- A. Ashrafizadeh and A. H. Madani, "An Introduction to Applied Mathematics in Engineering", K. N. Toosi University of Technology Press, 2010 (in Persian).
- A. Ashrafizadeh, "Physics for the First Year Secondary School Students", Ayandeh Sazan Publication, 1995 (in Persian).
Chapters in Books
- A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Rezvani and B. Alinia (2012). Use of Proper Closure Equations in Finite Volume Discretization Schemes, Finite Volume Method - Powerful Means of Engineering Design, PhD. Radostina Petrova (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0445-2, InTech, Available from:
- A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Ebrahim and R. Jalalabadi (2012). Alternative Methods for Generating Elliptic Grids in Finite Volume Applications, Finite Volume Method - Powerful Means of Engineering Design, PhD. Radostina Petrova (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0445-2, InTech, Available from:
- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby, and G. D. Stubley, "The Direct Design Solution of Inverse Problems", Bulletin of the CFD Society of Canada, Fall 2005.
International Journal Papers (in English)
List of Relevant International Journals
- 47- E. Tandis, P. Cardiff, A. Ashrafizadeh, 2025," Analysis of Coupling Strategies for Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems ", OpenFOAM Journal, Accepted for Publication, 2025.
- 46- M. Rahimi Khanegah, A. Ashrafizadeh, D. Borooghani, and F. Torabi, 2023," Performance Evaluation of a Concentrated Photovoltaic/thermal System based on Water and Phase Change Material: Numerical Study and Experimental Validation ", Applied Thermal Engineering, 232, Article 120936,, 2023.
- 45- S. Javanmard and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2023," A Comparative Numerical Study on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of perforated ribs ", International Journal of Thermal Sciences,, Vol. 191, Article 108373, September 2023.
- 44- E. Tandis and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2023," A Unified Approach for the Solution of Fluid-Solid Interaction Problems with Hyper-Elastic Deformation in Internal Flows ", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, DOI: 10.1002/fld.5159, Vol. 95, PP. 603-636, 2023.
- 43- Z. Sefidgar, A. Ashrafizadeh, and A. Arabkoohsar, 2023, " Techno−Economic Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of Cross-Flow Wind Turbines for Smart Building Energy Systems ", Global Challenges, 2023, 2200203, DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202200203, 2023.
- 42- S. Moradi Maryamnegari, A. Ashrafizadeh, E. Baake, and M. Guglielmi, 2023, " Effects of thermal boundary conditions on the performance of spray dryers ", Journal of Food engineering, 338, 111250,, 2023.
- 41- Y. Shafiei-Alamooti and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2022," A POD Approach for the Analysis of a Multi-Stream Heat Exchanger of a Cold Box: Comparison of two different Coefficient Approximations", Gas Processing Journal, Accepted for Publication, 2022.
- 40- S. Moradi Maryamnegari, A. Ashrafizadeh, and M. Jaskulski, 2022," A Novel Approach for the Reduction of Powder Deposition in Spray Drying Chambers ", Drying Technology, Vol. 41. No. 6, 1017-1030,, 2022.
- 39- M. Pourbagian and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2022," Super-resolution of low-fidelity flow solutions via generative adversarial networks ", Simulation, SAGE Publication, Vol. 98, Issue 8, 645-663,, 2022.
- 38- Y. Shafiei-Alamooti and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2021," A Numerical Study on the Internal Heat Leak Mechanisms in a Variable Property Three-Stream Heat Exchanger", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 235, Issue 8, 1946-1963, doi:10.1177/09576509211014982, 2021.
- 37- E. Tandis and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2021," Numerical Simulation of Weakly Compressible Hyperelastic Solids Using a Conservative Pressure-Velocity Formulation on Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Framework", Applied Mathematical Modelling,, Vol. 96, pp. 796-812, 2021.
- 36- E. Tandis and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2019," A Numerical Study on the Fluid Compressibility Effects in Strongly Coupled Fluid-Solid Interaction Problems", Engineering with Computers,, 2019.
- 35- A. Abdolhosseinzadeh, A. Mojra, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2019," A Numerical Study on Thermal Ablation of Brain Tumor with Intraoperative Focused Ultrasound", Journal of Thermal Biology,, Vol. 83, pp. 119-133, 2019.
- 34- H. Rezaie, A. Ashrafizadeh, and A. Mojra, 2017," A Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional Hemodynamic Model of the Circle of Willis", Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology (CVET), DOI: 10.1007/s13239-017-0330-1, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 495-504, December 2017.
- 33- H. kalantar N., M. Mafi, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2017,"A Novel Approach for Operational Optimization of Multi-Stage Refrigeration Cycles in Gas Refineries", International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 80, 169-181, 2017.
- 32- S. Defaee Rad, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Nickaeen, 2017,"Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in an Industrial Continuous Furnace", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 117, 263-274, 2017.
- 31- A. A. Hosseinjani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2017,"An extended iterative direct-forcing immersed boundary method in thermo-fluid problems with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions", Journal of Central South University (JCSU), 24(1): 137−154, 2017.
- 30- A. Ashrafizadeh and A. A. Hosseinjani, 2017, "A Phenomenological Study on the Convection Heat Transfer around Two Enclosed Rotating Cylinders via an Immersed Boundary Method", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 107, 667-685, 2017.
- 29- A. A. Hosseinjani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2017,"Flow Confinement Effects on the Wake Structure Behind a Pitching Airfoil; A Numerical Study Using an Immersed Boundary Method ", Journal of Bionic Engineering, Vol. 14, Issue 1, 88-98, 2017.
- 28- A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Nikfar, 2016, "On the Numerical Solution of Generalized Convection Heat Transfer Problems via the Method of Proper Closure Equations. Part II: Application to Test Problems", Numerical Heat Transfer, part A, Vol. 70, No. 2, 204-222, 2016.
- 27- A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Nikfar, 2016, "On the Numerical Solution of Generalized Convection Heat Transfer Problems via the Method of Proper Closure Equations. Part I: Description of the Method", Numerical Heat Transfer, part A, Vol. 70, No. 2, 187-203, 2016.
- 26- M. Nikfar and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2016, "A Coupled Element-Based Finite Volume Method for the Solution of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations", Numerical Heat Transfer, part B, Vol. 69, No. 5, 447-472, 2016.
- 25- A. A. Hosseinjani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2015,"Numerical Simulation of the Wake Structure and Thrust/Lift Generation of a Pitching Airfoil at Low Reynolds number via an Immersed Boundary Method", Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (JATM), Vol. 7, No. 3, 334-350, 2015.
- 24- A. Ashrafizadeh, B. Alinia Bavafa and P. Mayeli, 2015, "A New Co-Located Pressure-Based Discretization Method for the Numerical Solution of Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 67 (6), 563-589, 2015.
- 23- M. Nikfar, A. Ashrafizadeh, and P. Mayeli, 2015, "Inverse Shape Design via A New Physical-Based Iterative Solution Strategy", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 7, 1138-1162, 2015.
- 22- A. Joodaki and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014,"Surface Shape Design in Fluid Flow problems via Hybrid Optimization Algorithms;, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 39, 639-651, 2014.
- 21- P. Saberi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014,"A Novel Hybrid Computational Method for Multi-stage Axial Flow Turbine Performance Prediction", Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (AJSE), Vol. 39, Issue 6, 5193-5206, 2014.
- 20- A. Abedini, A. Ashrafizadeh, H. Karimi M. and M. Madandar A., 2014,"Experimental Performance Evaluation of A Cavitating Venturi", Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (AJSE), Vol. 39, Issue 2, 1375-1380, 2014.
- 19- R. Abbasi, A. Ashrafizadeh and A. Shadaram, 2013,"A Comparative Study of Finite Volume Pressure-Correction Projection Methods on Co-located Grid Arrangements", Computers & Fluids, Vol. 81, 68-84, 2013.
- 18- M. Nickaeen, A. Ashrafizadeh and S. Turek, 2012,"An Alternative Strategy for the Solution of Heat and Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems via Finite Volume Method", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Special Issue: Papers Presented at the “Minisymposium on Computational Radiative and Convective Heat Transfer” in Honor of Professor George D. Raithby, Vol. 62, 393-411, 2012.
- 17- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. Mehdipour and C. Aghanajafi, 2012, "A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for the Thermal Design of Radiation Paint Cure Ovens", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 40, 56-63, 2012.
- 16- S. Defaee Rad, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2012,"An Approach for the Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in an Arc-Welding Electrode Curing Furnace", World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 5, 707-714, 2012.
- 15- R.Mehdipour, C. Aghanajafi, A. Ashrafizadeh and Z. Baniamerian, 2012, "Developing the Proper Form of Objective Function to be Applied in Gradient Optimization Technique for Designing Continuous Radiation Ovens", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110-116, 2260-2267, 2012.
- 14- R. Mehdipour, C. Aghanajafi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2012, "Optimum Design of Radiation Paint Cure Ovens Using A Novel Objective Function", Pigment and Resin Technology, Vol. 41, Issue 4, 240-250, 2012.
- 13- A. Ashrafizadeh and R. Jalalabadi, 2011, "Structured Grid Generation Via Constraint on Displacement of Internal Nodes", International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS, Vol. 11 No. 04, 79-87, 2011.
- 12- A. A. Boroujerdi, A. Ashrafizadeh and S. M. Mousavi Naeenian, 2011, "Numerical Analysis of Stirling Type Pulse Tube Cryo-coolers", Cryogenics, Vol. 51, Issue 9, 521-529, 2011.
- 11- A. Ashrafizadeh, S. Okhovat, M. Pourbakian and G. D. Raithby, 2011, "A Semi-Coupled Solution Algorithm in Aerodynamic Inverse Shape Design", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol.19, No. 4, 509-528, 2011.
- 10- A. Ashrafizadeh and A. A. Hosseinjani, 2010, "Solution of Thermo-Fluid problems in Bounded Domains via the Numerical Panel Method", Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST), Vol. 7, No. 2, 107-122, 2010.
- 9- M. Rezvani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "Numerical Simulation of the Inter-Equation Couplings in All-Speed Flows Via the Method of Proper Closure Equations", Numerical Heat Transfer, part A, 58(4), 313-332, 2010.
- 8- R. Mehdipour, A. Ashrafizadeh, K. J. Daun and C. Aghanajafi, 2010, "Dynamic Optimization of a Radiation Paint Cure Oven Using the Nominal Cure Point Criterion", Drying Technology, Vol. 28, 1405-1415, 2010.
- 7- A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Rezvani and B. Bakhtiari, 2009, "Pressure-Velocity Coupling on Co-Located Grids Using the Method of Proper Closure Equations", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 56 (3), 259-273, 2009.
- 6- F. Ghadak, M. Taiebi Rahni and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2009, "Direct Design of Branched Ducts", Scientia Iranica, Transaction B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, 111-120., 2009.
- 5- M. Taiebi Rahni, F. Ghadak and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2008, "A Direct Design Approach Using the Euler Equations", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, 217-231, March 2008.
- 4- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby, 2006, "Direct Design Solution of the Elliptic Grid Generation Equations", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 50 (3): 217-230, 2006.
- 3- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby and G. D. Stubley, 2004, "Direct Design of Airfoil Shape With A Prescribed Surface Pressure", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 46 (6): 505-527, 2004.
- 2- A. Ashrafizadeh,, G. D. Raithby and G. D. Stubley, 2003, "Direct Design of Ducts", Journal of Fluids Engineering (Transaction of ASME), 125, 158-165, 2003.
- 1- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby and G. D. Stubley, 2002, "Direct Design of Shape", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 41: 501-520, 2002.
Taylor & Francis
Numerical Heat Transfer (NHT), Part B: Fundamentals, Taylor & Francis
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (IPSE), Taylor & Francis
Drying Technology, Taylor & Francis
Computers & Fluids (CAF), Elsevier
Applied Thermal Engineering (ATE), Elsevier
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier
Cryogenics, Elsevier
International Journal of Refrigeration, Elsevier
Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier
Journal of Bionic Engineering, Elsevier
Journal of Thermal Biology, Elsevier
Journal of Food Engineering, Elsevier
Global Challenges
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology (CVET), Springer
Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (AJSE), Springer
Journal of Central South University (JCSU), Springer
Journal of Power and Energy, IMechE (Part A)
Other Publishers
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (JATM), DCTA
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech
Scientia Iranica, Transaction B: Mechanical Engineering
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JAST)
Gas Processing Journal
Domestic Journal Papers (in Persian)
List of Relevant Iranian Journals
- 16- Z. Sefidgar, A. Ashrafizadeh and A. Arabkoohsar, 2022, "Cross-Flow Vertical Axis Wind Turbines: An Overview of Technology Development and Applications", Journal of Renewable and New Energy, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 158-169, September 2022.
- 15- E. Tandis and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2020, "Comparison of Monolithic and Partitioned Approaches for the Solution of Fluid-Solid Thermal Interaction Problems", Journal of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Vol. 31, No. 1,, 2020.
- 14- H. Kalantar N., M. Mafi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2017, "Operational Minimization of Multi-Stage Refrigeration Cycles’ Power Consumption in Gas Refineries Based on the Combination of Thermodynamics Analysis and Pinch Technology", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 6, PP. 1-12, 2017.
- 13- M. Khodaee, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Mafi, 2017, "Optimization of Propane and Butane Gas Liquefaction Cycle Considering Compressor Technical Limitations Using Genetic Algorithm", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2, PP. 315-324, 2017.
- 12- M. Khodaee, A. Ashrafizadeh, and M. Mafi, 2016," Butane Gas Liquefaction Cycle Optimization Considering Compressor Technical Limitations", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 13, PP. 1-4, 2016.
- 11- M. Nikfar and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2016, "Direct Design of Shape in Internal Convection Heat Transfer Problems", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 225-236, 2016.
- 10- A. Joodaki and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2015, "Development and Evaluation of Two Hybrid Shape Design Algorithms in Fluid Mechanics", Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Shahrood University, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1-12, 2015.
- 9- A. Hosseinjani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014, "A Numerical Study on the Effects of Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude on Flow around a Flapping Airfoil via an Improved Immersed Boundary Method", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 16, pp. 291-301, 2014.
- 8- A. Joodaki and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014, "A New Geometrical Modeling Approach in the Analysis and Optimization of Convection Heat Transfer in Wavy Channels", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 147-156, 2014.
- 7- A. R. Razavi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014, "Numerical Investigation on Damage Patterns of Low Swirl Translating Tornadoes", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 81-90, 2014.
- 6- A. A. Hosseinjani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2014, "Numerical Study of the Flow around Cylinders with Different Cross Sections via Immersed Boundary Method", Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Shahrood University, Vol. 3, No. 2, 111-123, 2014.
- 5- H. Fazeli, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Mirzaei, 2011, "A Computational Algorithm for the Cooling Passage Shape Design in Heat Conducting Bodies;, Research Journal of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.12, No. 2, 36-55, 2011.
- 4- A. Shadaram, A. Ashrafizadeh and A. Jalali, 2010, "An Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow around Triangular Prisms in Different Angles of Attack", Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, 67-74, 2010.
- 3- R. Mehdipour, A. Ashrafizadeh and C. Aghanajafi, 2009, "A Numerical Design Approach for the Continuous Radiation Paint Curing Ovens in Auto Industries", Journal of Color Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 107-119, 2009.
- 2- A. Ashrafizadeh, M. M. Tabandeh, 2009, "Inverse Design of Shape in Internal and External Flows Using the Transpiration Technique", Sharif Research Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 145-149, 2009.
- 1- F. Ghadak, M. Taebi Rahni and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2003, "Inverse Design of Straight and Curved Nozzles and Diffusers Based on Given Velocity Distribution on the Walls for Incompressible Flows", Payame Bavar Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 17, 3-13, 2003.
Sharif Research Journal, Sharif University of Technology
Modares Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Shahrood University
Research Journal of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Journal
Journal of Color Science and Technology
Journal of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Journal of Renewable and New Energy
International Conference Papers (in English)
- 31- Y. Moradi Maryamnegari, S., Jaskulski M., and Ashrafizadeh A. , 2023, " On the Numerical Simulation of Particle Deposition in Spray Dryers ", 8th European Drying Conference, Lody University of Technology, Poland, 2023.
- 30- Y. Shafiei-Alamooti and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2021," Effect of Property Variation on Thermo-Hydraulic Details in a Three-Stream Heat Exchanger: A Numerical Approach ", 19th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, November 16-17, 2021.
- 29- E. Tandis and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2019," Comparison of Monolithic and Partitioned Approaches for the Solution of Fluid-Solid Thermal Interaction Problems ", 18th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, August 27-29, 2019.
- 28- H. Kalantar Neyestanaki, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Mafi, 2016, " Constrained Optimization of a Multi-Stage Refrigeration Cycle in A Propane Liquefaction Plant", The 5th International Gas Processing Symposium, Qatar University, Gas Processing Center, Doha, Qatar, November 28-29, 2016.
- 27- M. Nikfar, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2016, " A Coupled Pressure-Based Co-Located Element-Based Finite Volume Method for the Solution of Convection Heat Transfer Problems", 24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2016), Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, April 26-28, 2016.
- 26- P. Niksiar, A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Shams and A. H. Madani, 2014, "Implementation of A GPU-Based CFD Code", The 2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'14), Monte Carlo Resort, 3770 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, 89109, USA, March 10-12, 2014.
- 25- P. Saberi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "A Multi-Level Computational Tool for Axial Flow Turbine Analysis", Second International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (ICMEM 2013), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 8-9, 2013.
- 24- P. Saberi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "An Improved Streamline Curvature Method for Performance Prediction of Multi-Stage Axial Flow Turbines ", 24th Canadian Congress on Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2013), Saskatoon, Sasketchewan, Canada, June 2-6, 2013.
- 23- A. Doosttalab, M. Mohammadi, M. Doosttalab, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2012, "Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance of Damaged Low Reynolds Airfoils for UAV Applications ", 23rd Thermal and Fluid Analysis Workshop (TFAWS2012), NASA-JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, California, August 13-17, 2012.
- 22- M. Nickaeen, A. Ashrafizadeh and S. Turek, 2011, "A Characteristic-Based Finite Volume Method for the Solution of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems ", 11th US National Conference on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM11), Minisymposium on Computational Radiative and Convective Heat Transfer in Honor of Professor George Raithby, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, July, 25-28, 2011.
- 21- A. Joodaki, A. Ashrafizadeh and A. Shadaram, 2011, "Comparison of Continuous and Binary Genetic Algorithms in the Numerical Solution of Internal/External Shape Design Problems ", CFD & Optimization, An Eccomas Thematic Conference, Antalya, Turkey, May 23-25, 2011.
- 20- M. Nickaeen and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "Comparison Between Two Characteristic-Based Split Finite Volume Methods for the Solution of Incompressible Flow Problems ", 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2010), Shiraz University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz, Iran, October 26-28, 2010.
- 19- M. Nickaeen and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "A Characteristic-Based Split Finite Volume Algorithm for the Solution of Incompressible Flow Problems ", 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, June 14-17, 2010.
- 18- S. Okhovat and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "A Pressure-Based Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations ", 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, June 14-17, 2010.
- 17- M. Nickaeen and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "A Semi-Implicit CBS Finite Volume Algorithm for the Solution of Incompressible Flow Problems ", 18th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFDSC2010), The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 17-19, 2010.
- 16- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. Mehdipour and C. Aghanajafi, 2010, "A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for the Thermal Design of Radiation Paint Cure Ovens", Second International Conference on Energy Conversion and Conservation (CICME10), Hammamet, Tunisia, April 22-25, 2010.
- 15- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. Mehdipour and M. Rezvani, 2009, "An Efficient and Accurate Numerical Simulation Method for the Paint Curing Process in Auto Industries", International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME), Penang, Malaysia, October 11-13, 2009.
- 14- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. Mehdipour and M. Rezvani, 2009, "Numerical Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Continuous Paint Cure Oven", 22nd Canadian Congress of Applied mechanics (CANCAM), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, May 31th to June 4th 2009.
- 13- R. Mehdipour, A. Ashrafizadeh, and S. Aghanajafi, 2009, "Design of Continuous Radiation Ovens Using a Gradient-Based Optimization Method", 22nd Canadian Congress of Applied mechanics (CANCAM), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, May 31th to June 4th 2009.
- 12- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. jalalabadi and M. Bazargan, 2009, "A New Structured Grid Generation Method", The 11th ISGG Conference, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada, May 25-28, 2009.
- 11- S. S. Okhovat and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2008, "An Element-Based Finite Volume Method for the Solution of Full Potential Equation", 16th Annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, CFD 2008, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- 10- A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Rezvani and B. Bakhtiari, 2008, "A New Co-Located Pressure-Based Finite Volume Method", 16th Annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, CFD 2008, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- 9- S. S. Okhovat and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2007, "Direct Design of Airfoils Using Unstructured Grids", 15th Annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, CFD 2007, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 8- H. Bazmara, A. Ashrafizadeh and V. Esfahanian, 2007, "On the Solution Accuracy in A Meshless Computational Method", 15th Annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, CFD 2007, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 7- A. Ashrafizadeh, V. Esfahanian and H. Bazmara, 2007, "Direct Design of Shape Using A Meshless Computational Method", 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, CANCAM 2007, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 6- M. Soltani, A. Ashrafizadeh, D. A. Johnson, 2007, "Investigations On a Duct Design Strategy and Some Preliminary Results", 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, CANCAM 2007, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 5- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby and G. D. Stubley, 2002, "Direct Design of Airfoils Using CFD", Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of CFD Society of Canada, Windsor , Ontario , Canada , PP. 397-402.
- 4- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby and G. D. Stubley, 2001, "Direct Design of Shape", Proceedings of the International Center For Heat And Mass Transfer (ICHMT) Symposium (CHT'01), Palm Cove, Queensland.
- 3- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby, 2000, "A New Direct Solution Technique for Internal Flow Design Problems", Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of CFD Society of Canada, Montreal , Canada.
- 2- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby, 2000, "Design of Efficient Short Ducts", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2000), Tehran , Iran.
- 1- A. Ashrafizadeh, G. D. Raithby, 1999, "Prediction of Efficient Shapes for Nozzles and Diffusers", Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI), Montreal , Canada.
National Conference Papers (in Persian)
- 51- D. Mohammadipour and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2021," Development of a One-Dimensional Model for the Prediction of Flow in the Manifold of a Low-Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control System ", 19th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, November 16-17, 2021.
- 50- S. Moradi Maryamnegari and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2021," Reduction of Particle Deposition in Spray Dryers ", 19th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, November 16-17, 2021.
- 49- A. Ashrafizadeh, S. M. R. Sharifi, V. Rahmani, A. Jahanshahloo, and M. H. Bahmani, 2019," Improving the Teaching and Learning Quality in Technical Courses via Industry Cooperation ", 6th Bi-annual Iran International Conference on Engineering Education (IICEE), Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, November 19-21, 2019.
- 48- Y. Shafiei Alamooti and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2019," Estimation of Friction and Heat Transfer Coefficients in Heat Exchangers Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ", 18th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, August 27-29, 2019.
- 47- Y. Shafiei Alamooti and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2019," Numerical Simulation of Longitudinal Heat Conduction in Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers ", 18th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, August 27-29, 2019.
- 46- M. Khodaee, A. Ashrafizadeh, and M. Mafi, 2016," Butane Gas Liquefaction Cycle Optimization Considering Compressor Technical Limitations", Second International Conference on Air Conditioning and Heating/Cooling Installations, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran, September 27-28, 2016.
- 45- H. Kalantar N., A. Ashrafizadeh, and M. Mafi, 2016," Performance Improvement of a Multi-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration System of a propane Liquefaction Unit Using Combined Pinch and Exergy Analysis", The 7th International Conference on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ICHVAC7), Tehran, Iran, May 30 to June 1, 2016.
- 44- E. Tandis, A. Ashrafizadeh, and S. S. Okhovat, 2016," Development of a Control Volume-Based Incompressible Flow Solver on Hybrid meshes Using OpenFoam", The 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Mechanics, Mechatronics & Biomechanics, Tehran, Iran, May 26, 2016.
- 43- S. Khajevand, A. Akbari, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2016, " Development of a Simulation Software for the Analysis of a Hot-Air Dryer", 24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2016), Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, April 26-28, 2016.
- 42- A. Ashrafizadeh , and yaser Shafiei, 2016, "A Study on the Effect of the Inner Product Definition as Used in the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method ", 24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2016), Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, April 26-28, 2016.
- 41- M. Behzad Ghavim, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2015, "A Numerical Study on the Flow Instability in Wavy Channels ",16th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2015), Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran, November 17-19, 2015.
- 40- A. A. Hosseinjani, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2015, "Numerical Simulation of Flow Around a Flapping Airfoil via An Immersed Boundary Method ",16th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2015), Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran, November 17-19, 2015.
- 39- A. A. Hosseinjani, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around an Oscillatory Cylinder via An Immersed Boundary Method ",15th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2013), Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas, Iran, December 17-18, 2013.
- 38- P. Saberi, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "Development of A Hybrid Numerical Algorithm for the Aero-thermodynamic Analysis of Multi-Stage Axial Flow Turbines ", 21th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2013), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 7-9, 2013.
- 37- A. A. Hosseinjani, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "Numerical Analysis of Wake Flow Behind A Triangular Wedge Using an Immersed Boundary Method ", 21th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2013), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 7-9, 2013.
- 36- A. Razavi, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "Numerical Analysis of Unsymmetrical Flow in a Ward-Type Tornado Simulator for Low Swirl Ratio Cases ", 21th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2013), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 7-9, 2013.
- 35- P. Saberi, and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2013, "A Multi-Objective Computational Tool for Flow Analysis and Performance Prediction of Multi-Stage Axial Flow Turbines", 4th Conference on Rotating Equipment in Oil and Power Industries, Razi International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran, January 22-23, 2013.
- 34- P. Saberi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2012, "Comparison of Three Aero-thermodynamic Analysis Algorithms for Axial Flow Gas Turbines", First Conference on Gas Turbines, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, May, 2012.
- 33- P. Saberi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2011, "A Computer Program for Aero-thermodynamic Preliminary Design of Multi-Stage Axial Flow Gas Turbine Blades", 3rd Conference on Rotating Equipment in Oil and Power Industries, Razi International Conference Center, Tehran, Iran, November 22-23, 2011.
- 32- M. Rezvani and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "Application of the Method of Proper Closure Equations in the Solution of Unsteady Flow Problems with Shock and Expansion Waves", 18th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, 2010.
- 31- M. Nickaeen and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2010, "Development of A Characteristic-Based Split Finite Volume Method", 18th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 11-13 May, 2010.
- 30- A. Ghaffari, A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Nazari and R. Zomorodian, 2010, "An Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Model for the Estimation of Compressor Performance Maps at Various Rotational Speeds ", 9th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2010), Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Eng., Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
- 29- H. Fazeli, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Mirzaii, 2010, "An Algorithm for the Inverse Design of Boundary Shape in Heat Conduction ", 9th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2010), Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Eng., Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
- 28- R. Jalalabadi, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Bazargan, 2010, "Elliptic Grid Generation via the Constrained Transformation Metrics ", 9th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2010), Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Eng., Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
- 27- A. Ghaffari, A. Ashrafizadeh, M. Nazari and R. Zomorodian, 2010, "A Model for the Study of Surge and Rotating Stall in Variable Speed Axial Compressors ", 9th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2010), Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Eng., Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
- 26- Joodaki, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Shams, 2009, "Inverse Design of Ducts via Continuous Genetic Algorithm", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009.
- 25- R. Mehdipour, A. Ashrafizadeh and C. Aghanajafi, 2009, "Optimization of Heater Powers in Continuous Radiation Ovens based on the Paint Cure Window Criterion", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 19-21 May, 2009.
- 24- H. Fazeli, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Mirzaii, 2009, "Shape Design in Heat Conduction Problems via Finite Element Method", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009.
- 23- M. Ebrahim, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Ghasemi, 2009, "New Alternatives in Algebraic Grid Generation", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009.
- 22- M. Rezvani, A. Ashrafizadeh and B. Bakhtiari, 2009, "A Pressure-Based Numerical Algorithm for Flows at All Speed", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009.
- 21- M. Pourbakian, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Z. Basharhagh, 2009, "Inverse Design of Airfoils via Control Theory", 17th Annual (International) Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009.
- 20- A. Ashrafizadeh, A. A. Broujerdi, 2009, "Numerical Simulation of a Pulse Tube Cryo-Cooler", 12th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2009), Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran.
- 19- M. Rezvani, A. Ashrafizadeh and B. Bakhtiari, 2009, "A New Discretization Algorithm Based on the Method of Proper Closure Equations, Treatment of Steady Ideal Flows", 12th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2009), Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran.
- 18- A. Joodaki, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Shams, 2009, "A Comparative Study Of Genetic Algorithms in Shape Design Problems", 8th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2009), Malek Ashter University, Shahin Shahr, Isfahan, Iran.
- 17- M. Pourbakian, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Z. Basharhagh, 2009, "Inverse Shape Design Using Control Theory", 8th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2009), Malek Ashter University, Shahin Shahr, Isfahan, Iran.
- 16- B. Bakhtiari and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2008, "A New Method for the Coupling of Velocity and Pressure in the Numerical Solution of Incompressible Flows on Co-Located Grids", 16th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2008), Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
- 15- A. Ashrafizadeh, R. Mehdipour and M. Rezvani, 2008, "Modeling of the Paint Curing Process in a Continuous Convection Oven", 16th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2008), Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
- 14- A. abedini, H. Karimi M. Shahi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2008, "Numerical and Experimental Study of the Effect of a Cavitating Ventury's Exit Angle on the Pressure Loss", 16th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2008), Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
- 13- A. abedini, H. Karimi M. Shahi, A. Ashrafizadeh and M. Madani Arai, 2008, "An Experimental Study on the Mass Flow Rate Control in a Cavitating Venturi", 11th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2008), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 12- A. Shadaram, A. Ashrafizadeh, A. Jalali and M. Azimifard, 2008, "An Experimental Study on the Flow Characteristics Around a Triangular Prism", 11th Fluid Dynamics Conference (FD2008), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 11- H. Bazmara and A. Ashrafizadeh and V. Esfahanian, 2007, "On the Application of Meshless Computational Methods in Moving Boundary Problems", 15th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 10- S. F. Nabavi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2007, "A Modification On the Direct Design Solution of the Elliptic Grid Generation Equations", 15th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2007), Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 9- M. M. Tabandeh and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2006, "Airfoil Design Using the Permeable Wall Technique", 6th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2006), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 8- S. F. Nabavi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2006, "A Comparative Study Of Elliptic Grid Generation Algorithms-Part One", 6th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers(AERO2006), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 7- S. F. Nabavi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2006, "A Comparative Study Of Elliptic Grid Generation Algorithms-Part Two", 6th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Aerospace Engineers (AERO2006), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- 6- S. S. Okhovat and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2006, "On the Mesh Quality Control in Unstructured Grid Generation", Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2006), Isfahan, Iran.
- 5- M. Khosravi and A. Ashrafizadeh, 2006, "Solution of Steady Inverse Heat Conduction Problems by the Function Specification Method", Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2006), Isfahan, Iran.
- 4- A. Ashrafizadeh, GH. Zakizaadeh, 1997, "Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Supersonic Nozzles", Proceedings of the 1st Iranian Conference of Aerospace Engineering (AERO1997), Tehran , Iran.
- 3- A. Ashrafizadeh, 1996, "Determination of performance Parameters and Geometry of Thrust Chambers", Proceedings of the 4th Annual and 2nd International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME1996), Shiraz , Iran.
- 2- A. Ashrafizadeh, GH. Ghaaderahmady, 1996, "Enhancement of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer", Proceedings of the 4th Fluid Dynamic Conference (FD1996), Tehran , Iran.
- 1- A. Ashrafizadeh, GH. Ghaaderahmady, 1995, "Configuration Effects on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer and CHF", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME1995), Tehran , Iran.
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