Majid Ghassemi
K.N. Toosi University of Technology

Contact Information:
P. O. Box 19395-1999
Tehran, I.R. of Iran
Zip Code: 1999143344
Tel: (+9821)84063244
Fax: (+9821)88644748
Journal Papers
M. Kayhanpour and M. Ghassemi "Performance evaluation of IT-AP-SOFC ammonia fueled and validation using machine learning", Fuel and Combustion Scientific Research Journal, Volume 17, Issue 4, No. 49, pp. 26-44, January 2025
P. Taleghani, M. Ghassemi and M. Chizari "Numerical Investigation of Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance by Combining an Artificial Intelligence Approach", Heliyon, e40996 December 2024
S. Marefati, M. Saadat and M. Ghassemi "Microparticle focusing and micromixing with two-dimensional acoustic waves", AIP Physics of Fluids, Volume 36, Issue 5, May, 2024
F. Jazini Dorcheh and M. Ghassemi "The viscous strip approach to simplify the calculation of the surface acoustic wave generated streaming", Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 711-724, April 2024
T. Hajihadi Naghash, A. M. Haghgoo, M. A. Bijarchi, M. Ghassemi and M. B. Shafii "Performance of microball micromixers using a programmable magnetic system by applying novel movement patterns", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 406, pp. 1-13, January 2024
K. Moradihaji, M. Ghassemi and M. Pourbagian "Off-design performance analysis of a radial fan using experimental, computational, and artificial intelligence approaches", European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol. 104, pp. 150-172, March-April 2024
F. Jazini Dorcheh and M. Ghassemi "A discussion about the velocity distribution commonly used as the boundary condition in surface acoustic wave numerical simulations", Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 25, No. 42, pp. 1-12, October 2023
I. Fahs, M. Ghassemi and H. Fahs "Distribution of SOFC thermal stress via helium gas (He) based cooling system", Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, September 2023
M. Jahromi Aliabadi, F. Jazini Dorcheh and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Simulation of a Helical Magnetic Microswimmer Motion in the Non-Newtonian Blood", European Chemical Bulletin, Vol. 12, Issue 8, pp. 1063-1080, May 2023
M. Keyhanpour and M. Ghassemi "3D Simulation of Effect of Geometry and Temperature Distribution on SOFC Performance", Scientific Journal of Fuel mechanics and aerodynamics, January, 2022
S. Sayadian, M. Ghassemi, S. Ahmadi and A. J. Robinson "Numerical analysis of transport phenomena in solid oxide fuel cell gas channels", Fuel, Volume 33, No. 1, March, 2022
S. Marefati, M. Ghassemi and V. Ghazizadeh "Investigation of effective parameters on streaming-induced acoustophoretic particle manipulation in a microchannel via three-dimensional numerical simulation", AIP Physics of Fluids, Volume 34, Issue 1, January, 2022
M. Dehghan Manshadi, M. Ghassemi, M. Mousavi, and A. H. Mosavi "Numerical analysis of transport phenomena in solid oxide fuel cell gas channels", Energies, Vol. 14, Issue 16, 2021
M. D. Manshadi, M. Ghassemi, S. M. Mousavi, A. H. Mosavi and L. Kovacs "Predicting the Parameters of Vortex Bladeless Wind Turbine Using Deep Learning Method of Long Short-Term Memory", Engergies, Vol. 14, Issue 16, pp. 1-17, 2021
M. Rezadoost Dezfuli, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi "Quantitative Assessment of Parallel Acoustofluidic Device", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 150, No.1, pp. 233-240, July 2021
M. Mousavi, M. Ghassemi, M. Dehghan Manshadi and A. Mosavi "Deep Learning for Wave Energy Converter Modeling Using Long Short-Term Memory", mathematics, Vol. 9, Issue 8, pp. 1-16, April 2021
S. Sayadian, M. Ghassemi and A. J. Robinson "Multi-physics simulation of transport phenomena in planar proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Power Source, Vol. 481, pp. 1-10, January 2021
M. Kayhapour, F.S. Mirabedini and M. Ghassemi "Numerical study of the effect of magnetic field on blood flow in a clogged vessel with interaction between fluid-solid", Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Vol. 9, N0. 2, March 2021
M. Andayesh, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation of Renal Artery Hemodynamics Based on the Physiological Response to Renal Artery Stenosis", Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 40, Issue 4, pp. 1458-1468, October-December 2020
I. Fahs and M. Ghassemi "Analysis of Thermal Stress Distribution Sensitivity in a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Scientific journal of Aerospace Mechanic, No.4, Vol. 16, pp. 25-37, Winter 2020
I. Fahs and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Study of Detecting Crack Initiation in A Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, May 2020
B. Behroozi, and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation of Gas Temperature and Velocity at Converging Micro-sensor Under the Influence of Thermal Creeping", Scientific Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 87-95, Winter and Spring 2020
S. Sayadian and M. Ghassemi "Thermal analysis of a micro-scale proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, May 2020
M. Saadat, M. Ghassemi and M. B. Shafii "Numerical investigation on the effect of external varying magnetic field on the mixing of ferrofluid with deionized water inside a microchannel for lab-on-chip systems", Journal of Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, February 2020
M. Kamvar, M. Ghassemi and R. Steinberger-Wilckens "The Numerical Investigation of a Planar Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance with a Focus on the Support Type", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 45, Issue 11, pp. 7077-7087, February 2020
I. Fahs and M. Ghassemi "A New Numerical Study Method of Thermal Stress Distribution and Tortuosity Effectiveness in an Anode Porous Electrode for a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 234-248, 2020
M. Saadat, M. B. Shafii and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation on Mixing Intensification of Ferrofluid and Deionized Water inside a Microchannel using Magnetic Actuation Generated by Embedded Microcoils for Lab-on-Chip Systems", Journal of Chem. Eng. Process. - Process Intensif, 2019
I. Fahs and M. Ghassemi "A New Sensitivity Study of Thermal Stress Distribution for a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Journal of Renewable Energy Energy and Environment - JREE, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 18-26, Autumn 2018
B. Behroozi and M. Ghassemi "Numerical investigation of thermal creeping effect on a microsensor gas temperature and velocity
distribution", Journal of Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects , 2019
M. Keyhanpour and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Analysis of Hyperthermia on the Damage of cancerous Tissue by injection of Magnetic nanoparticles under the Influence of External Magnetic Field", Journal of Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 49, Issue 4, pp. 213-221, Autumn 2019
I. Fahs and M. Ghassemi "Sensitivity analysis of thermal stress in a cathode porous electrode for a planar solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects , 2019
M. Kayhanpour and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer of Magnetic Nanoparticles in a Non-Newtonian Blood Flow under Influence of Magnetic Field", Journal of Fluid Mechanics & Aerodynamics, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 19-31, Autumn and winter 2018
M. Akbari and M. Ghassemi "A New Slip Velocity Suitable for Natural Gas Flows in Energy Applications", Energy Sources,part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Oct 2018
M. Akbari and M. Ghassemi "A Novel Kinetic Based Slip Velocity Boundary Condition Suitable for Compressible Gas Flows in Micro/Nano channels", Acta Mechanica, pp. 1-14, 2018
M. Keyhanpour and M. Ghassemi "The Influece of Magnetic Heat Sources on Damaged Cancerous Tissue", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 428–436, 2018
B. Behroozi, and M. Ghassemi "Effect of Micro-Channel Wall Thickness and Diameter on Inlet Gas Temperature and Velocity under the Influence of Thermal Creeping", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 154-160, 2017
S.M.A. Nemati, M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian "Numerical Analysis of Magnetic Nanoparticles Penetration within the Cancerous Tumor Tissue under Influence of External Magnet", Journal of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment, Vol. 5, pp. 11-19, 2017
S.khakpour, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi "Wall Elasticity Effects on Carotid Hemodynamics and LDL Mass Transport; a Computational Approach", Journal of Nanotechnology in Diagnosis and Treatment, Vol. 5, pp. 20-33, 2017
S.M.A. Nemati, M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian "Numerical Investigation of Drug Delivery to Cancerous Solid Tumors by Magnetic Nanoparticles Using External", Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 119, Issue 2, pp. 461-480, 2017
M. Akbari, and M. Ghassemi "Introducing a Novel Slip Boundary Condition for the Compressible Gas Flow through a Micro/Nano Channel", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 277–285, 2017
S.M.A. Nemati, M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian "Numerical Investigation of Non-uniform Magnetic Field Effects on the Blood Velocity and Magnetic Nanoparticles Concentration inside the Vessel", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1657–1663, 2017
M. Kamvar, M. Ghassemi "Performance Analysis of Coplanar Single Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Oxygen-Methane-Nitrogen Mixture under Steady State Condition", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 31-38, 2017
R. Aayani, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi "Parametric study of acoustic streaming in non-Newtonian bio-fluid", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journals, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 335-342, 2016
R. Aayani, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation of Non-Newtonian Blood Effect on Acoustic Streaming", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, Special Issue 1, pp. 173-176, 2016
M. Kamvar, M. Ghassemi and M. Rezaei "Effect of Catalyst Layers Configuration   on Single Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 100, pp. 98-104, 2016
A. Asbaghi and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation of Thermal Creeping Gas Flow Inside Micro Channel", Nano World Journal, Vol. 14, pp. 5-10, 2016
A. Shahidian, S.M.A. Nemati and M. Ghassemi "Numerical Investigation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Absorption in Healthy and Cancerous Tissue under the Influence of Non-Uniform Magnetic Field", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 168-174, 2015
R. Mohammadi, M. Ghassemi, Y. Mollayi Barzi and J. Pirkandi "The Effect of Mass Transfer and Electrochemical Impedance of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 18, pp. 2815-2827, 2014
R. Mohammadi, M. Sogaard, T. Ramos, M. Ghassemi and M. B. Mogennsen; "Electrochemical  Impedance Modeling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode", Fuel Cells, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 645-659, 2014
A. Shahidian, M. R. Mohammadi and M. Ghassemi;"Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow Mixed with Magnetic Nanoparticles under the Influence of AC and DC Magnetic Field", Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 69-82, March 2014
M. Fadaei, R. Mohammadi and M. Ghassemi "Two-dimensional Simulation of Gas Concentration Impedance for a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 81, pp. 330-337, March 2014 -
M. Fadaei, M. Ghassemi and R. Mohammadi "Fuel Concentration Impedance Simulation of a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 15, pp. 38-49, 2014
J. Pirkandi and M. Ghassemi, "Thermo-economic modeling and analysis of a combined fuel cell and micro gas turbine power plant cycle", Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 15, pp. 207-222, 2014
J. Pirkandi and M. Ghassemi, "Electrochemical and economic modeling of a tubular solid oxide fuel cell stack in power supply system", Journal of Energy Management, Vol. 1, pp. 16-30, Spring 2013
M. Y. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Numerical Investigation of Thermal Radiation Effects on Open Cavity with Discrete Heat Sources", International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 649-661, 2013
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Thermodynamic and Thermo-Economic Performance Analysis of a Small-Scale CHP System using Solide Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC-CHP)", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transaction of the ISME, Vol. 2, Issue 29, pp. 29-54, Winter 2012 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi, G. A. Sheikhzadeh and M. Hamedi, "Turbulent Magneto-convection in a Differentially Heated Enclosure", J. of Iron and Steel Research, International, Vol. 19, Supplement 1-1, pp. 586-591, October 2012
R. Mohammadi, M. Ghassemi, Y. Mollayi Barsi and M. H. Hamedi, "Impedance Simulation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode in Time Domain", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 16, pp. 3275-3288, 2012
A. Shahidian, N. Maftouni and M. Ghassemi,"Investigation of Nanobio Mechanical Systems With Two Most Important Computational Methods", Int. J. of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 67-75, Sept. 2012
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Performance Comparison of Direct and Indirect Hybrid Systems of Gas Turbine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell from Thermodynamic and Exergy Viewpoints", The Modares J. of Mechanics Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 117-133, August 2012 (in Farsi)
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Thermodynamic Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Direct Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Gas Turbine Hybrid System from the Exergy Point of View", Bargh Journal of Electrical Science and Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 50, pp. 57-84, 2012 (in Farsi) -
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Micro Gas Turbine Hybrid Cycle in a CHP System", Journal of Iranian Combustion Association, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 67-89, 2012 (in Farsi)
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi, M. H. Hamedi and R. Mohammadi, "Electrochemical and Thermodynamic Modeling of a CHP System using Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC-CHP)", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 29-30, pp. 151-162, 2012
M. R. Habibi, M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian, "Investigation of Bio-Magnetic Fluid Flow under Non-Uniform Magnetic Field", Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 64-77, 2012
M. R. Habibi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Analysis of High Gradient Magnetic Field Effects on Distribution of Nanoparticles Injected into Pulsatile Blood Stream", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 1473-1482, 2012
A. Shahidian, M. Ghassemi and R. Mohammadi, " Effect of Nanofluid Properties on Magnetohydrodynamic Pump (MHD)", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 403-408, pp. 663-669, 2012 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and M. Hamedi, "MHD Convection of an Electrically Conductive Fluid with Variable Thermal Conductivity", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110-111, pp. 232-238, 2012
M. Y. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "2D Simulation of Thermal Loading with Horizantal Heat Sources", Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proc. Imech E), Volume 226 Issue 5, May 2012
S. M. Mirnouri Langroudia, M. Ghassemi , A. Shahabi, and H. Rezaei Nejada, "A Molecular Dynamics Study of Effective Parameters on Nano-droplet Surface Tension", Journal of Molecular Liquid, Vol. 161, pp. 85-90, 2011
H. Rezaei Nejada, M. Ghassemi a, S. M. Mirnouri Langroudia and A. Shahabi, "A Molecular Dynamics Study of Nano-Bubble Surface Tension", Molecular Simulation, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 23-30, January 2011
M. R. Habibi and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Study of Magnetic Nanoparticles Concentration in Biofluid (Blood) under Influence of High Gradient Magnetic Field", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 323, pp. 32-38, 2011 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and A. Keshtkar, "Numerical Study of Hydromagnetic Convection of an Electrically Conductive Fluid With Variable Properties Inside an Enclosure", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 516-520, January 2011
A. Shahabi, M. Ghassemi a, S. M. Mirnouri Langroudia, H. Rezaei Nejada and M.H. Hamedi, "Effect of Defect and C60s Density Variation on Tensile and Compressive Properties of Peapod", Computational Material Science, Vol. 50, pp. 586-594, 2010
M.H. Shirzadi, A. Behbahani and M. Ghassemi, "Mixed Convection and Radiation with Source Term in Tilted Duct", Scientific Research , Technical and Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 43-55, Summer 2010
M. Ghassemi, A. Shahidian, G. Ahmadi and S. Hamian, "A New Effective Thermal Conductivity Model for a Bio-Nanofluid (Blood with Nanoparticle Al2O3)", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 37, pp. 929-934, August 2010
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and M. Hamedi, "Effect of Inclination Angle on Magneto-Convection Inside a Tilted Enclosure", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1-4, June 2010 -
M. Pirmohammadi, G. A. Sheikhzadeh, M. Ghassemi and M. Hamedi, "Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in a Mold", Defect and Diffusion Forum, VOL. 297-301, pp. 456-461, 2010
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi, "Introducing Hybride Gas Turbine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) System for Energy Production", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, October 2010
A. Behbahani, M.H. Shirzadi and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Investigation of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer along with Conduction and Radiation in Horizontal Electronic Board with Vertical Rectangular Shape Source Term", Sharif Journal, Vol. 51, pp. 25-32, October 2009
M. Pirmohammadi and M. Ghassemi, "Effect of Magnetic Field on Convection Heat Transfer of an Electrically Conductive Fluid inside a Tilted Square Enclosure", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, Issue, 7, pp. 776-780, August 2009
M. Pirmohammadi and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Study of Magneto- Convection in a Partitioned Enclosure", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 2671-2674, June 2009 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and G. A. Sheikhzadeh, "Effect of Magnetic Field on Transient Natural Convection Heat Transfer", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 2788-2790, June 2009
A. Shahidian, M. Ghassemi, S. Khorasanizade, M. Abdollahzadeh and G. Ahmadi, "Flow Analysis of Non-Newtonian Blood in a Magnetohydrodynamic Pump", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 2677-2670, June 2009
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi, "A 2-D Transient Numerical Model Combining Heat/Mass Transport Effects in a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", J. of Power Sources, Vol. 192, issue 1, pp. 200-207, July 2009
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi, "Numerical Analysis of Start-up Operation of a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", International J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 2015-2025, February 2009
M. Ghassemi, A. Ghassemi and M. Ziabasharhagh, "Thermal Stress Analysis of the Rails and the Armature of an Electromagnetic Launcher", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, issue 1, part 2, pp. 293-297, January 2009 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and G. A. Sheikhzadeh, "The effect of a magnetic field on buoyancy-driven convection in differentially heated square cavity", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, issue 1, part 2, pp. 407-411, January 2009
A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi, "Effect of Magnetic Flux Density and Other Properties on Temperature and Velocity Distribution in a Magnetohydrodynamic Pump (MHD)", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, no. 1, part 2, pp. 298-301, January 2009
M. Ghassemi and M. Varmarzyar, "Stress Analysis of the Rails of a New High Velocity Armature Design in an Electromagnetic Launcher", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 35, Issue 12, pp. 1529-1533, December 2008
S. M. Afshar, M. Ghassemi and Sh. Khorasanizade, "Effect of Reynolds Number Variation on Fluid Flow around a Nano-Robot Inside Human Blood ", Journal of Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 2008
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi, "Dynamic Simulation of Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Under External Step Load Variation", International J. of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 113-120, 2008 -
M. Ghassemi, Y. Mollayi Barsi, M.H. Hamedi, "Effect of Armature Design on Thermal and Electromagnetic Distribution of an Electromagnetic Launcher", Heat Transfer Engineering an International Journal, Vol. 29, issue 9, pp. 839-844, September 2008
M. Ghassemi, M. Fathabadi, and A. Shadaram, "Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Natural Convection Heat Transfer Inside an Triangular Shaped Enclosure Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamic Code", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 18, issue 1, pp. 14-23, 2008
M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and G. A. Sheikhzadeh, "A Numerical Study of Natural Convection in a Tilted Cavity with Two Baffles Attached to its Isothermal Walls", WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 61-68, July 2007
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi, M.H. Hamedi and E. Afshari, "Numerical Analysis of Output Characteristic of a Tubular SOFC with Different Fuel Composition and Mass Flow Rate", the Electrochemical Science Transactions, Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1919-1928, 2007
M. Ghassemi, Y. Mollayi Barsi, and M.H. Hamedi, "Analysis of Force Distribution Acting upon the Armature and Prediction of Velocity with Time in an Electromagnetic Launcher Using a More Accurate Method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 132-136, January 2007 -
K. Daneshjoo, M. Rahimzadeh, R. Ahmadi, and M. Ghassemi, "Dynamic Response and Armature Critical Velocity Studies in an Electromagnetic Railgun", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 126-131, January 2007
E. Afshari, H. Sharifi and M. Ghassemi, "Temperature Distribution of Ni-cd Battery", International J. of Engineering Science University of Science and Technology, Vol. 17, no. 5, 2007
M. Ghassemi and Y. Mollayi Barsi, "Effect of Liquid Film (Indium) on Thermal and Electromagnetic Distribution of an Electromagnetic Launcher with New Armature", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-6, January 2005
M.A.S. Masoum, M. Ghassemi and M. Sarvi, "Electrical and Thermal Analysis of Ni-Cd Batteries", Amirkabir Journal of Science & Technology, Iran, Vol. 15, No.57-A, pp 1-10, 2004
M. Ghassemi and Y. Mollayi Barsi, "Thermal and Dynamic Effect of Liquid Film Placed Between Rectangular shaped Solid Armature and Rail of an Electromagnetic Launcher", International J. of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology, Vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 56-67, 2004 -
M. Ghassemi and R. Pasandeh, "Thermal and Electromagnetic Analysis of an Electromagnetic Launcher", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1819-1822, May 2003
A. Keshavarz, A., M. Ghassemi and M. Mostafavi, "Thermal Energy Storage Module Design Using Energy and Exergy Analysis", Heat Transfer Engineering an International Journal, Vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 76-85, May-June 2003
M.A.S. Masoum and M. Ghassemi, "Electrical and Thermal Analysis of an Environmentally Safe Microprocessor Based Ni-Cd Fast Charger", International J. of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2003
M. Ghassemi, M., A. Keshavarz and M.A.S. Masoum, "Effect of Orbital Height and Geometry on Temperature Distribution of a Small Satellite", International J. of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology, Vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 161-171, 2002
M. Ghassemi and M. Bargherabadi, "Effect of Orbital Parameters on Thermal Performance of a Small Satellite Located in Low Earth Orbit", Journal of Faculty of Engineering, University of Tabriz, no. 26, pp. 55-66, Spring - Summer 2002 -
M. Ghassemi, R. Pasandeh and A. Keshtkar, "Two-Dimensioanl Thermal and Electromagnetic Analysis of an Electromagnetic Launcher without Source Terms", Journal of Faculty of Engineering, University of Tabriz, no. 26, pp. 67-75, Spring - Summer 2002
M. Ghassemi, M. Kharrati and M. Hosseini, "Design and analysis of passive thermal control system for a small satellite in low earth orbit" International J. of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology, Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 119-133, 2001
Keshavarz, A., Mostafavi, A., and Ghassemi, M., "Optimization of Sensible Thermal Energy Storage Using Energy and Exergy Methods", Journal of Engineering, Ferdosi University, Winter 2001
M. Ghassemi, H. Tavana and A. Keshavarz, "New and Energy Efficient Design for Home Refrigerator/Freezers", International J. of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-8, 2000
M. Ghassemi and H.N. Shapiro, "Effect of an Alternative Refrigerant (R-134a) on Refrigerator/Freezer Performance", International J. of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol.1, no. 1, pp.89-96, 1996 - M. Ghassemi and H.N. Shapiro, "Effect of Gasket Heat Gain on Refrigerator/Freezer Performance", International J. of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Vol.1, no. 1, pp. 97-103, 1996
Reviewed Conference Papers
K. Moradi Haji, M. Ghassemi and M. Pourbagian,"Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Unique Radial Fan at Various Volumetric Flow rates", The 31th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers & 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, 2023
M. Ghassemi,"Effect of Operating Parameters on Micro-Planar Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance", Proceedings of 6th International conference on Green Energy and Expo, Toronto, Canada, August 2018
B. Behrozi, M. Ghassemi and A. Fekri Alibabaloo,"Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of Gases inside a Microchannel with Thermal Creeping Boundary Condition", 25th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference (25th ISME 2017), Tehran, IRAN, May 2017
A. Fekri Alibabaloo, M. Ghassemi and B. Behrozi,"Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of Gases inside a Microchannel with Slip Boundary Condition", 25th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference (25th ISME 2017), Tehran, IRAN, May 2017
M. Akbari and M. Ghassemi, "Introducing a Novel Slip Velocity Boundary Condition with Considering Real Gas Effect", 25th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference (25th ISME 2017), Tehran, IRAN, May 2017
R. Aayani, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Study of Acoustic Streaming Effect on Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient inside a Microchannel at Actual Resonance Frequency ", 25th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference (25th ISME 2017), Tehran, IRAN, May 2017
M. Kamvar, M. Rezaei and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Investigation of Anode and Cathode Arrangements Effect on Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Performance", 3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (3rd ENEFM 2015), Oludeniz, Turkey, October 2015
K. Dolati Asl, M. Ghassemi, J. Pirkandi and Y. Ira, "A Novel Relation for Optimum Inclination Angle of a Single Axis Solar Collector", 1st international Conference and Exhibition on Solar Collector, pp. 1-12, Tehran, Iran, May 2014, In Farsi
Y. Ira, M. Ghassemi, J. Pirkandi and K. Dolati Asl, "Investigating the Effect of Compressor Pressure Ration Variation on Performance of Combined Gas Turbine and SOFC Cycle", 5th Iranian Fuel and Combustion Conference, pp. 1-12, Tehran, Iran, February 2014, In Farsi
K. Dolati Asl, M. Ghassemi and J. Pirkandi, "Determination of Bandar Abbas Optimum Solar Collector Inclination Angle based on Spaces with Different Reflection Coeifficient", 2nd National Conference on Clean and Renewable Energy, pp. 1-11, Hamadan, Iran, December 2013, In Farsi
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi,”Thermodynamic And Thermo-economic Modeling Of A Directly Coupled Gas Turbine And Atmospheric Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Plant”, 23th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME2013, K N Toosi University of Technology, May 7-9, 2013 -
M. Fadaei, M.Ghassemi, R. Mohammadi, "Impedance Analysis Fuel Concentration in a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell", 23th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME2013, K N Toosi University of Technology, May 7-9, 2013
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi,” Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Atmospheric Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Hybrid System in Air Propulsion system”, 12th Annual Aerospace Conference, AERO2013, Amirkabir University of Technology, February, 2013
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi, G.A. Sheikhzadeh and M. Hamedi, "Numerical Study of Magneto Study of Partitions Effects on Magneto-Convection inside an Enclosure", Conference Preceeedings - 2012 16th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology, art. no. 6325172, EML 2012
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Parametric Study of an Indirect Solid Oxide Fuel Cell - Gas Turbine Hybrid System Performance from Exergy Viewpoint", Fourth International Conference on Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (ICHVAC4), Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran, June 12-14, 2012
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M.H Hamedi, "Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a CHP System Using a Tubular SOFC", The Second Conference on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, HFCC,Tehran, Iran, May 2012, In Farsi -
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M.H Hamedi, "Performance Analysis of a 3.5 kW Renewable Fuel Cell (RFC) for Aero-Propulsion System Application", The Second Conference on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, HFCC,Tehran, Iran, May 2012, In Farsi
H. Hosseini, M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and J. Pirkandi, "Thermodynamic Analysis of a Hybrid Gas Turbine and Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell System", The Frist Annual Clean Energy Conference on International Center for Science, High Technology & Environmental Sciences, Tehran, Iran, March, 2011, In Farsi
H. Hosseini, M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and J. Pirkandi, "Electrochemical Analysis of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell with Internal Reforming", 19th ISME Annual Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2011
R. Mohammadi, M.Ghassemi, M.H. Hamedi, Y. Mollayi Barzi, "Numerical Simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Impedance Analysis", European Fuel Cell, Luceme, Switzerland, July 2011
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi, M. H. Hamedi and A. Abdollahi, "Design and Analysis of a Hybrid SOFC and Micro-turbine for A Commercial Building (CHP)", 18th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME 2010, Tehran, Iran, May 11-14, 2010, In Farsi -
J. Pirkandi, A. Keshavarz and M. Ghassemi, "Performance Analysis of an Energy Storage System for use as Heating Load of Residential Buildings", 2nd Annual (International) Conference on Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning, ICHVAC2-1005, Tehran, Iran, May, 2010, In Farsi
A. Abdollahi, A. A Alem Rajabi, M. Ghassemi and J. Pirkandi, "Investigation of of a Combined SOFC and Micro-Gas turbine for Energy Supply of a Commercial Building base on Thermodynamic and Pollution characteristic", 2nd Annual (International) Conference on Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning, ICHVAC2-1005, Tehran, Iran, May, 2010, In Farsi
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "Performance Analysis of a Tubular SOFC for Unmanned Aerial Vheicle Propulsion", 10th Annual Aerospace Conference, AERO2011, March, 2011
H. Rezaei Nejad, M. Ghassemi, A. Shahabi and S.M. Mirnouri Langroudi, " Investigating the Effect of Stone-Wales Defect on Young Modulus Of Armchair Single Wall Carbon Nanotube using Molecular Dynamics", Proceeding of ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010, July 12-14, , Istanbul, Turkey, 2010
S.M. Mirnouri Langroudi, M. Ghassemi, A. Shahabi and, H. Rezaei Nejad " Investigation of Bubble Nucleation on Platinum Solid Surface Using Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation", Proceeding of ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010, July 12-14, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010 -
M. R. Habibi, A. Shahidian and M. Ghassemi, "CFD simulation of biomagnetic fluid flow under non uniform magnetic fields", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Energy Conversion and Conservation (CICME'10), April 22-25, Hammamet,Tunisia 2010
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "The Role of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Increasing the Performance of the Power Generation System", 4th Iranian Fuel Cell Seminar, November, 2010, In Farsi
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi and M. H. Hamedi, "The Role of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybride Power Generation System for Energy Production", 4th Iranian Fuel Cell Seminar, November, 2010, In Farsi
J. Pirkandi, M. Ghassemi, M. H. Hamedi and H. Hosseini, "Electrochemical Analysis of a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with with Direct Internal Reforming", 4th Iranian Fuel Cell Seminar, November, 2010, In Farsi
M. Pirmohammadi and M. Ghassemi, "Magneto-convection in an Enclosure with Partially Active Vertical Walls", Proceedings of the 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, pp. 139-140, November 22-26, Florianopolis, Brazil 2009 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and A. Keshtkar, "MHD Convection of a Electrically Conductive Fluid with Variable Thermal Conductivity", Proceedings of the 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, pp. 21-22, November 22-26, Florianopolis, Brazil 2009
J. Ghanadan, Y. Mollayi Barsi and M. Ghassemi, "Performance Analysis of a Tubular SOFC Using a Comprehensive Thermo-Electrochemical Model", Proceeding of the 216th ECS conference, Vienna, Austria, 2009
M. Ghassemi and M. Pirmohammadi, "Numerical Simulation of Magneto-Convection In An Enclosure", Proceeding of the ASME 2009 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2009-88433, July 19 -23, San Francisco, California, USA, 2009
M. Ghassemi and M. Pirmohammadi, "Effect of Vertical Obstacle on Magneto-Convection Inside An Enclosure", Proceeding of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2009, August 18-21, Moscow, Russia, 2009
M. Ghassemi, J. Pirkandi and M. Y. Abdollahzadeh, "Enhancement of PCM Properties using nano particles", 17th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME 2009, Tehran, Iran, May 19-21, 2009, In Farsi -
M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and G.A. Sheikhzadeh, "Effect of Magnetic Field on Transient Natural Convection Heat Transfer", Asian Magnetic Conference, December 10-13, Pusan, South Korea, 2008
M. Pirmohammadi and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Study of Magneto-Convection in a Partitioned Enclosure", Asian Magnetic Conference, December 10-13, Pusan, South Korea, 2008
A. Shahidian, M. Ghassemi, S. Khorasani Zadeh and G. Ahmadi, "Flow Analysis of Non-Newtonian Blood in a Magnetohydrodynamic Pump", Asian Magnetic Conference, December 10-13, Pusan, South Korea, 2008
M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi, G.A. Sheikhzadeh and A. Keshtkar, "Numerical Study of Magneto-Convection of an Electrically Conducting Fluid with Variable Properties", International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, American Institute of Physics, pp. 739-742, Greece 2008
M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and G.A. Sheikhzadeh, "The Effect of Magnetic Field on Bouyancy Driven Convection in a Differentially Heated Square Cavity with two Insulated Baffles Attached to Isothermal Walls", Proceeding of ASME 2008 Summer Heat Transfer HT2008, August 10-14, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008 -
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and G.A. Sheikhzadeh, "Numerical Study of Natural Convection in a Partitioned Cavity", Proceeding of ASME 2008 Summer Heat Transfer, HT2008, August 10-14, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and G.A. Sheikhzadeh, "The Effect of Magnetic Field on Buoyancy-Driven Convection in Differentially Heated Square Cavity", 14th EML Conference, June 10-14, Victoria, Canada, 2008
M. Ghassemi, H. Rezaeenezad and A. Shahidian, "Analytical Analysis of Flow in a Magnetohydrodynamic Pump", 14th EML Conference, June 10-14, Victoria, Canada, 2008
M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian, "Effect of Magnetic Flux Density and Other Properties on Temperature and Velocity Distribution in Magnetohydrodynamic Pump (MHD)", 14th EML Conference, June 10-14, Victoria, Canada, 2008
M. Ghassemi and M. Varmazyar "Thermal Stress Analysis of the Rails and the Armature of an Electromagnetic Launcher", 14th EML Conference, June 10-14, Victoria, Canada, 2008 -
A. Shahidian, M. Ghassemi and H. Rezaeenezad "Analysis of Flow inside a Micro-Channel under Magnetic Effect", 11th Fluid Dynamic Conference, May 27-29, Tehran, 2008
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi, and M.H. Hamedi, "Transient Analysis of Time Response to Electrical Load Variation in a Tubular SOFC", 16th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2008, May 13-15, Kerman, Iran, 2008
S. A. Jazayeri, E. Mollahassanzadeh, and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Analysis of Multilayer Insulation Effect on Natural Convection and Liquid Evaporation in Cryogenic Tanks", 16th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2008, May 13-15, Kerman, Iran, 2008
M. Pirmohammadi, M. Ghassemi and G.A. Sheikhzadeh "Effect of Magnetic Field on Temperature and Flow Field of an Electrically Conductive Fluid inside a Square Enclosure", 24th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 30 - April 4, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2008
M. Ghassemi and A. Shahidian "Numerical Investigation of Flow and Temperature Field of a Magneto Hydrodynamic Pump", 24th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 30 - April 4, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2008 -
Y. Mollayi Barsi and M. Ghassemi, "Sensitivity Analyses of the Tubular SOFC Performance with the Material Properties and Geometrical Parameters", Proceeding of the Second European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, EFCE2007, December 11-14, Rome, Italy, 2007
Y. Mollayi Barsi, M. Ghassemi, and M.H. Hamedi, "Dynamic Simulation of a Tubular SOFC Combining Heat/Mass Transfer Effects With a 2-D Transient Numerical Method", Proceeding of the Second European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, EFCE2007, December 11-14, Rome, Italy, 2007
M. Ghassemi, M. Zare, M. K. Ebrahimi, and M. Varmarzyar, "Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Modeling of A Nano-robot Inside the Blood Stream of an Aorta Vein", Proceeding of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2007, November 11-15, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2007
M. Ghassemi, S. Mostofi, Y. Mollayi Barsi and M. Pirmohammadi, "Parametric Study of the Tubular SOFC Power Cycle with a Thermodynamic Model", Proceeding of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2007, November 11-15, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2007
G. A. Sheikhzadeh, M. Pirmohammadi and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Study of Natural Convection in a Cavity with Two Fins Attached to Its Vertical Wall", Proceeding of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2007, November 11-15, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2007 -
M. Ghassemi, M. Pirmohammadi and G. A. Sheikhzadeh, "Numerical Study of Natural Convection in a Cavity with Two Baffles Attached to Its Vertical Wall", WSEAS conference, Greece, 2007
M. Ghassemi, M. Fathabadi and M.H. Hamedi, "Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Natural Convection Heat Transfer Inside an Triangular Shaped Enclosure utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamic Code", Proceeding of ASME 2nd Joint U.S. & European Fluids Engineering Conference, July 2006
M. Ghassemi, Y. Molayi, and M.H. Hamedi, "Analysis of Force Distribution Acting upon the Armature and Prediction of Velocity with Time in an Electromagnetic Launcher Using a More Accurate Method", 13th EML Conference, Postdam, Germany, 2006
M.R. rezaei, A. Keshtkar, and M. Ghassemi, "Parameters Effecting the Convergence of Inductance (L') in an Electromagnetic Launcher", 13th EML Conference, Postdam, Germany, 2006
M. Farzane, R. Ebrahimi, M. Shams and M. Ghassemi, "Modeling of Combustion inside a Porous Flame", 2nd Fluid Dynamic Conference, Kerman, 2006
M. Ghassemi and E. Afshari, "Effect of Temperature Variation on Nickel Cadmium (Ni-cd) and Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) Battery Parameters", Proceedings of HT-FED04 Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC, July 2004
M. Ghassemi and Y. Molayi, "Effect of Liquid Film (Indium) on Thermal and Electromagnetic Distribution of an Electromagnetic Launcher with New Armature", Proceeding of the 12th EML Conference, May 2004
M. Ghassemi and E. Afshari, "Thermal Analysis of Ni-cd Battery", 4th European Thermal Sciences Conference, March 2004
E. Afshari, H. Sharifi and M. Ghassemi, "Comparison between Temperature Distribution of Ni-cd and Ni-MH Battery Used in Small Satellite", 2nd Applied Aerospace organization conference, Vol. 10, pp. 390-400, January 2004
E. Afshari, H. Sharifi and M. Ghassemi, "Thermal Sensitivity of Ni-cd Battery Used n Small Satellite", 2nd Applied Aerospace organization conference, Vol. 10, pp. 400-410, January 2004
M. Ghassemi and Y. Molayi, "Thermal Effect of Liquid Film Placed between Triangular shaped Solid Armature and Rail of an Electromagnetic Launcher", 11th international ISME Conference, vol. 1, pp. 234-239, May 2003
M. Ghassemi and E. Afshari, "Thermal Modeling of a Ni-cd Battery Used in Small Satellite", 11th international ISME Conference, vol. 1, pp. 352-358, May 2003
M. Ghassemi, A. Keshavarz and M. Fathabadi, "Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Natural Convection In a Triangular Shaped Enclosure", 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, March 2003
M. Ghassemi and M.H. Hamedi, "Application of Finite Element Method in Design of Passive Thermal Control System for a Small Satellite", 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, March 2003
M. Ghassemi and E. Afshari, "2-D thermal Modeling of a Ni-cd Battery With Linear Energy Source Used in Small Satellite", 2nd International IIAA conference, vol. 1, pp150-156, February 2003
M. Ghassemi and Y. Molayi, "Effect of Liquid Film Placed Between Square Armature and Rail on Thermal Performance of an Electromagnetic Launcher", 6th international and 10th Annual ISME Conference, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1002-1011, May 2002
M. Ghassemi, A. Bahrami and M. Bagherabadi, "Design and Manufacturing of a Heat Pipe for a Small Satellite", 6th international and 10th Annual ISME Conference, vol. 3, no. 2, pp 671-683, May 2002
A. Sabbagh Ziarani and M. Ghassemi, "Effect of Geometry on Temperature Distribution of a Small Satellite", 5th international and 9th Annual ISME conference, pp. 357-363, May 2001
A. Keshavarz, R. Moghaddam, M. Ghassemi and A. Mostafavi, "Thermal Energy Storage Module Design Using Energy and Exergy Analysis", Second International Conference on Energy Research & Development (ICERD-2), Kuwait, pp. 45-52, November 2001
M.A.S. Masoum, M. Sarvi and M. Ghassemi, "Analysis and Simulation of Nickel Hydrogen Batteries", First National Conference on Battery, Iran, November 2001
71) M. Ghassemi, M. Kharrati and A. Salimi Ashkivari, "Design of Thermal Control System of a Small Satellite by Finite Element Method", 1st International IIAA conference, vol. 3, pp1551-1563, 2000
72) M. Ghassemi, A. Sabbagh Ziarani and M. Hosseini, "Design of Thermal Control System of a Small Satellite by Lumped Parameters Method", 1st International IIAA conference, vol. 3, pp. 1541-1549, 2000
73) M. Ghassemi and A. Sabbagh Ziarani, "Effect of Orbital Altitude on Temperature Distribution of a Small Satellite by Lumped Parameters Method", 1st Applied Aerospace organization conference, Vol. 1, pp. 414-425, January 2000 74) M. Ghassemi and A. Sabbagh Ziarani, "Effect of Geometry and Number of Node on a Small Satellite Thermal Design", 1st Applied Aerospace organization conference, vol. 1, pp. 425-433, 2000
75) A. Keshavarz, M. Mostafazadehgan, M. Ghassemi and S.H. Mansouri, "Transient Mixed Convection Between Inclined Parallel Plate With Heat Source", 1st International Conference on Energy Research & Development (ICERD-2), Kuwait, pp. 15-23, 1998
76) A. Keshavarz, R. Moghadam and M. Ghassemi, "Method of Enthalpy in Solving the Phase Change Material Problem", 7th Annual ISME Conference, vol. 2, pp. 521-532, May 1998
77) A. Keshavarz, A. Moazen and M. Ghassemi, "Numerical Investigation of Laminar Flow Between Infinite Parallel Plate with Cavity", 3rd International and 6th Annual ISME Conference, pp. 214-223, May 1997
78) M. Ghassemi and H.N. Shapiro, "Review of Energy Efficiency of Refrigerator/ Freezer Gasket", U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, SuDoc EP 1.89/2:600/S 2-91/060, 1992
79) M. Ghassemi and J.A. Roux, "Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection within a Triangular Shaped Enclosure", National Heat Transfer Conference, vol.107, Philadelphia, 1989

Kasra Kayhanpour
Ph.D. student
mechanical engineering

Fateme Gholamalian
Ph.D. student
mechanical engineering

Amir Eslamian Koupaei
Ph.D. student
mechanical engineering

Saeed Shirazi
Ph.D. student
mechanical engineering

Ava Asadollahpour
Ph.D. student
mechanical engineering

Maedeh Shabdiz
Ph.D. Candidate
mechanical engineering

Mehdi Khorsandi
Ph.D. Candidate
mechanical engineering

Dr. Yasser Mollayi Barsi
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Azadeh Shahidian
Mechanical Engineering Department
K. N. Toosi University of Technology

Dr. Mohsen Pirmohamadi
Head of Research at MAPNA

Dr. M. Y. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Rafat Mohammadi
Mechanical Engineering
Arak University

Dr. Mohammad Reza Habibi
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Jamasb Pirkandi
Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Majid Kamvar
mechanical engineering

Dr. sayyed mohammad ali Ne'mati
mechanical engineering

Dr. Masoud Akbari
mechanical engineering

Dr. Imad Fahs
mechanical engineering

Dr. Behroz Behroozi
mechanical engineering

Shahide Sayadian
Ph.D. Candidate
mechanical engineering

Dr. Roozbeh Aayani
mechanical engineering

Farnaz Jazini Dorche
Ph.D. Candidate
mechanical engineering
New Book Out
Nano and Bio Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow book written by Professor Ghassemi and Dr. Azadeh Shahidian and printed by Elsevier Publishing will be out in April 2017
Exceptional Talent
Professor Ghassemi has been endorsed by The Royal Academy of Engineering of the United Kingdom as an Exceptional Talent. United Kingdom selects a few scientists per year from all over the world as an Exceptional Talent
Organizing Committee Member
International Conference on Advance Materials Science and Chemical Materials (AMSC 2016)
December 24-25, 2016, Shanghai, China