- A Hosseininaveh, R Yazdan, A Karami, M Moradi, F Ghorbani, “Clustering and Selecting Vantage Images in a Low-cost System for 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects”
Measurement, 2016.
[BibTeX]Title = Clustering and Selecting Vantage Images in a Low-cost System for 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects Author = A Hosseininaveh, R Yazdan, A Karami, M Moradi, F Ghorbani Journal = Measurement publisher = Elsevier Publication date = 2016/12/16 Description =Abstract Structure from Motion is one of the image-based methods for 3D reconstruction. This technique coupled with Dense Multi-View Matching can provide an accurate and dense point cloud from texture-full objects. Although the procedure in these techniques is now fully automatic, capturing images of the object in suitable position is difficult, especially when the object is texture-less and needs projectors to provide a pattern on the object. Even though the images can be captured, the processing time in Dense Matching software is directly ...
- L. W. MacDonald, A. A. Hosseininaveh A., and S. Robson, “Determining the coordinates of lamps in an illumination dome,”
in SPIE Optical Metrology, 2015, pp. 95280I-95280I-12
Title = Determining the coordinates of lamps in an illumination dome Author = L. W. MacDonald, A. A. Hosseininaveh A., and S. Robson, Publication date = 2015/6/21 Conference = SPIE Optical Metrology Pages = 95280I-95280I-12 Publisher = International Society for Optics and Photonics Description = abstract The UCL Dome consists of an acrylic hemisphere of nominal diameter 1030 mm, fitted with 64 flash lights, arranged in three tiers of 16, one tier of 12, and one tier of 4 lights at approximately equal intervals. A Nikon D200 digital camera is mounted on a rigid steel frame at the 'north pole'of the dome pointing vertically downwards with its optical axis normal to the horizontal baseboard in the 'equatorial'plane. It is used to capture sets of images in pixel register for visualisation and surface reconstruction. Three techniques were ...
- V. Mousavi, M. Khosravi, M. Ahmadi, N. Noori, A. Hosseininaveh A.,, and M. Varshosaz, " The Performance Evaluation of Multi-Image 3d Reconstruction Software with Different Sensors,"
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 40, p. 515, 2015
Title = The Performance Evaluation of Multi-Image 3d Reconstruction Software with Different Sensors Author = V Mousavi, M Khosravi, M Ahmadi, N Noori, A Hosseini Naveh, M Varshosaz Publication date = 2015/1/1 Journal = The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Pages = 515 Publisher = Copernicus GmbH Description = Abstract Today, multi-image 3D reconstruction is an active research field and generating three dimensional model of the objects is one the most discussed issues in Photogrammetry and Computer Vision that can be accomplished using range-based or image-based methods. Very accurate and dense point clouds generated by range-based methods such as structured light systems and laser scanners has introduced them as reliable tools in the industry. Image-based 3D digitization methodologies offer the option of reconstructing an ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., R. Yazdan, A. Karami, M. Moradi, and F. Ghorbani, "A Low-cost and Portable System for 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects",
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 40, p. 327, , 2015
Title = A Low-cost and Portable System for 3D Reconstruction of Texture-less Objects Author = A Hosseininaveh, R Yazdan, A Karami, M Moradi, F Ghorbani Publication date = 2015/1/1 Journal = The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Volume = 40 Issue = 1 Pages = 327 Publisher = Copernicus GmbH Description = Abstract The optical methods for 3D modelling of objects can be classified into two categories including image-based and range-based methods. Structure from Motion is one of the image-based methods implemented in commercial software. In this paper, a low-cost and portable system for 3D modelling of texture-less objects is proposed. This system includes a rotating table designed and developed by using a stepper motor and a very light rotation plate. The system also has eight laser light sources with very dense and strong ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, J. Boehm, M. Shortis, "Stereo Imaging Network Design for Accurate and Complete 3D Reconstruction",
The Photogrammetric Record, 2014.
Title = Stereo‐imaging network design for precise and dense 3d reconstruction Author = Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson, Jan Boehm, Mark Shortis Publication date = 2014/9/1 Journal = The Photogrammetric Record Volume = 29 Issue = 147 Pages = 317-336 Description = Résumé Cet article présente une nouvelle stratégie de planification d'un réseau d'images stéréoscopiques, se déroulant en quatre étapes: définition du datum, estimation de la distance optimale, détermination de la position de la caméra et enfin classification et sélection de points de vue avantageux. Un modèle 3D maillé approximatif d'un objet issu d'un système rapide bon marché est utilisé pour la première étape de la méthode. Un ellipsoïde est ajusté sur ce modèle grossier pour trouver une distance de prise de vue ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., B. Sargeant, T. Erfani, S. Robson, M. Shortis, M. Hess, J. Boehm, "Toward Fully Automatic Reliable 3D Acquisition: from Designing Imaging Network to a Complete and Accurate Point Cloud".
Robotics and Autonomous System Journal, 2014.
Title = Towards fully automatic reliable 3D acquisition: From designing imaging network to a complete and accurate point cloud Author = Ali Hosseininaveh, Ben Sargeant, Tohid Erfani, Stuart Robson, Mark Shortis, Mona Hess, Jan Boehm Publication date = 2014/8/31 Journal = Robotics and Autonomous Systems Volume = 62 Issue = 8 Pages = 1197-1207 Publisher = North-Holland Description = Abstract This paper describes a novel system for accurate 3D digitization of complex objects. Its main novelties can be seen in the new approach, which brings together different systems and tools in a unique platform capable of automatically generating an accurate and complete model for an object of interest. This is performed through generating an approximate model of the object, designing a stereo imaging network for the object with this model and capturing the images at the designed postures through exploiting an inverse ...
- L. MacDonald, A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, I. Gibb, "High Art Revisited: A Photogrammetric Approach",
Electronic Visulaisation and the Arts (EVA) conference, London ,2014.
Title = High Art Revisited: A Photogrammetric Approach Author = Lindsay MacDonald, Ali Hosseininaveh ahmadabadian, Robson Stuart, Gibb Ian Publication date = 2014/7 Conference = Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014) Pages = 8 Publisher = The Chartered Institute for IT Description = Abstract A photogrammetric technique was developed to monitor a painted heritage ceiling for evidence of cracking and flaking. A rig with up to four miniature cameras with lighting was raised 8m on a telescopic mast to within 60cm of the ceiling. Sets of images were analysed by a multiview stereo technique to extract point clouds from which a 3D representation of the surface could be obtained. The factor limiting the performance of the system was found to be not image processing but the mechanical characteristics of the telescopic mast.
- L. MacDonald, M. Filomena Guerra, R. Pillay, M. Hess, S. Quirke, S. Robson, A. Hosseininaveh A.," Practice-based comparison of imaging methods for visualization of toolmarks on an Egyptian Scarab",
the International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP), Cherbourg, Normandy, France,2014.
Title = Practice-based comparison of imaging methods for visualization of toolmarks on an Egyptian Scarab Author = Lindsay MacDonald, Maria Filomena Guerra, Ruven Pillay, Mona Hess, Stephen Quirke, Stuart Robson, Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian Publication date = 2014/6/30 Conference = International Conference on Image and Signal Processing Pages = 239-246 Publisher = Springer International Publishing Description = Abstract 3D representations were made of a small Egyptian scarab with a gold band by a number of methods, based on photogrammetry and photometric stereo. They were evaluated for colour fidelity and spatial detail, in the context of a study of toolmarks and manufacturing techniques of jewellery in ancient Egypt. It was found that although a 3D laser scanner gave the best geometric accuracy, the camera-based methods of photogrammetry and photometric stereo gave better representation of fine detail and colour on the object ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A, "Photogrammetric Multi-view Stereo and Imaging Network Design",
Title = Photogrammetric Multi-view Stereo and Imaging Network Design Author = Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian Publication date = 2014/2 Institution = University College London Description = Abstract This thesis proposes a new approach, photogrammetric multi-view stereo, for accurate and dense 3D reconstruction, including scale recovery from images. The novelty of the method can be seen in exploiting the length of the stereo camera base separation to define scale within a robust adjustment algorithm. The method is tested by imaging a series of known objects with stereo camera systems of varying quality. In each case, the baseline scaled network output is used as input into four different state-of-the-art dense matching ...
- Mona Hess, S Robson, A Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, "A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object"
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
Title = A contest of sensors in close range 3D imaging: performance evaluation with a new metric test object Author = Mona Hess, S Robson, A Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian Publication date = 2014/1/1 Journal = The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Volume = 40 Issue = 5 Pages = 277 Publisher = Copernicus GmbH Description = Abstract An independent means of 3D image quality assessment is introduced, addressing non-professional users of sensors and freeware, which is largely characterized as closed- sourced and by the absence of quality metrics for processing steps, such as alignment. A performance evaluation of commercially available, state-of-the-art close range 3D imaging technologies is demonstrated with the help of a newly developed Portable Metric Test Artefact. The use of this test object provides quality control by a quantitative assessment of ...
- L. W. MacDonald, A. A. Hosseininaveh A, S.Robson "Photogrammetric analysis of a heritage ceiling",
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
Title = Photogrammetric analysis of a heritage ceiling Author = Lindsay MacDonald, A Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson Publication date = 2014/1/1 Journal = The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Volume = 40 Issue = 5 Pages = 379 Publisher = Copernicus GmbH Description = Abstract Conservation of the painted ceiling at the historic Hampton Court Palace requires the condition of the ceiling to be monitored for signs of formation of cracks and flakes in the surface. Miniature monochrome cameras and LED lights were mounted on a horizontal bar, and raised by a telescopic mast to 60 cm below the ceiling. Images from the cameras were captured simultaneously by purposedeveloped software in a laptop computer at floor level. A series of image pairs was acquired at each location, rotating the mast between each ...
- B. Sargeant, A. Hosseininaveh A., T. Erfani, S. Robson, J. Boehm," A Webcam Photogrammetric Method for Robot Calibration",
Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications conference, SPIE 2013, Munich.
Title = A webcam photogrammetric method for robot calibration Author = Ben Sargeant, Ali Hosseininaveh, Tohid Erfani, Stuart Robson, Jan Boehm Publication date = 2013/5/23 Conference = SPIE Optical Metrology 2013 Pages = 879103-879103-13 Publisher = International Society for Optics and Photonics Description = abstract This paper describes a strategy for accurate robot calibration using close range photogrammetry. A 5-DoF robot has been designed for placement of two web cameras relative to an object. To ensure correct camera positioning, the robot is calibrated using the following strategy. First, a Denavit-Hartenberg method is used to generate a general kinematic robot model. A set of reference frames are defined relative to each joint and each of the cameras, transformation matrices are then produced to represent change in position ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, J. Boehm, M. Shortis, "Image Selection in Multi-View Stereo Photogrammetric Methods for Metric and Complete 3D Reconstruction",
, Videometrics, Range Imaging and Applications conference, SPIE 2013, Munich.
Title = Image selection in photogrammetric multi-view stereo methods for metric and complete 3D reconstruction Author = Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson, Jan Boehm, Mark Shortis Publication date = 2013/5/23 Conference = SPIE Optical Metrology 2013 Pages = 879107-879107-11 Publisher = International Society for Optics and Photonics Description = abstract Multi-View Stereo (MVS) as a low cost technique for precise 3D reconstruction can be a rival for laser scanners if the scale of the model is resolved. A fusion of stereo imaging equipment with photogrammetric bundle adjustment and MVS methods, known as photogrammetric MVS, can generate correctly scaled 3D models without using any known object distances. Although a huge number of stereo images (eg 200 high resolution images from a small object) captured of the object contains redundant data that allows detailed ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, J. Boehm, M. Shortis, K. Wenzel, D. Fritsch, "A Comparison of Dense Matching Algorithms for Scaled Surface Reconstruction Using Stereo Camera Rigs".
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 78, 157–167, 2013.
Title = A comparison of dense matching algorithms for scaled surface reconstruction using stereo camera rigs Author = Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson, Jan Boehm, Mark Shortis, Konrad Wenzel, Dieter Fritsch Publication date = 2013/4/30 Journal = ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume = 78 Pages = 157-167 Publisher = Elsevier Description = Photogrammetric methods for dense 3D surface reconstruction are increasingly available to both professional and amateur users who have requirements that span a wide variety of applications. One of the key concerns in choosing an appropriate method is to understand the achievable accuracy and how choices made within the workflow can alter that outcome. ` In this paper we consider accuracy in two components: the ability to generate a correctly scaled 3D model; and the ability to automatically deliver a high quality data set that ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Serpico, S. Robson, M. Hess, J. Boehm, I. Pridden, G. Amati," Automatic Image Selection in Photogrammetric Multi-view Stereo Methods".
Eurographics (EG), European Association for Computer Graphics 9–16 , 2012.
Title = Automatic image selection in photogrammetric multi-view stereo methods Author = Ali Hosseininaveh, Margaret Serpico, Stuart Robson, Mona Hess, Jan Boehm, Ivor Pridden, Giancarlo Amati Publication date = 2012 Pages = 9-16 Publisher = Eurographics Association Description = This paper brings together a team of specialists in optical metrology, museum curation, collection digitization and 3D development to describe and illustrate by example a method for the selection of the most suitable camera views, vantage viewpoints, from a large image dataset intended for metric 3D artefact reconstruction. The presented approach is capable of automatically identifying and processing the most appropriate images from a multi-image photogrammetric network captured by an imaging specialist. The aim is to produce a 3D ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, J. Boehm, "A Fusion of Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Methods for Accurate 3D Reconstruction", RSPSoc 2012, Falmouth.
Title = A Fusion of Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Methods for Accurate 3D Reconstruction Author = Ali Hosseininaveh, Stuart Robson, Jan Boehm, Publication date = 2012
- L. MacDonald, M. Hess, A. Hosseininaveh A., S. Robson, "Calibrating an Illumination Dome for Archaeological Metrology",
CAA 2011, University of Southampton OCS (beta).
[BibTeX]Title = Calibrating an Illumination Dome for Archaeological Metrology Author = Lindsay MacDonald, Mona Hess, Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson Publication date = 2011/12/17 Conference = CAA 2012 Description = Abstract Four techniques are compared for the geometric calibration of flash light positions in a dome illumination device for digital photography:(1) the shadow cast by a vertical pin onto graph paper;(2) the illuminance distribution on white paper;(3) the reflections from a billiard ball;(4) a multi-image photogrammetric technique. The precision of the coordinates obtained by the four techniques is analysed, and the consequent effect on the accuracy with which surface normals can be determined. Calibrated test objects are used to guide the ...
- A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, "Investigating the Capability of Videogrammetry Methods in Indoor 3D Modeling",
Geomatic 89, 2010, Tehran, in Persian.
Title = Investigating the Capability of Videogrammetry Methods in Indoor 3D Modeling Author = Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian., M. Varshosaz
- M. Varshosaz, A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Hadjihosseinlou, "Speed Prediction by GIS in Urban Streets", Map World Forum, Hyderabad, India, 2007.
[BibTeX]Title = Speed Prediction by GIS in Urban Streets Author = M. Varshosaz, A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Hadjihosseinlou,
- A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou, "Study of Traffic Elements by GIS", Map World Forum, Hyderabad, India, 2007.
Title = Study of Traffic Elements by GIS Author = A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou,
- A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou, "Studying the Effect of Traffic Elements for Speed Prediction", 7th conference traffic and transportation, Tehran, 2007, in Persian.
Title = Studying the Effect of Traffic Elements for Speed Prediction Author = A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou
- A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou, "Speed Prediction by GIS in Urban Streets", GIS conference, Gheshm, 2006, in Persian.
Title = Speed Prediction by GIS in Urban Streets Author = A. Hosseininaveh A., M. Varshosaz, M. Hadjihosseinlou,