شبنم صدری مقدم
تالیف کتاب ودستورالعمل
محمدرضا علوي مقدم، شبنم صدري مقدم، تاليف کتاب "تصفيه فاضلاب: مفاهيم، روش هاي فيزيکي و شيميايي تصفيه"، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي اميرکبير، چاپ دوم، بهمن 1392.
محمدرضا علوي مقدم، شبنم صدري مقدم، تاليف کتاب "مفاهيم و مبانی طراحی تصفيه بیولوژیکی فاضلاب"، انتشارات دانشگاه صنعتي اميرکبير، چاپ اول، 1395.
ثبت اختراع
ثبت اختراع با عنوان "استفاده مجدد از لجن تصفيه خانه آب جلاليه تهران به عنوان منعقدکننده بسيار ارزان قيمت در حذف رنگزاي اسيد قرمز 119" در تاريخ 08/10/1389 با شماره ثبت "68132" در اداره کل مالکيت صنعتي، اداره اختراعات. مالکين/سهم: شبنم صدري¬مقدم 33%، سيد محمد رضا علوي مقدم 33%، مختار آرامي 9%، دانشگاه صنعتي اميرکبير 25%.
ثبت اختراع با عنوان "حذف رنگزاي اسيد قرمز 119 توسط پسماند واحد انعقاد و لخته سازي تصفيه خانه آب با پايه پلي آلومينيوم کلرايد" در تاريخ 26/10/1389 با شماره ثبت "68370" در اداره کل مالکيت صنعتي، اداره اختراعات. مالکين: شبنم صدري¬مقدم 33%، سيد محمد رضا علوي مقدم 33%، مختار آرامي 9%، دانشگاه صنعتي اميرکبير 25%.
Journal Papers
▪ H. Sabet, S. Sadri Moghaddam, M. Ehteshami, (2023), A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis of innovative methods employing cutting-edge technology to improve sludge reduction directly in wastewater handling units, Journal of Water Process Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103354
▪ M. Kalantari, S. Sadri Moghaddam, F. Vafaei, (2022), Global research trends in petrochemical wastewater treatment from 2000 to 2021, Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24553-w.
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, H. Mesghali, (2022), A new hybrid ensemble approach for the prediction of effluent total nitrogen from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant using a combined trickling filter-activated sludge system, Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21864-w
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Pirali, (2021), Modeling and calibration of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant using GPS-X model (A case study of Tehran), Numerical
Methods in Civil Engineering, 5(4), 67-76, DOI: 10.52547/nmce.5.4.67
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, (2016), Aerobic granular sludge for dye biodegradation in a sequencing batch reactor with anaerobic/aerobic cycles, Clean- Soil
Air Water, 44(4), 438-443, DOI: 10.1002/clen.201400855
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, (2015), Cultivation of aerobic granules under different pre-anaerobic reaction times in sequencing batch reactors, Separation and Purification Technology, 142, 149–154, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2014.12.046
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, (2014), Investigating the influence of elongated anaerobic feeding strategy on aerobic sludge granulation and characteristics in sequencing batch reactor, Journal of Water Science and Technology, 70(2), 249–255, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.209
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam M. Arami, (2012), Response surface optimization of Acid Red 119 dye adsorption by the mixtures of dried sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash: two individual responses study, Journal of CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, DOI: 10.1002/clen.201000608, 40(6), 652–660, DOI: 10.1002/clen.201000608
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2011), Response surface optimization of acid red 119 dye from simulated wastewater using Al based waterworks sludge and polyaluminium chloride as coagulant, Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 1284–1291, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.12.015
▪ Kalali, T. Ebadi, A. Rabani, S. Sadri moghaddam, (2011), Response surface methodology approach to the optimization of oil-hydrocarbon polluted soil remediation using enhanced soil washing, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8(2), 389–400, DOI: 10.1007/BF03326226
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2010), Coagulation/flocculation process for dye removal using sludge from water treatment plant: Optimization through response surface methodology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175, 651–657, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.10.058
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2010), A comparison study on Acid Red 119 dye removal using two different types of waterworks sludge, Journal of Water Science and Technology, 61(7), 1673–1681, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2010.065
▪ Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2010), Decolorization of an acid dye from synthetic wastewater by sludge of water treatment plant, Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 7(5), 437–442, https://ijehse.tums.ac.ir/index.php/jehse/article/view/278
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam M. Arami, (2010), A Comparative Study of Acid Red 119 Dye Adsorption onto Dried Sewage Sludge and Sewage Sludge Ash: Isotherm, Kinetic and Desorption Study, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 7(4), 199–207.
Conference Papers
▪ M. Kalantari, S. Sadri Moghaddam, F. Vafaei, (2022), A review of oily wastewater treatment methods with a focus on the electrocoagulation process, 8 th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran (In Persian)
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M. Keramatzadeh, (2022), Investigation of emerging pollutants in water and their removal methods, 8 th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran (In Persian)
▪ F. Farzin, S. Sadri Moghaddam, M. Ehteshami, (2021), Estimation and modeling of the amount of biogas produced from the anaerobic digester of an urban wastewater treatment plant using an artificial neural network, 6th International Conference on Modern Studies in Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning and Environment in the 21st Century, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian) COI code: CMUECONF06_051
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, (2013), Aerobic sludge granulation in sequencing batch reactors under two different feeding strategies, Poster presentation in the First International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology, Delhi, India
▪ R. Parsa, S. Sadri Moghaddam, A. Sarang, (2012), Water quality simulation in Gharesou river, 2nd Conference on Environmental Programming and Management, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, (In Persian) COI code: ESPME02_290
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2009), Reuse of polyaluminum chloride sludge for acid red 119 dye removal from aqueous solutions, Poster presentation in International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering, Aligrah University, India, October 26 – 28
▪ S. Sadri Moghaddam, M.R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, (2009), Decolorization of Acid Red 119 dye from synthetic wastewater by sludge of water treatment plant, Oral presentation in International Conference on Advanced in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran university, Iran, COI code: CESC14_113
▪ T. Ebadi, A. Kalali, S. Sadri Moghaddam, H. Andalib, (2008), Investigation of Different Surfactant Crude Oil Removal Efficiency from Contaminated Soil, Poster presentation in 14 th Student international Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, Semnan, (In Persian) COI code: CESC14_113