Course Syllabus

  • Seminar

Course Description

This course introduces engineering science and technology for design and fabrication of micro and Nano systems. We will discuss both practical processing techniques as well as fundamental knowledge behind them. Major fabrication technologies such as wafer preparation, thermal processes, lithographic methods, thin-film deposition, wet and dry etching will be analyzed. The discussion will be based upon silicon wafer processes primarily while examples of processing techniques for other materials will also be presented. Also, micro design rules and challenges, sensing and actuating methods and mems application will be discussed.

Reference Books

  1. 1.Micro Electro Mechanical System Design, by James J. Allen
  2. 2.Introductory MEMS: Fabrication and Applications, by Thomas M. Adams
  3. 3.An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, by Nadim Maluf
  4. 4.Microengineering, MEMS, and Interfacing: A Practical Guide, by Danny Banks
  5. 5.Microsystem Design, by Stephen D. Senturia
  6. 6.Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale, by Stephen A. Campbell

Grading Algorithm

Items Percentage of Grade
Homework(1,2) 10%
Seminar 20%
Project 20%
Mid exam 20%
Final exam 30%
Total 100%