Metamaterials, Fourth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, 2010 Metamorphose-VI.
38 M. Bahrami Panah, Iman Zand, M.S. Abrishamian and S. A. Mirtaheri "Tuneable ultra-compact stub plasmonic filter, NANOMETA 2011, 3-6 January, 2011 Austria.
39 Iman Zand, M. Bahrami Panah and M.S. Abrishamian "Tunable plasmonic ring resonator filter based on anisotropic material, NANOMETA 2011, 3-6 January, 2011 Austria.
40 Marzieh Ahmadi and M.S. Abrishamian "Stationary Raman Gap Soliton in One- Dimensional Photonic Crystal:A FDTD Analysis,Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics(AOM),2010 OSA-IEEE-COS .
41 Moghadam, A. T.; Mirtaheri, S. A.; Abrishamian, M.S "Plasmonic low pass filter by nano rodes embedded in metal-insulator-metal waveguides, Winter Topicals (WTM), 2011 IEEE, Page(s): 5 - 6
42 Moghadam, A. T.; Mirtaheri, S. A.; Abrishamian, M.S "Plasmonic low pass filter by nano rodes embedded in metal-insulator-metal waveguides, Winter Topicals (WTM), 2011 IEEE, Page(s): 55 - 56
43 Shirdel, N.; Akbari, A.; Mirzaei, H.R.; Abrishamian, M.S.; "Three-Dimensional Simulation of UHF Signal Propagation in Transformer using FDTD Method,, International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), Spain. May 2011, IEEE, Page(s): 1 -6
44 M. Haghparast, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian; "Reconstruction of 1-D Dielectric Scatterer with Co-sine and Spline Expansions Using Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization,, PIERS Proceedings,Moscow, Russia, August 19-23, 2012, Page(s): 1330 -1334
45 M. Haghparast, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian; "Comparison of Different Metaheuristic Optimization Methods’ Capability in Two Dimensional Inverse Scattering, PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 19-23, 2012, Page(s): 1322 -1324
46 M. Haghparast, S. A. Mirtaheri, and M. S. Abrishamian; "Localization and Electrical Parameters Estimation of a 2D Mass Using a 2 Step Method Using FDTD, PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 19-23, 2012,Page(s): 1325 -1329
47 M. Khosronezhad, M. Kaboli, and M. S. Abrishamian; "Dual-Polarized Printed Dipole Printed Annular Ring for Wi-Fi Application, ICEE-2012, 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran University, Iran,Page(s): 1802-1806
48 M. Bahramipanah, A. Mahigir, M.S. Abrishamian, and S.A. Mirtaheri; "Tuning the Focus of a Plasmonic Lens by Anisotrop ic Material, ICEE-2012, 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran University,Iran, Page(s): 1210-1213
49 M. Khosravi, R.A. Sadeghzadeh, and M.S. Abrishamian; "Tuning field extinction by non-spherical plasmonic particles as nanoantennas, Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2013 International Workshop, Page(s): 104-107