K. N. Toosi University
Your Name Here
Professional Experiences:
Hello and thank you for your interest in this template! Before you jump to any conclusions about it, please me explain the idea behind it.
First of all, this design was made by request from a friend who holding html/css classes for beginners. He asked me to create a design that was "so simple that even [his] grandmother would be able to use it", that he could use as an example in his classes. I couldn't resist a challenge like that!

There were some specific requests for the design, to make sure that it would work with the way my friend teaches. The content had to be separated from the presentation, and every part of the design had to be made in way that would be easy to understand - and learn from. No advanced tricks, and minimal use of IDs or .classes in the stylesheet. A fixed position site menu and some neutral images was also asked for.
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