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Mechanical Engineering Department, Automotive Group
K. N. Toosi University
Amir TaghavipourResearch
Academic appointments:
- Assistant Professor, K. N. Toosi University, Iran (2015-up to now)
- Postdoctoral fellow, University of Waterloo, Canada (2014-2015)
- Research assistant, University of Waterloo, Canada (2010-2014)
- Teaching assistant, Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2008-2009)/University of Waterloo, Canada (2010-2014):Introduction to Control Systems, Circuits, Instrumentation and Measurement, Machine Design, Strength of Materials Lab, Dynamics.
- Sessional instructor, University of Waterloo, Canada (2015)
Editorial activities:
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology reviewer
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control reviewer
- IEEE Systems Journal reviewer
- IET Electrical Systems in Transportation reviewer
- Journal of the International Measurement Confederation(IMEKO) reviewer
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (JMES)reviewer
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering reviewer
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems reviewer
- Asian Journal of Control reviewer
- Multibody System Dynamics (MUBO) Journal reviewer
- International Journal of Powertrains (IJPT) reviewer
- Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal reviewer
- Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Journal reviewer
- American Control Conference reviewer
- European Control Conference reviewer
- IFAC conference reviewer
- ASME conference reviewer
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Control reviewer
- IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control 2015 reviewer