نگارش ها
کتاب ها
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2015,
Bird strike: An experimental,
theoretical and numerical investigation, Elsevier (Imprint:
Woodhead Publishing).
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M Taherkhani, A, 2016, Mechanics of
foams, Amirkabir
University of Technology Press, in preparation.
- Salehi, M, Taherkhani, A, Hedayati, R,
Torkestani, A, 2014,
Theory and problems of continuum mechanics”, Javdan
Kherad Publication, 2014.
مقاله های ژورنال
- Alavi, M,Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, "Gradient 2D re-entrant cores for sandwich structures under low-velocity impact", Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Published online.
- Hedayati, R, Mohammadi, K, Jedari Salami, S, Roudbarian, N, Nayyeri, P, Rafiee, MM, Bougherara, H, "Closed-Form Analytical Relationships for Pentamode Metamaterials", Composite Structures, vol. 344, p. 118334.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Gholami, E, "Design of 2D reentrant auxetic lattice structures with extreme elastic mechanical properties", Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Published online.
- Mohammadi, A, Sadighi, M, Ganghoffer, JF, Hedayati, R, "Asymptotic homogenization of Tesseract lattice structures", European Journal of Mechanics /A Solids, vol. 107, p. 105368.
- Mohammadi, K, Shafia, M, Akbari, J, Hedayati, R, "Pentamodes: Effect of unit cell topology on mechanical properties", Results in Engineering, vol. 143, p. 101982.
- Hedayati, R, Lakshmanan, S,"Active Acoustic Metamaterial Based on Helmholtz Resonators to Absorb Broadband Low-Frequency Noise", Materials, vol. 17(4), p. 962.
- Hedayati, R, Hesari, E, Aghdam, MM, Sadighi, M, "Thermomechanical behavior of auxetic lattices", European Journal of Mechanics /A Solids, vol. 47(8), pp. 1073-1094.
- Hedayati, R, Alavi, MS, Sadighi, M, "Effect of Degradation of Polylactic Acid (PLA) on Dynamic Mechanical Response of 3D Printed Lattice Structures", Materials, vol. 17(15), pp. 3674.
- Hedayati, R, Yousefi, A., Dezaki, ML., Bodaghi, M., "Analytical relationships for 2D Re-entrant auxetic metamaterials: An application to 3D printing flexible implants", Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomeical Materials, vol. 143, pp. 105938.
- Abedini, F.B., Hedayati, R, Mohammadi Aghdam, M., Sadighi, "Thermomechanical behavior of lattice structures: An analytical, numerical, and experimental study", Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Published online.
- Hedayati, R, Stulva, V, “3D Printing Habitats on Mars: effects of low temperature and pressure”, Materials, vol. 16(14), pp. 5175.
- Hedayati, R, Stulva, V, “3D Printing for Space Habitats: Requirements, Challenges, and Recent Advances”, Aerospace, vol. 10(7), 653.
- Hedayati, R, Roudbarian, N, Tahmasiyan, S, Bodaghi, M, "Gradient Origami Metamaterials for Programming Out-of-plane Curvatures", Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 25(14), pp. 2201838.
- Sadighi, M., Alderliesten, R., Fathi, A., Soltannia, B., Hedayati, R., "Delamination link-ups in composite laminates due to multiple hail impacts", Engineering Structures, vol. 294, pp. 116729.
- Alinia, M, Nopour, R, Mohammadi Aghdam, M, Hedayati, R "Effects of auxeticity on the vibration of conical sandwich shells with ring support under various boundary conditions", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 152, pp. 130-147.
- Hedayati, R, Yousefi, A, Bodaghi, M, "Sandwich structures with repairable cores based on truncated cube cells", Composites Part B, vol. 243, pp. 110124
- Roudbarian, N, Jebellat, E, Famouri, S, Baniasadi, M, Hedayati, R, Baghani, M, "Shape-memory polymer metamaterials based on triply periodic minimal surfaces", European Journal of Solids/A, vol. 96, pp. 104676.
- Hedayati, R, Sheikhnejad, Y, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, "Editorial to the Special Issue on Advanced Micro/Nanoscale Porous Materials for Novel Applications: Answering to Future Needs", Transport in Porous Media, pp. 1-4.
- Sheikhnejad, Y, Hedayati, R, Gandjalikhan Nassab, SA, 2022, "Preface: Novelties and Frontiers in Porous Media: Special Focus on Analytical Models (Part One)", Journal of Porous Media, vol. 25(7), pp. v-vii.
- Sheikhnejad, Y, Hedayati, R, Gandjalikhan Nassab, SA, 2022, "Preface: Novelties and Frontiers in Porous Media: Special Focus on Analytical Models (Part Two)", Journal of Porous Media, vol. 25(8), pp. v–vii.
- Hedayati, R, Bodaghi, M, "Acoustic Metamaterials and Acoustic Foams: Recent Advances", Applied Sciences, vol. 12(6), pp. 3096.
- Talebi, S, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Ashoori, AR, “Dynamic thermal buckling of spherical porous shells”, Thin-walled Structures, vol. 172, pp. 108737.
- Shakibanezhad, R, Sadighi, M, Hedayati, R, “Numerical and experimental study of static loading of aluminum closed-cell foams assuming Weaire-Phelan and Kelvin unit cells”, Transport in porous Media, vol. 142, pp. 229-248.
- Hedayati, R, Stulova, V, “3D Printing Habitats on Mars Using Martian Regolith Simulant”, Engineering Archive, 3-28.
- Wu, B, Hedayati, R, Li, Z, Aghajanpour, M, Zhang, G, Zhang, J, Lin, J, “Effect of impact and bearing parameters on bird strike with aero-engine fan blades”, Applied Sciences, vol. 21(1), pp. 7.
- Hedayati, R, Güven, A, van der Zwaag, S, “3D gradient auxetic mechanical metamaterials and their application as mechanical actuators and wrinkleless hinges”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 118(14), pp. 141904.
- Roudbarian, N, Baniasadi, M, Nayyeri, P, Ansari, M, Hedayati, R, Baghania, M, “Enhancing shape memory properties of multi-layered and multi-material polymer composites in 4D printing”, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 30, pp. 105006.
- Ghavidelnia, N, Bodaghi, M, Hedayati, R, “Idealized 3D Auxetic Mechanical Metamaterial: An Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Study”, Materials, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 993.
- Ghavidelnia, N, Bodaghi, M, Hedayati, R, “Femur Auxetic Meta-Implants with Tuned Micromotion Distribution”,
Materials, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 114.
- Hedayati, R, Ghavidelnia, N, Sadighi, M, Bodaghi, M, “Improving the accuracy of analytical relationships for mechanical properties of permeable metamaterials”, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1332.
- Talebi, S, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, “Dynamic crushing behavior of closed-cell aluminium foams based on different space-filling unit cells”, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, vol. 21, no. 99, pp. 1-15.
- Wu, B, Lin, J, Hedayati, R, Zhang, G, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, “Dynamic responses of the aero-engine rotor system to bird strike on fan blades at different rotational speeds”, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 19, pp. 8883.
- Jarrah, HR, Zolfagharian, A, Hedayati, R, Serjouei, A, Bodaghi, M, “Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling of Thermo-Visco-Plastic Styrene and Polyurethane Shape Memory Polymer Foams”, Actuators, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 114.
- Yousefi, A, Jolaiy, S, Hedayati, R, Serjouei, A, Bodaghi, M, “Fatigue life improvement of cracked aluminum 6061-T6 plates repaired by composite patches”, Materials, vol. 14(6), pp. 1421.
- Yousefi, A, Serjouei, A, Hedayati, R, Bodaghi, M “Fatigue Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Re-Filling Probe Hole of Friction Stir Spot Welded Joints in Aluminum Alloys”, Materials, Accepted.
- Mohammadi, K, Movahhedy, MR, Shishkovsky, I, Hedayati, R, “Hybrid anisotropic pentamode mechanical metamaterial produced by additive manufacturing technique”,
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 117, no. 6, pp. 10.1063/5.0014167.
- Ghavidelnia, N, Jedari Salami, S, Hedayati, R, “Analytical relationships for yield stress of five mechanical meta-biomaterials”,
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
- Ghavidelnia, N, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, “Development of porous implants with non-uniform mechanical properties distribution based on CT images”,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 83, pp. 801-823
- Ghavidelnia, N, Hedayati, R, Bodaghi, M, “3D auxetic mechanical metamaterials: an analytical, numerical, and experimental study”,
- Junhong, Z, Zhiyuan1, L, Huwei1,D, Hedayati, R , Yi, Y, Guichang, Z, “Effect of Impact Position and Fan Rotational Speed on Bird-Impact Process”,
Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, vol. 53, no. 5.
- Hedayati, R, Lakshmanan, S, “Pneumatically-Actuated Acoustic Metamaterials Based on Helmholtz Resonators”,
Materials, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1456.
- Soltani, A,
Noroozi, R, Bodaghi, M, Zolfagharian, A, Hedayati, R, “3D
Printing on-water sports boards with bio-inspired core designs”,
Polymers, vol. 12, pp. 250.
- Hedayati, R, Jedari Salami, S, Li, Y, Sadighi, M, Zadpoor, AA, "Semianalytical
Geometry-Property Relationships for Some Generalized Classes of
Pentamodelike Additively Manufactured Mechanical Metamaterials",
Physical Review Applied, vol. 11(3), pp. 034057.
- Hedayati, R,
Rubio Carpio, A, Luesutthiviboon, S, Ragni, D, Avallone, F,
Casalino, D, van der Zwaag, S, “Role
of Polymeric Coating on Metallic Foams to Control the
Aeroacoustic Noise Reduction of Airfoils with Permeable Trailing
Edges”, Materials, vol. 12(7), pp. 1087.
- Rubio Carpio, A, Luesutthiviboon, S, Hedayati, R, Avallone, F, Ragni, D, Snellen, M, van der Zwaag, S "3D-printed Permeable Trailing Edges for Broadband Noise Abatement. ",
AIAA Journal.
- SoltanRezaee,
M, Bodaghi, M, Farrokhabadi, A, Hedayati, R, "Nonlinear
Stability Analysis of Piecewise Actuated Piezoelectric
Microstructures", International Journal of Mechanical
Sciences, vol. 160, pp. 200-208.
- Hedayati, R, Hosseini-Toudeshky, H, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor,
AA, “Multiscale
modeling of fatigue crack propagation in additively manufactured
porous biomaterials”, International Journal of
Fatigue, vol. 113, pp. 416–427.
- Hedayati, R, Ahmadi, SM, Lietaert, K, Tümer, N, Li, Y, Amin Yavari, S,
Zadpoor, AA, “Fatigue
and quasi-static mechanical behavior of bio-degradable porous
biomaterials based on magnesium alloys”, Journal of
Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, vol. 106 (7), pp.
- Hedayati, R, Mirzaali, MJ, Vergani, L, Zadpoor, AA, “Action-at-a-distance
metamaterials: distributed local actuation through far-field
global forces”, APL Materials, vol. 6, 036101.
- Ahmadi, SM,
Hedayati, R, Li, Y, Lietaert, K, Tümer, N, Fatemi, A, Rans, CD,
Pouran, B, Weinans, H, Zadpoor, AA,
Fatigue performance of additively manufactured
meta-biomaterials: the effects of topology and material type.
Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 65, pp. 292-304.
- Hedayati, R, Ahmadi, SM, Lietaert, K, Pouran, B, Li, Y, Weinans, H, Rans, CD,
Zadpoor, AA,
Isolated and modulated effects of topology and material type on
the mechanical properties of additively manufactured porous
biomaterials. Journal of
the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials, vol. 79, pp.
- Hedayati, R,
Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Hosseini-Toudeshky, H.
Comparison of elastic properties of open-cell metallic biomaterials
with different unit cell types. Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, vol. 106 (1), pp 386-398.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, “Low-velocity impact behaviour of open-cell foams”,
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol 56(4), pp.
- Kolushani,
M, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, “Micro-mechanical
CT-based prediction of low-velocity impact behavior of
closed-cell foams for orthopedic applications”, Journal of
Imaging, vol. 4(49), 4030049.
- Mirzaali, MJ,
Hedayati, R, Vena, P, Vergani, L, Strano, M, Zadpoor AA.
Rational design of soft mechanical metamaterials: Independent
tailoring of elastic properties with randomness. Applied
Physics Letters. vol. 111(5), 051903.
- Ahmadi, SM,
Hedayati, R, Jain, RA, Li, Y, Leeflang, S, Zadpoor AA.
Effects of laser processing parameters on the mechanical
properties, topology, and microstructure of additively
manufactured porous metallic biomaterials: A vector-based
approach. Materials & Design, vol. 134, pp. 234-43.
- Hedayati, R,
Yavari, SA, Zadpoor, AA.
Fatigue crack propagation in additively manufactured porous
biomaterials. Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 76,
pp. 457-63.
- Karaji, ZG,
Hedayati, R, Pouran, B, Apachitei, I, Zadpoor, AA.
Effects of plasma electrolytic oxidation process on the mechanical
properties of additively manufactured porous biomaterials.
Materials Science and Engineering: C, vol. 76, pp. 406-16.
- Hedayati, R,
Leeflang, AM, Zadpoor, AA.
Additively manufactured metallic pentamode meta-materials.
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110(9), pp. 091905.
- Hedayati, R,
Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA.
Analytical relationships for the mechanical properties of
additively manufactured porous biomaterials based on octahedral
unit cells. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 46, pp.
- Hedayati, R,
Janbaz, S, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA. "How
does tissue regeneration influence the mechanical behavior of
additively manufactured porous biomaterials?", Journal of the
Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 65, pp. 831-41.
- Janbaz, S, Hedayati, R, Zadpoor, AA, 2016, “Programming the
shape-shifting of flat soft matter: from self-rolling/-twisting
materials to self-folding origami”, Materials
Horizons, Vol. 3, pp. 536-547.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA,
2016, “Mechanical properties of additively manufactured octagonal
honeycombs”, Materials
Science and Engineering C, vol. 69, pp. 1307-1317.
- Zadpoor, AA, Hedayati, R, 2016, “Analytical relationships for
prediction of the mechanical properties of additively manufactured
porous biomaterials”, Journal
of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, vol. 104A, pp.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA,
2016, “Mechanical properties of additively manufactured thick
honeycombs”, Materials,
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, A.A.,
2016, “Mechanical behavior of additively manufactured porous
biomaterials made from truncated cuboctahedron unit cells”, International
Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 106, pp. 19-38.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Hosseini
Toudeshki, H, Zadpoor, A.A., 2016, “Computational prediction of the
fatigue behavior of additively manufactured porous metallic
biomaterials”, International
Journal of Fatigue, vol. 84, pp. 67-79.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA,
2016, “Mechanical properties of regular porous biomaterials made
from truncated cube repeating unit cells: Analytical solutions and
computational models”, Materials
Science and Engineering C, vol. 60, pp. 163-183
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA,
2016, “Mechanics of additively manufactured porous biomaterials
based on the rhombicuboctahedron unit cell”, Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol.
53, pp. 272–294.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, Zadpoor, AA, 2016,
“Effect of mass multiple counting on the elastic properties of
open-cell regular porous biomaterials”, Materials
and Design, vol. 89, pp. 9-20.
- Mohammadi Nasrabadi, AA, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2016,
“Numerical and Experimental study of mechanical response of
aluminum foams under compressive loading using CT data”, Journal
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 54(4).
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2016, “A micromechanical approach to
numerical modeling of yielding of open-cell porous structures under
compressive loads”, Journal
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 54(3).
- Hedayati, R, Jahanbakhshi, M, 2016, “Finite element analysis of
an aluminum airplane stabilizer against birdstrike”, Journal
of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,
vol. 38(2), pp. 317-326.
- Hedayati, R, Khouzani, SG, Jahanbakhshi, M, 2015,
“Investigation of debonding propagation in aluminum/composite
joints under fatigue loading”, Journal
of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 29(2), pp. 59-73.
- Torkestani, A., Sadighi, M, Hedayati, R, 2015, “Effect of
material type, stacking sequence and impact location on the
pedestrian head injury in collisions”, Thin-walled
structures, vol. 97, pp. 130–139.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2015, “Effect of using an inner plate
between two faces of a sandwich structure in resistance against
bird strike”, Journal
of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 29(1), 04015020.
- Hedayati, R, Alipour Zare, MF, 2015, “Effect of window geometry
on strength of shaft part of femur bone”, Periodica
Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, vol. 59(2), pp.
- Hedayati, R, Jahanbakhshi, M, 2015, “Optimum design of bumpers
for impact application using KKT, SLP, CSD and PLBA algorithms
against impact”, UPB
Scientific Bulletin Series D: Mechanical Engineering, vol.
77(2), pp. 81-92.
- Eyvazian, A, Habibi, MK, Hamoudaa, AM,
Hedayati, R, 2014,
“Axial crushing behavior and energy absorption efficiency of
corrugated tubes”, Materials
and Design, vol. 54, pp. 1028–1038.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, Eyvazian, A, Hamouda, AM, 2014,
“Bird strike analysis on a typical helicopter windshield with
different lay-ups”, Journal
of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol. 28(4), pp.
- Hedayati, R, Jahanbakhshi, M, Khouzani, SG, 2014, “Prediction
of static crack propagation in adhesive joints”, Journal
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 52(4), pp.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi Aghdam, M, 2014, “On the
difference of pressure readings from the numerical, experimental
and theoretical results in different bird strike studies”, Aerospace
Science and Technology, vol. 32(1), pp. 260–266.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2014, “New bird model for simulation
of bird strike on various layups used in transparent components of
rotorcrafts”, Journal
of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 27(1), 76–85.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2012, “Effect of bird geometry and
orientation on bird-target impact analysis using SPH method”, International
Journal of Crashworthiness, vol. 17(4), pp. 445-459.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2012, “A new bird model and the
effect of bird geometry in impacts from various orientations”, Aerospace
Science and Technology, vol. 28, pp. 9-20.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2011, “Foam-core effect on the
integrity of tailplane leading edge during bird-strike event”, Journal
of Aircraft, vol. 48(6), pp. 2080-2089.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2011, “Effect of impact orientation
on bird strike analysis”, International
Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, vol. 3(3).
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2011, “Comparison of numerical
methods in perpendicular and inclined bird strike events” (In
Persian), Modares
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2(2), pp. 13-25.
- Hedayati, R, Ziaei-Rad, S, 2012, “Effect of material model,
equation of state and mesh density on numerical simulation of bird
strike” (In Persian), Tabriz
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 42(1), pp. 45-58.
مقاله های کامل ارایه شده در همایش ها
- Hedayati, R, Stulva, V, van der Zwaag, S, “Inherent limitations
of water-based binders when printing regolith under Martian
conditions”, The 16th European Conference on Spacecraft
Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing (ECSSMET2020),
8-12 June 2020, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Mirzaali, MJ, Hedayati, R, Vena, P, Vergani, L, Strano,
M, Zadpoor, AA, 2017, “The role of randomness in the elastic
properties of soft mechanical metamaterials”, Proceedings of the
Conferences on Cellular Materials: MatCel’2017 & DynMatCel’2017,
25-27 Sep. 2017, Aveiro, Portugal.
- Taherkhani, A, Jafarpour Alamdari, M,
Hedayati, R, Naeim
Abadi, A, 2016, "Behavior of thin-walled structures under impact
load using LS-DYNA codes", The 25th Annual
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2017, 2-4
May 2017, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2015, “Compressive crushing behavior of open-cell
biomaterials”, The 2nd international conference on
MEMS and Microfabrication (ICMEMS 2015), 12-14 May 2015,
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, Mohammadi-Aghdam, M, 2015, “Effect of porosity on
the static and impact response of titanium in implants used
inside femur bone”, The 23rd Annual International
Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2015), 12-14 May
2015, Mech. Eng. Dept., Amirkabir University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran.
- Torkestani, A, Sadighi, M, Hedayati, R, 2014, “Effect of
foam core on pedestrian head injury in a head-hood collision”,
The 4th International Conference on Composites:
Characterization, Fabrication and Application (CCFA-4), 16 Dec.
2014, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2014, “Investigation of damage propagation in
open-cell foams under static loading”, The 1st
international conference on MEMS and Microfabrication (ICMEMS
2014), 18-19 Feb. 2014, Tehran, Iran.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2014, “Finite element investigation of mechanical behavior of rhombic dodecahedron micro-structures under static
loading”, The 1st international conference on MEMS
and Microfabrication (ICMEMS 2014), 18-19 Feb. 2014, Tehran,
- Hedayati, R, Jafarpour Alamdari M, SadoughVanini A, 2013, “Investigation of
bird strike on different spots of airplane stabilizer using LS-DYNA”,
2nd International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering and Mechatronics (ICMEM 2013), 8-9 Aug. 2013,
Ontario, Canada.
- Jafarpour
Alamdari, M, Taherkhani, A, Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M,
Sadough Vanini, A, 2013, “Numerical investigation of energy
absorption capacity of metallic foam-filled tubes”, 2nd
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and
Mechatronics (ICMEM 2013), 8-9 Aug. 2013, Ontario, Canada.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2013, “Cost optimization of elastic energy absorbers
in car bumper for impact application using Kuhn-Tucker, SLP, CSD
and PLBA algorithms”, 21st Annual International
Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2013), 7-9 May 2013,
Tehran, Iran.
- Hedayati, R, Sadighi, M, 2013, “Theoretical study of bird strike against
rigid surfaces”, in Persian, 21st Annual
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2013),
7-9 May 2013, Tehran, Iran, 2013.
- Fatemi,
AR, Hedayati, R, Sarcheshmei, M, 2013, “Computed
tomography method implemented in Common Teal (Anascrecca)”, in
Persian, The 2nd international veterinary poultry
congress of Iran, Qom, Iran.
چکیده ها
- Rubio Carpio, A,
Luesutthiviboon, S, Hedayati, R, Avallone, F, Ragni, D, Snellen,
M, van der Zwaag, S, “3D-printed Permeable Trailing Edges for
Broadband Noise Abatement”, 23rd Workshop of the Aeroacoustics
Specialists Committee of the CEAS, 26-27 September 2019, Roma
Tre University, Rome, Italy.
Hedayati, R, van der Zwaag, S, 2018, “Active meta-materials with adjustable pore
size”, Cellular Materials (CellMAT 2018), 24-26 October 2018,
Bad Staffelstein, Germany.
Hedayati, R, van der Zwaag, S, 2018, “Gradient origamis as
shape-shifting metamaterials”, Kármán Conference: Additive
Fabrication of Interactive Material Systems, 15-18 July 2018,
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.
- Ahmadi, SM,
Hedayati, R, Zadpoor, AA, 2016, “Comparison of different
materials for additive manufacturing of porous biomaterials”, 3D
Printing in Healthcare Conference, 20-21 Oct. 2016, Amsterdam,
Hedayati, R, Ahmadi, SM, Zadpoor, AA, 2016, “3D-printed pentamode mechanical
metamaterials for manufacturing implants”, 3D Printing in
Healthcare Conference, 20-21 Oct. 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Janbaz, S,
Hedayati, R, Zadpoor, AA, 2016, “Programming the shape-shifting
of flat soft matter”, Dutch Materials 2016 symposium, 4TU
Research Centre High-Tech Materials (4TU.HTM), 13 Oct. 2016,
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Hedayati, R, Janbaz, S, Leeflang, MA, Zadpoor, AA, 2016, “Additively
manufactured pentamode mechanical metamaterials for biomedical
applications”, Dutch Materials 2016 symposium, 4TU Research
Centre High-Tech Materials (4TU.HTM), 13 Oct. 2016, Utrecht,